Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v1.2.0

  • SC0TY999

    What's going to be done about this vampire exploit. The below is a copy / paste from another thread who player is a vampire.

    Im a vampire and vamps have figured out how to combine mist and invisible pots with batswarm and fire their d***ed staffs at ppl. The skill line has been so abused and so ignored for the glaring fixes it needs (like being CCd while in mist form that aint supposed to happen) I would actually be ok with them taking out the skill line all together.

    I watched it tonight on Wabba. An enemy vamp never left invis..kept spamming batswarm and was firing their da****ed weapon at a poor orc who stood there trying to shoot at the location of the invisible staff until the orc died...It made me very angry. :\
  • zazamalek
    Between 1.1.3 and 1.2 what more do you want ? Nb has aamazing utility and equal dps, has good ranged dps options, and more group utility with veil, better healing capabilities, etc. than a dk can hope for.

    I think at this point a lot of people are confusing stamina builds with NB builds (because combining the two is naturally logical). Magicka NB builds are, currently, excellent - apart from the glaring bugs with the class (e.g. the invis).

    NB stamina builds peter out at 200-300DPS, if you are good/lucky. In PvP it's significantly less (on the order of about 80DPS if a zerg comes for you) because of having to excessively use stamina defensively, yes, even if you use the stamina AOE abilities. I think how stamina damage is calculated may actually be broken, according to the damage equations stamina should be doing the same damage (if not more) but it's really not:
    wpn_skill_tooltip_dmg = (max_stamina / 20 + wpn_dmg / 1.9) * skill_coef * rank_coef
    spell_skill_tooltip_dmg = (max_magicka / 20 + spell_dmg) * skill_coef * rank_coef

    Them doing similar amounts of damage obviously depends on them having similar coefficients.

    Also keep in mind there are more 1.1.X patches between now and 1.2.X. They might have bumped the priority of the NB issues (at least I hope they did, not only for our good, but theirs too).

    These are going to be the new NBs soon. This class needs a lot of love.
    dk is in much worse shape [...]

    You turned your well-thought out post into a troll with that statement. DK is still the "best" class in the game, not only because of DPS but also the immense amount of utility that they come with (reflect projectiles, area soft CC, loads of impressive synergies etc.) and how those utilities increase their survivability. They may no longer have the most DPS but they can still survive significantly longer/forever (and hence put out a much larger total damage).

    Balance is not only about DPS figures.
  • Snit
    Oberon wrote: »
    And nary a mention of fixing the universally hated "you cannot mount while in combat" game mechanic that very seriously impacts healers in Cyrodiil.

    The solution to this should be simpler. Whatever causes a Heal to put you in combat for several minutes, with no enemies within range, needs to be identified and changed. It feels like a bug, not a design decision.

    I'm also tired of having to run for a good minute after the rest of my group has mounted up, simply because I cast a heal a while back.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    SC0TY999 wrote: »

    What's going to be done about this vampire exploit. The below is a copy / paste from another thread who player is a vampire.

    Im a vampire and vamps have figured out how to combine mist and invisible pots with batswarm and fire their d***ed staffs at ppl. The skill line has been so abused and so ignored for the glaring fixes it needs (like being CCd while in mist form that aint supposed to happen) I would actually be ok with them taking out the skill line all together.

    I watched it tonight on Wabba. An enemy vamp never left invis..kept spamming batswarm and was firing their da****ed weapon at a poor orc who stood there trying to shoot at the location of the invisible staff until the orc died...It made me very angry. :\

    so thats what i ran into the other day. I just kept seeing ranged attacks hitting me and an ally and we couldnt fight back. i reported the possible exploit right after he killed us both. Im a vamp too and was unaware of this sploit, and no i have no intent on replicating.

    I hope they have some way of finding out whos done this and ban them. I should have screened the death recap :disappointed:
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    KerinKor wrote: »
    TheBucket wrote: »
    People put 49 points in to health, than all their armor has magika bonus's, and cry about how their weapon abilities are useless. Go figure..
    SO true.

    so you two believe one should have to shuffle points into stamina thus have less hp to do more damage, but not so with magica? Unreasonable.
  • Mendoze
    "Bolt Escape: After you use this ability, using it again within 4 seconds will cost 50% more."

    Any chance to increase the range of BE, since as far as I know bolt escape has shorter range than gap closers? Current fix just increases mana consumption excessively, because you always have to use it at least twice to get enough range between you and melee so they can't use gap closer instantly.
  • class101
    Now fishing is completely gone...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno asks your devs to wake up, seriously, not being able to fix bugs reported since day 1 is complete joke, 1.2 is just another garbage update
  • Attorneyatlawl
    So increasing the difficulty in Craglorn on some delves,which I can understand, but still not addressing the overpowered issue with npc's and bosses in VR1-10 areas? Would be nice if they just did a skill reset after this patch for everyone.

    There's one problem here with your post... the NPC's/bosses in VR1-10 zones are fine. Yes, they pose a small challenge, but they are killable easily more or less depending on boss with every class, some having harder times and easier times than others depending on each specific boss. For example veteran Balreth was a joke on my NB and done in 40 seconds from entering the area, while my DK took 3 minutes to down him from actual engagement to finishing him off.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on 4 June 2014 08:56
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • RangerChad
    I really hope that the info to Templars stays, it looks soo awesome and needed. :D sure will love it if everything they have planned for Templars goes through live!!!
  • Rosveen
    • Daedric Summoning
      • General Summon Improvements
        • Your pets will now stealth with you when you initially crouch.
        • Your pets can now be given a target to attack.
          • Press Y and left-click on your mouse to have them attack a target.
          • Press Y and right-click on your mouse to have them return to you.
        • The Storm Atronach pet will now cancel his cast when you tell him to switch targets, and can also switch targets faster which will result in slightly increased damage.
        • Your pets will no longer agro other enemies while you are mounted.

    Will you refund skill points for changed abilities? Igneous Shield is now completely useless to me.
  • makkon
    Siphoning Strikes: This ability now restores slightly less resources, and will no longer desync your resource bars upon use

    what? why?
    if you did it, will be alot of negative to current amount...
    if you want to change siphoning strikes, first - fix leeching strikes, then slightly decrease damage debuff.
  • Baphomet
    What is this idiocy where people say that in order to get really high DPS, I have to spam this and that ability, but I constantly find myself running low on resouces so my class must be broken? Are you kiddin' me?

    And what is this nonsense where people say that they can't run full stamina builds effectively so all stamina abilities need to be drastically empowered? If you can't see what that would do to the game balance, do stay out the balance discusions, please.

    (That's not to say there there aren't some of the stamina-feats which could use some tweaking, but most of them are perfectly fine.)
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • kirbus
    Any fix comming for the missing achievements that happend with craglorn?
    You can have it. I don't even like sweetrolls. <Crying on Inside>
    ...Yes, someone did steal my sweetroll.
  • mettatron
    Remember everyone, these are patch notes specifically for the PTS. The fixes and improvements we push to the live server will be slightly different as we receive feedback and get everything ready to go.

    To All Zos staff and Dev's ............


    What is the point in playing this game, testing it , reporting bugs glitches potential game breaking exploits when they are all to oft over looked!
    to what benefit and regard do we receive as recompense for our efforts ....

    You have taken a viable much loved series of games and twisted and deformed it to a shell of its former self for what pray tell ...the "casual gamer" who will play/grind if that for a few weeks or a month then move on to the next game to catch their fancy

    I take ESO in comparison with your former titles of the TES series and Look on with resolute abject horror at how you have thrown lore and play styles completely out of the window ..........

    granted all of the previous titles in this series have been of a "single player" nature but they have been consistently "dumbed down" from the "RPG" stand point eso is and was supposedly to be an action adventure rpg first and foremost and a "typical mmo" secondarily to give the allowed option to group up but even that most simplistic feature is abused and misused in this game .....

    case in point that players "mob/dog-pile" events in open world and in some causes dungeons/delves ect... as an example you have "groups of 24 vr1's in craglorn but they are "locked out of vr5/6 content unill they complete the requisite quests to get there( grouping in such large scale makes the content pale/cakewalk in comparison whatsoever and minimal challenge

    I can not count the amount of players farming the hell out of anomaly's in crag lorn ( or multi alliance clans "buying selling keeps and content in cyrodiil") and do not even get me started on the "game breaking loot lists" for those things with the amount of epic/artifact quality loot that drops from the anomaly chests ...but there is supposedly a ........."loot timer"........not to mention the whole risk vs/reward issue when you got 24 players there is very little risk and far to much reward

    personally i have canceled my subscription to this game!!!

    there is simply put far far to much abjectly wrong with it you bow down and kowtow to the "casual gamers" who want this game to be another tank and spank mindless button smashing genera you take the items which should be earned and give them out like candy and items that do nothing but give much needed buffs you break or completely "nerf them " you throw the lore of there previous titles out the window and restrict play style and character progression to the point of unplayability

    if you compare eso to morrowind from the skill sets(completely free and open ability to play your character as you choose example if you want to be a knight/theif/wizard you could be ) the ability to walk up if your powerful enough and "kill a god " vivic ...not to mention guards even if your "friendly /lawful with them

    the fact you have completely broke vampirism /lycantropry in regards to lore as well as rarity/power that both are completely reviled by the people of tamriel and slain on sight or at least attempted to be killed

    the dungeon the delves are the same layout over and over there small and tidy little things that take no time whatsoever to clear esp with the "dogpile group play style"

    the enchanting, spell making,alchemy weapon/armor crafting this game is in all honesty not much of an "rpg anylonger" its not even considerably a TES game in anything other than title and and diminished content the fact that a person with no skill in a craft can not only harvest any teir node but also deconstruct any teir armor is another serious down play i honestly weep in regaurds to what you have done to this game and this series of games

    my words to those of you whom may disagree and nay say

    I want my friend,wife husband ,boyfriend , girlfriend ,relative........who is a lvl 1 to come play with me well re roll/create a lvl 1 toon and play with them......

    to those of you whom grind to lvl cap ect ....i simply ask you why are you playing an RPG adventure exploration game in the first place if you don't want to take the time and enjoy what little content there is currently!

    to those of you whom intentionally exploit ,scam,cheat, for what ever your reasons i honestly pity you and feel sorry for you that you are so thusly compelled to do so but for my remaining time i will continue reporting you when i see it

    and lastly to the devs and staff of zos i honestly and sincerely beg you as an avid long time gamer and player of your titles ...especially TES games all the way from arena back in 94' to look back on your previous marvelous wonders and STOP DUMBING DOWN THE GAME make it a TES game first and formost an mmo secondarily as it should be pay attention to the lore that has been created before because for the larger portion of us that is why we even bothered to play in the first place

  • netsike
    Do you guys plan to fix the grouping problems in Cyrodiil? It's pretty ridiculous, that after 2 months large groups are still crashing there... Create the group in Cyrodiil causes lag and crashes for a lot of grp members, if we grp up outside (so not in the campaign) and we enter together, it's a bit better, but we still crash and need around 20m for starting.
  • lukelenb16_ESO
    Hmm....unfortunately still no improvement of meele specs. Atm there is no point to play as a meele in the group simply can't compete with all these guys wearing light armor with destro/restro staff. I play templar, dragonknight and sorcerer up to veteran ranks and all of these classes ended up as caster dds since any other spec doesn't make sense. Is there any chance to expect boosts on meele specs in the near future?
  • Biiiiiii
    When we'll can try this patch in that PTS ? please
    Already ready ?
    Edited by Biiiiiii on 4 June 2014 10:02
  • Sangeet
    Denaia wrote: »
    I wish it was a little bit more meatier though. I think the balancing is good but there isn't enough of it.

    Currently everyone is light armor + destro staff and there is no reason to not go for that. Simply because light armor gives bonusses to magicka and destro staff has the best aoe dps. Why not make all other weapons on par to Destro staff (by boosting, not by nerfing) and by making the other armors better compared to light armor? (Medium armor - stamina, heavy armor - health (tanks) and weapon damage (dps))

    Besides that I enjoy the patch notes, but there isn't enough balancing done this patch and in my opinion there shouldn't be waited with that anymore.

    QFT !!! This patch changes nothing, it clears some bugs, but the FOTM builds /class are still the same.

  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    Baphomet wrote: »
    What is this idiocy where people say that in order to get really high DPS, I have to spam this and that ability, but I constantly find myself running low on resouces so my class must be broken? Are you kiddin' me?

    And what is this nonsense where people say that they can't run full stamina builds effectively so all stamina abilities need to be drastically empowered? If you can't see what that would do to the game balance, do stay out the balance discusions, please.

    (That's not to say there there aren't some of the stamina-feats which could use some tweaking, but most of them are perfectly fine.)

    Why u participate in balancing discussion if u think that balancing is not needed? Stamina builds should be legit , viable and competitive way of building your char. What those changes might do to game balance ??? There is no balance if u talk about magic and stamina driven builds and their output . That is main point. Most people are not discussing full stamina builds but builds which are leaning their output towards stamina driven abilities and spells which are enhancing weapon abilities.
  • Lorkhan
    man, i'm happy. good improvements
  • rumpelsteel
    Soul Shriven
    this is the pts notes, which means it will hit the live server in approx. 1,5 month?

    though the content of it looks to me like maybe a weekly patch? ... approx 2-4 days of work?
    You needed to put single questfixes in a preview o_O to make it look bigger?

    ** Are there no Zenimax employees left? **

    2 Month in and the game still feels like an early access/beta single player game (unbalanced/bugged/broken).

    I dont like the direction you are choosing for handling our contract.
    This patchnotes (in addition to a long list of stuff) made me unsub with not a single bad feeling about it.

    Greetings to the ESO devolopers/designers who put theyr heartblood into the game! I know its not your fault.
    Edited by rumpelsteel on 4 June 2014 12:15
  • VileIntent
    Incapacitate + Flawless Dawnbreaker and good gear = NB's easily breaking 1k on crit with Heavy Attack on Bow by the way.

    I can do it on my DK almost right now... having another damage increase like that from Incapacitate would allow me to do that easily. God help us if they ever Make Haste effect Bows

    I break 1k crits all the time with a bow. Heavy attacks and i snipe for almost 1500 from stealth. we dont care about the crits.. how about 1k dps with a bow, 2 hander or DW in full medium armor...
  • Raizin
    vamp stage bug fix, vamp stage bug fix... i can spam this all i want, but ll never get it.
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
  • Ysne58
    How many of you have actually gone into the PTS and tested out the changes there? If you haven't, I suggest you go in test out the changes and see how they work instead of just assuming the sky is falling again.
  • BSGDevastator
    That's a ton of stuff getting fixed. Thanks! Please someone tell me again that ZOS isn't doing anything.
    V̜͚͂ͭͤ̈̌̽̏̈́̄͘͘͝ͅR̮͓͙̪̤᷊̭̯̉᷅̆̈́́̂̕1̴̖͓̹͔᷿͇̬̍̒̿ͤ̽̈́͠ ̧̙͉̪̤̙̫᷃͊̋̍̆̋ͧͭV̨̛̺̟̥ͫ̆᷅̄͊̑͌̃̓͟ą̵̩̠̒ͪ᷅̒ͫ͗̆ͨ᷈ͪ͠m̢̜̰͔᷂̱̀᷆ͤ͛̌͊᷇̈́̚p̡̺̼͕̣ͧͬͪͮ᷄̍̈̍̂͌į̠̦̖̰͚̒᷇̃̾ͪ͊ͧ̚͞r̟͈̣̭̂᷃̊̍̂͗̈̏᷾͗ͧe͢͏̗̱͚̥̜͙ͭ̃̒̋ͬ͢͞ ̴̺̼͇͂̿᷄̂̓ͤ͒̒̃͋͢N̝̯̹̩̰̼̑̿᷄᷉̃᷀̋ͩ͋ǐ̧̮̮̮͖̘̓͋̌᷅͆᷈̕ͅǵ͇̲͉̝̠̮͐̐̃ͯͫ᷾ͦ͟h̸͈̹̘̭̯̝̺͎͖̏ͬ̑̅̿t̪̠͎̲᷈͂ͯ̊ͭ᷇̀͗̅̕͠b̟᷊̻̹̝̑̌᷆᷁̂̃̈́ͩ͘͞l̠͙̻̪̣ͭ̿ͧͧ̈͛͛̒̓ͤa̡̛͈̠͇͚̮̬̔́̏̎̒͂̏ḓ̸͈̗͔̇̔̽͏̵̪̔ͪͨͥę͇͇̘̺̞̈᷈̒͐̂ͯ᷈ͩ͡
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    They do a lot . What is effect of "ZOS doing a lot" ? Its not just how much u do. Legit question as well is what are u doing. Its not like some big bad wolf put ZOS in this situation. THEY are developing this game for a long time. ESO is their product. They deserve all credits and all criticism for it.
    Biggest issue i personally have with eso is with dw/bow NB. In that department they did - nothing. Nothing at all . They are still correcting 2 month old bugs which shouldn't be there in first place. They said - we are looking into NB's and their contribution to group play ? Till when they will just look at that ?
    More or less i am not inpatient person or something like that but tell me what melee class / build is competitive against average caster build in pve ? Perhaps i should let them do their job and they should invite me back when they are ready because they need peace of mind ?
    Edited by tino.antoninieb17_ESO on 4 June 2014 13:32
  • Phantorang
    limeli8 wrote: »
    Bolt Escape: After you use this ability, using it again within 4 seconds will cost 50% more.

    So is it 300 then next one 450 and next one still 450 or 300-450-675? Cause if its the 1st one i'd still say its a bit much but its acceptable but if its the 2nd one then might as well remove ability all together or rename it into "bolt waste magica and still die 5 feet away"

    That would be radically misguiding, as 1 cast gets you 15m.The QQs you demonstrate here only serves to make you look dumb.
    Fimbulwinter Recruiting true Vikings | Campaigns score | EU PC
  • Phantorang
    Natjur wrote: »
    limeli8 wrote: »
    Bolt Escape: After you use this ability, using it again within 4 seconds will cost 50% more.

    So is it 300 then next one 450 and next one still 450 or 300-450-675? Cause if its the 1st one i'd still say its a bit much but its acceptable but if its the 2nd one then might as well remove ability all together or rename it into "bolt waste magica and still die 5 feet away"
    Its a mix of both as the 4 second timer is based on the first cast.

    So 3 casts under 4 seconds then its 300-450-675
    So 3 casts just over 4 seconds then its 300-450-450

    Not nerfed nearly enough then, the increased cost should be at least 100% if cast within 10 sec of first one. Actually it shouldnt be possible to cast it more than once in maybe a minute, or lets say 10sec to avoid to much QQs for this super OP ability.
    Fimbulwinter Recruiting true Vikings | Campaigns score | EU PC
  • HorsePhysics
    Fiiiix stamina buuiillddsss!
    Still stuck married to zazeer pls help with divorce
  • Raizin
    I dont assume, i know they didnt fixed the vamp stage bug.
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
This discussion has been closed.