Things for ZOS to address in the next "direction of the game" post from Paul/Matt

Hi all!

Regardless of how you are feeling about the game right now, I think most of us could agree that there are a number of somewhat worrying aspects that have been somewhat undiscussed by the developers. One thing that I have appreciated about ZOS since launch is that we have gotten a few posts stating how things are going and where the company's priorities are.

That said, I propose that we, as a community, create a sort of list of things that we would like to see an official response to, in hopes of having our nerves assuaged and to reunite the community.

A few of my own:

1. The general apathy most people are feeling to the long VR grind.
2. Avid members of the community getting banned with no customer service email/notification.
3. Whether or not Trials are going to be the long term solution for "raids" in ESO. I know that I don't speak only for myself in saying that I want an experience more akin to WoW's lengthy and challenging raiding process, not just a 30 minute 12 person instance. I like guild progression!
4. Whether or not we can expect the number of campaigns to be reduced at the end of the current 90 day cycle in order to give a much-needed boost to campaign pops.

What are your thoughts? What would you like to hear an official take on?
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