Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Allow Individual Skill Refunding

Allow us to respec an individual skill instead. Please?

Just sleep on it ZoS.
Edited by xylus289_ESO on 28 May 2014 05:03
  • Greysun
    your insinuating that they have made good well thought out decisions during any other period of being awake and well rested? I much prefer the "holy crap this is reaaaalllly reaaaaly broken, no time to wait lets hotfix it NOW, like they did with kadera ruins and the crit not showing on screen or the trials fixes etc. at least those did not introduce more bugs into the game like their other "fixes" or "patches", no no ZoS stay asleep, the game is plenty broken without you messing with any other skills.
  • idk
    I agree. Maybe a higher cost per point, but it would be nice to be able to respect single skills to change morphs.
  • ozgod22_eso
    I would pay more than 100g per skill point if I could pick a morphed skill to remorph and only that skill, rather than paying 20k gold to respec every skill at max level just to pick a different morph.

    It's easy for people to say "oh but you have to think and make intelligent decisions when you pick skill points blah blah blah" and "oh but if you allow individual skill line respecs it will just make it easier for you to copy FOTM builds blah blah blah" and "oh but for immersion purposes you shouldn't be able to change anything, what you picked is what you are stuck with like the real world cuz that's what Skyrim was like blah blah blah".

    It's entirely plausible that you can make an intelligent decision to select a particular morph at the time that it becomes available, because it works well for you at that point of the game (e.g. when you are levelling). When you get to max level, or when you decide to PvP, some morphs can become more viable choices than the ones you picked when you were levelling.

    For example, you could morph the templar skill Backlash to Power of the Light to increase your damage while levelling as a solo player. But when you get to veteran and start running Trials, remorphing that skill into Purifying Light to provide splash heals to your teammates might become better.

    Or as a nightblade maybe you morphed Shadow Cloak into Shadowy Disguise because at the time the morph was available it made more sense for you to increase your crit while levelling since you are very squishy as a nightblade, but when you get to vet level and decide to start PvPing you may want to re-morph it to Dark Cloak, which removes DOTs. But what if you want to PvP and raid at the same time? Should you keep paying 20k each time you switch between Cyrodiil and Trials?

    TLDR version:
    There are lots of reasons why you may have made intelligent choices at the time of morph selection that need to change as your needs change, but because of the cost you are locked in to pretty much making one or two choices only before you totally run out of money, even at vet level. And no, not all of us have 100k gold to splurge around (that only allows for five different respecs at max level by the way).

    Edited by ozgod22_eso on 28 May 2014 05:48
  • Desdemonte
  • Noobie
    Agree right now my templar needs a respec, but cant afford to do a full respec. i have solar barrage currently and want to switch it out for the other morph (unsure of name) and get rid of jabs since its slow. I have impulse now for AoE and having solar barrage is just a waste :(

    I had barrage pre-patch, and didnt level destro until Post-patch
    Edited by Noobie on 28 May 2014 16:46
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