PTS Installation question

Hey everyone, I have a question.
To avoid the re-installallation of the game for the PTS, am I able to copy my ESO live folder and rename it to play on the PTS?
Neizir Stormstrider

EU Megaserver

I have a fancy signature.
  • UPrime
    Yes, here are the steps:

    1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online
    2. Copy the folder "The Elder Scrolls Online" to "The Elder Scrolls Online PTS"
    3. Go into the PTS folder and delete the .version file in each of the 3 sub folders.
    4. Start the patcher. Click through any errors. It will then start downloading, hit chancel.
    5. Under Game Options in the new section, select Repair.
    6. It will now re-verify what's downloaded and patch.

    I'm in the middle of doing this right now, I'll let you know if it ends up not working.
  • UPrime
    Never mind, these steps don't seem to work. It still ends up re-downloading everything.
  • Skirmish840
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