One more DK complain I'm going to lose it...
So you're mad that your class that was head-and-shoulders the best class is now only a head's worth above the next class? Give me a break, they haven't even touched one of the biggest imbalances: Dragon Blood. I've had DK's heal from 10%-90% DURING a Soul Assault ultimate. That's absolutely ridiculous to heal through an almost 700 DPS ultimate, and just another example of how ridiculously overpowered DKs STILL are.
DKs are still the strongest class
DKs still have Dragon's Blood along with a host of other good abilities
DKs still have arguably the best ultimate(s) in the game
DKs can still chain off walls and through doors and grates
You won't hear me (a sorc) complain about the bolt nerf when it happens, because I think it's warranted, but give me a break. DK and Vamp imbalances were some of the lowest moments of launch, and now that your class isn't faceroll stronger than everyone else, you cry like babies and threaten to cancel your subs? What whiners...
Grow a pair and show that you're a good player, not just a player using an OP class. The four classes should be relatively equal 1v1, but right now it's STILL not even close.
Aldonius Direnni - Vet Altmer Sorc (AD)
Tyrus Telvanni - Vet Dunmer DK (AD)
Al Donius Bundy - Vet Imperial NB (AD)
Aldonius Brutus - Vet Orc DK (DC)