Gold Smithing?

They gunna give us goldsmithing so we can make jewelry? Add new mining points for silver/gold/platinum & precious/semi precious jewels? Would be some cool new content to add for not just veteran players but all players no matter what your level is.
“Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”

  • Blade_07
    ~hears crickets~

    Nobody interested in this? O.o We can make enchantments for jewelry but cant make jewelry. Would love to have goldsmithing or could call it jeweler.

    ~CRACKS WHIP~ Make it happen Zenimax!!! New content for everybody not just veterans.
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”

  • Tarukmockto
    ZOS has already said that Jewelry crafting is a future goal. What more is there to say? Patience Grasshopper.

    Spend some time reading older posts about this subject:
    Edited by Tarukmockto on 30 May 2014 17:21
    NA - DC - DK - PC
  • Blade_07
    Well, cool. Good to know.
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”

  • Animus0724
    Woo, add the ability to craft our own money =D
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • AlexDougherty
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Woo, add the ability to craft our own money =D

    Jewellery, not money. What would be the point of minting your own money, there is nothing to buy.
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