If anyone has the extra gold to test drive this build and give me some feedback I would love them long time!!
This is an untested build that I have been tinkering with I just don't have the money to constantly respect. It is a 5med/2hea bow and duel wield build. I wanted to build something that would be good for stealth and taking out targets from range. I start with my shade, then teleport in to place a DOT and snare. I would hit my shades again to teleport out and then use Focused aim. Hit Incapacitate and then go to town with heavy attack spam while kiting. once he hits 25% you spam Impale and then move on.
For duel wield I use a CD for mitigation called elude. Then I use cloak with a surprise attack. Pop Incapacitate and a Rapid strikes. Then go to town using heavy attack spam. Or you could always cloak to a safe distance hit a mana pot and then use your bow rotation.
I would use 5med/2heavy armor with magika glyphs and infused traits. Go for any weapon power increases you can for jewelry.
I really hope someone gives this a try and lets me know how it works out it is specifically for nabbing kills in questing zones of cyrodill as well as nabbing reinforcements
Hope you enjoy I would love some feedback as well.
Note: I know Incapacitate doesn't work for bows yet but by the time I save enough to switch to this build it should be fixed