Ok. Thanks. I will decon all stuff
I found the best way to level up is that you have a friend that is higher than you or even a second character that is pulling in weapons and armour a lot higher than your rank that way you can take those high level weapons and deconstruct them and watch your level fly up.
I found the best way to level up is that you have a friend that is higher than you or even a second character that is pulling in weapons and armour a lot higher than your rank that way you can take those high level weapons and deconstruct them and watch your level fly up.
Food4Thought wrote: »
There are guilds out there whose soul purpose is to help players learn the crafting traits. I am actually a member of one such guild and more than once they have come through with having pieces with traits in the guild bank that I could research when I had nothing in my inventory left.
If research traits is becoming problematic, send me a tell in game or here on the forums and we can talk about membership. Because any day a crafter goes without researching something is day wasted toward reaching that goal of maximizing your crafting.