Purple Recipes - price

I was wondering what your experience has been buying/selling these. A consumate purple that boosts recovering of all 3 stats by 6 (for example).. what do you think that should sell for?
  • madangrypally

    Depends on level of recipe. A Vet 5 for example will sell for a lot more then a level 35 recipe.

    I would expect a Vet 5 epic recipe can sell for a 100k+ pretty easy. Can likely get a lot more even then that.
  • Moonchilde
    Depends on level of recipe. A Vet 5 for example will sell for a lot more then a level 35 recipe.

    I would expect a Vet 5 epic recipe can sell for a 100k+ pretty easy. Can likely get a lot more even then that.
    For a non-Vet purple, do you think 20-30k is fair?
    Edited by Moonchilde on 27 May 2014 18:54
  • LonePirate
    There is absolutely no reason for any dropped item in this game to go for over10K gold, let alone 100K. The drop rate for purple recipes needs to be increased plain and simple. Take the rate at which blue recipes drop and cut it by 50-75% to create the drop rate for purple recipes. Right now, purples drop at less than a 1% of the rate of blue recipes, hence the outrageous prices. ZOS could easily fix this problem if they chose to do so. It would seem they tacitly approve of these sky high prices.
  • Moonchilde
    You'd think that would be a good way to curb gold sellers, by reducing the reasons for people to actually buy it.

    I totally agree, if they increased these drop rates, and lowered the cost of respecs (at least while they are actively balancing and patching this game), there would be less despair trying to save up for these crazy prices, or make it less painful to spend the time to find them.
  • Belrim
    Have had just one purple recipe dropping so far, since pre-access. And loads of blue. So yeh .. the droprate is pretty darn low for purples.
    Early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.
  • morashtakb16_ESO
    I swear I will see a Sasquatch long before I ever see a purple recipe in my bags. I know RNG is RNG but having looted everything in sight since early release and not seeing a single one is discouraging.

    The drop rate needs to be tweaked up a coupe of percentage points so, as previously stated, we do not have to choose between a purple recipe or a re-spec.
  • Sendarya
    If everyone could get purple recipes and easily level provisioning, what is the point?

    I would happily pay 50k for the v5 purple food that uses pepper, less if it requires oats or tomatoes. Drinks, even purple ones, are total garbage right now. I know, I have the 35 and 50 purple drinks, and I cannot even give them away. The actual drinks I mean, not the recipes, though it makes the recipes just as worthless.

    Also, can I tell my hirelings to stop bringing me grapes and hops? Seriously, might as well get nothing. I have been keeping track and about 75% of my hirelings deliveries are drink rarest. I got 3/3 hirelings for pepper, oats, tomaros etch, not totally useless hops....
    Sorry derailed there for a minute.

    But no, purple recipes should be very rare, and very expensive. At the same time, drops could be about doubled and still be the right rarity I think.

    I say this as someone who does have a lvl 45 purple food, but not the v5. I sincerely do not think I should get it easily or cheaply, or else everyone would just be making their own v5 foods.
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • Kuratla
    I heard WTB Purple VR5 recipe for 200k in zone chat yesterday. He was looking for a specific recipe though... don't remember which one. Personally, I have only 1 purple and it's a level 35 drink so pretty useless. I've never seen anyone in any of my guilds selling a purple VR5 recipe, food or drink. Their rarity makes Daedric motifs look like they grow on trees.

    I use blue level 50 food and it's quite acceptable for my own needs.
    V14 Templar Argonian Healer, V12 DK Orc Tank, V2 Sorcerer High Elf DPS, V1 Templar Breton DPS, V1 Nightblade Bosmer DPS, and 3 low levels.

    Check out my ESO journal["http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/66004/kuratla-s-eso-journal"]
  • Sendarya
    The funny truth is, I think the purple foods are less useful than the blue. Even though I can make high lvl purple foods, I only ever ever eat blue crab cakes for soloing, and crab stew for groups (because stamina becomes a mana pool for healing).
    I have not played all classes of course, but it seems like builds that benefit from all 3 stat buffs must be unusual, and you get a smaller buff anyway.

    I sell every purple food I make, and sit scratching my head at who needs all 3 that bad. Tanks I guess?

    Anyway, I personally prefer blue foods. I can make stacks without too much trouble, and the buffs are good sized.
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • nan.jieb17_ESO
    Personally I would pay about 300k for the purple vet 5 pepper recipe :D never saw one selling it unfortunately :P
  • Pyatra
    Vet level 5... I open everything... never seen a purple : (
    Edited by Pyatra on 29 May 2014 15:40
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