Mage guild - Buged skills - yes it's a surprise: D

Soul Shriven
Welcome to another of bug in this game.

Today we look at skill Might of the Guild
Rank I - Casting a Mages Guild ability increases spell power by 10% with next attack Effect lasts up to 8 seconds after casting a Mages Guild ability.
Rank II - Casting a Mages Guild ability increases spell power by 20% with next attack Effect lasts up to 8 seconds after casting a Mages Guild ability.

Ok i cast the spell " STRUCTURED ENTROPHY " to run "Might of the Guild"
Dmg spel use:
- Unstable Flame - direct dmg + dot spell - FL
- Cinder storm - dot spell - CS
- Inner Beast - direct dmg - IB

Damage without Might of the Guild skill
FL - 201 / 81 / 90 / 100 / 110
CS - 26
IB - 198

Damage with Might of the Guild skill rank I is equal to rank II .
FL - 222 / 81 / 90 / 100 / 110 = 10%
CS - 29 = 10%
IB - 218 = 10%

Finding that this skill does not work on damage over time spell was a disappointment for me. But to the second level this skill does not work at all is a mockery to the players. :'(:'(
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    its more that its discription is mentioning spell power rather than spell damage which your findings show to be the actual boost that bugs me.

    the fact that lvl 2 flat out doesnt work? ya thats definitly another in a long list of bugs.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • ArRashid

    Magelight morphs have their animations switched.. the crit morph should have just glowing hands and face, the stealth morph should have the giant ball of light

    Entropy damage is the same. You've promised us increased damage, yet is still deals less damage than soul magic's Trap Soul (or whatever's the name after change) over a longer time. So basically still not worth using..
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