A lot has already been written about the way guilds are currently implemented.
for myself I like the idea of having several guilds, for example a trade guild, a social guild, a pvp guild etc.
However I am having constant issues in game because of the limitations. specifically either increase the number of guilds you are allowed to join, or make the number of players in a guild bigger. This is not the sort of player decision that adds any fun to the game.
This is driven from the hard limit of 500 people per guild and the guild stores - so to be able to buy and sell items I have to be a member of several trade guilds - and this means I can't join guilds for other purposes. In fact I'd argue that even if I joined five 500 player guilds for trading alone that is still too small a market.
Possible Solutions Suggestions:
- Double the number of guilds you can join (not ideal, too many channels)
- Increase the number of members in a guild (preferred, 2500 would be good)
- Implement Town, zone or faction stores (non-guild auction house)
- Make special mercantile guilds with less features but more members (cludge)