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I think 2handed skill is a little too heavy on the stamina use

I have a Templar tank that uses both sword and board and 2 handed. It seems that 2 handed is a little hard on stamina. I only have 2 of the skills slotted (charge and cleave) and I was pretty much getting a change and 1 cleave before running out of stamina. I started dumping points into stamina and now I get 1 extra cleave out of it before I'm dry. That seems a little too much.

At this point I'm considering swapping out the 2 handed charge for the aedric spear change but is it reasonable that I'm using a single skill from the weapon skill line? For sword and board I have charge plus taunt plus that skill that makes blocking cost less and reflects spell when active plus 2 more from my Templar line.
  • imobius
    Soul Shriven
    I think 2 handed needs a similar treatment to the Restoration Staff.

    Resto Staff heavy attacks recovers 15% Magicka, 2 handed weapon heavy attack should restores 15% Stamina.
  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    imobius wrote: »
    I think 2 handed needs a similar treatment to the Restoration Staff.

    Resto Staff heavy attacks recovers 15% Magicka, 2 handed weapon heavy attack should restores 15% Stamina.

    I'd be game if light attacks proc'ed a smaller restoration of stamina. I hardly ever Hvy attack unless to knock someone down. Light attack + Elemental warrior or whatever is just too good.
    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • ipkonfigcub18_ESO
    Then use Magicka abilities? You have access to both.

    Weapon abilities are simply this: move out one of your Magicak abilities for a Weapon (stamina) ability.

    That's what most players do. You shouldn't fill up your bar with stamina abilities.
  • loudent
    Then use Magicka abilities? You have access to both.

    Weapon abilities are simply this: move out one of your Magicak abilities for a Weapon (stamina) ability.

    That's what most players do. You shouldn't fill up your bar with stamina abilities.

    Did you my post? Because that is exactly what I did (and I said so in my OP).

    I'm down to 2 stamina abilities on my bar and thinking about dropping that to one.

    I've put 3 times as many attributes points into stamina than magicka, yet I'm loading my bar up with magicka abilities because one or two uses of stamina and I'm out. That doesn't make sense.

  • Darrett
    I use only Cleave on my 2 handed bar. You need stamina to dodge and block, and Templars have horrible resource management. Switch out critical charge ASAP.
  • rfpalmerb16_ESO
    2-Handed, Dual wield and Bow are WAY too stamina intensive when compared to their Magic based staff spells!

    To be on par, stamina use by 2-h, DW and Bow would have to be cut by 40 - 60% depending on the skill (this also takes into account that blocking, evading and sprinting use stamina which lowers stamina available for attacking).
    Round peg? Square hole? Not a problem with a big enough hammer.
  • temjiu
    I agree with OP, and solidly support this post.

    Magick skills are far too potent in this game compared to stamina skills. ESPECIALLY the ones involving melee attacks.

    2h tree is in a harder place them DW, and Bow line probably has the most flexibility of the 3, but they all suffer from the same issue.

    Stamina is triple dipped, Magicka is not. period. It would be interesting to see the cries on the forums if they switched dodging and blocking resources over to Magick :smiley:

    but stamina builds suffer exactly from this. I was really looking foward to my 2h templar build until i realized that i couldn't keep up. even with buffing stamina, and using our stamina return ability that buffs stamina (it was my only heal for a long time), you simply run out too fast.

    magick doesn't have half the penalties...and most class skills have morphs and passives that greatly aid this. Example: Crystal shard morph. 35% time EACH TIME you cast a magick based spell to proc it so it casts instantly, and costs 50% less.

    Now imagine that same morph for uppercut. id take that over the 2 current morphs any day of the week. i can see my stamina bar drop by almsot half every time i use that. and sadly enough, shards has a higher damage return per magick used then uppercut does. uppercut needs either a morph like this, or a drastic reduction in stamina costs.

    Cleaves damage shield, even buffed by 2-3 mobs, can barely take a single hit from one of those same mobs. again, damage intensive, but the bleed would be worth it if we could survive long enough in a VR fight to make that happen. up front damage needs to be buffed for the stamina cost.

    Our finished is actually nice. Reverse slice does exactly what its supposed to do. mediocre damage unless it's on a low health mob. cheap, and instant. it's almost easier sometimes to spam that 2-3x on a mob then try and hit it with uppercut. the cast time of UC combined with melee range means that you often will take either a heavy hit from a mob (in VR that can be deadly), or get hit with a Knockback yourself.

    But a proc like shards has would help out a ton. it procs, you have an instant hit. swing and bam. other then that the two skills are quite like each other. I don't like the damage disparity, as usually with ranged you are already getting the range as an advantage. but with shards...its a wash. higher damage, but slightly longer cast time.

    Unless the morph procs. and if you get that twice in a row, your creaming whatevers in front of you. uppercut actually got removed from my STAMINA bar to replace it with a class skill that was instant, used magick (so it wasn't such a resource drainer), and i could get off before the melee mob smacked me.

    I rant on, but the points are there. 2h, DW, and and stamina heavy skills needs some serious re-balancing. and they NEED to rethink they're approach to dodge/sprint mechanics. the best idea i've seen so far is a separate "energy" bar solely for non weapon type actions. putting them all in the same resource as one weapon type, but not doing that for the other, is horribly unbalanced.
  • Darrett
    An effectiveness increase of the stamina reduction passives would help greatly with this. The trouble was they didn't have a plan to start with.

    Stamina skills should have been cheap to use, with slower regeneration and fewer options for restoring it, meaning that as fights went on it would be more necessary to get some breathing room and regen. Instead, it empties quickly and also has few regen options, making it unviable.
  • temjiu
    Darrett wrote: »
    An effectiveness increase of the stamina reduction passives would help greatly with this. The trouble was they didn't have a plan to start with.

    Stamina skills should have been cheap to use, with slower regeneration and fewer options for restoring it, meaning that as fights went on it would be more necessary to get some breathing room and regen. Instead, it empties quickly and also has few regen options, making it unviable.

    I could see that being good middle ground solution. make stamina a slower draining resource...give more options to skill setups to regenerate that stamina.

    I still see separating damage based skills resource from action based skills resource the better long term solution, but this is a good idea as well.
  • NoMoreChillies
    stamina skills need alot of love, currently the devs favor magicka
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
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