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Really wish we'd get better loot..

As the title says, I really wish we'd get better loot in this game. I just feel that grinding for 4-5 hrs straight with crappy drops like the ones we're given is just not satisfying.

In order to get good gear in this game you either have to GRIND your brain out for days on end or buy mats from other players. Additionally you can also buy their overpriced crafted sets for 25k a piece.

Either way these methods are costly gold wise and time wise. And with these costly repairs, I'm not looking forward to even try to bargain with people.

The dungeon loot from chests and boss drops for the most part are a complete joke. The loot from the trials isn't all that great either. I get 2 blues from killing the first boss, and this is the reward I get? Maybe some epics would be nice, I mean I did spend hours trying to find somewhat of a competent group to do it with (have yet to get past the 2nd boss.)

Edited by Zabus on 26 May 2014 07:46
Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • Drazticulous
    I guess I'm lucky but I buy set pieces for 750g a piece...
  • Zabus
    I guess I'm lucky but I buy set pieces for 750g a piece...

    I don't think anyone will be getting epic crafted sets for 750g a piece. People are charging 1k minimum for crafted white. From what I've seen and I could craft those myself.
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • Drazticulous
    I can see the higher trait sets going for more but my fav sets are max 4 traits so i have no problems. As for epic.... i have a toon dedicated to deconstructing for those mats
  • ZiRM
    It really is a let down working for something... waiting for that sweet loot and then....

    BAM! 4 pieces of green armor and a dagger.

    As I've said before what's the point of an MMO without sweet, useful loot rewards?
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Zabus
    I can see the higher trait sets going for more but my fav sets are max 4 traits so i have no problems. As for epic.... i have a toon dedicated to deconstructing for those mats

    I decon every single purple I get, which is hardly any. Yes higher trait sets cost more, and obviously going to cost much more the depending on the color as well.

    The problem here isn't deconstructing for mats, it's actually getting the drop.
    NiRN wrote: »
    It really is a let down working for something... waiting for that sweet loot and then....

    BAM! 4 pieces of green armor and a dagger.

    As I've said before what's the point of an MMO without sweet, useful loot rewards?

    I have at least 100 of every green out there. Ask me how many yellow mats do i have? Maybe 1 or 3 that I've gotten from my hirelings and that's since day one.

    To top it off bosses NEVER drop legendary gear. You either get really lucky with the hirelings or you pay 2k or w.e it costs for it. Not to mention you need at least 5 pieces to craft it with maxed out improvement skill. That's 10k right there. Multiply that by 5 for a 5 piece set and that's 50k already. And if you're getting a crafted set from a player they also charge you for the greens, blues and purples. Not mention the little extra for taking their time out of their day to craft it for you.

    It ridiculous how much it costs to get a crafted set. That's precisely why I AVOID paying for them. That's too much gold, and I'm not exactly getting money. Especially when I spend most of my time PvPing or grinding for loot (which are mostly green .)

    I honestly just want my endless grinding to amount to something for a change.
    Edited by Zabus on 26 May 2014 08:48
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • indytims_ESO
    I don't even grind, and a complete set of blue armor is pretty easy to get.

    If you're insisting on yellow, in every slot, and expecting it to be easy - I think you need to reassess your expectations. The best gear in the game should -never- be easy to acquire - grinding or not. It should take time, and lots of it. Especially once you GET that all yellow set and then look around and wonder... what next? This has always been at the heart of the carrot-lure mechanic of games like this.

    The game has been out less than two months, and people already whine about being VR10 or whatever and bored. Or not having all yellow equipment. Or not having every crafting skill maxxed because some are slower to level than others. It's ludicrous. Zeni is under no obligation to hand out every reward to players in any sort of set amount of time. As any good business, they should be trying to please as many paying customers as they can - not just the impatient noisy ones. In doing so, of course, they're gonna lose some customers because it's a fact you can't please everyone, all the time. Maybe you're one of those? Maybe there's another game out there that hands out the best gear on every boss mob that you can farm for 6-8 hours a day, and acquire a complete suit of within 60 days of launch?

    1k for white armor? On the NA server, I see plenty of people offering to make gear for less, and I've even seen some crafters offering to give away regular white crap just as they are leveling crafting. At least pre-50 - I have no idea how nasty/tough it is after 50, but seriously I hope it *is* tough.

    I don't want a return to EQ-style slowness, but the 'instant/insanely fast gratification' crowd is what really kills MMOs nowadays, in my experience. People race to the end, want the best of everything in every slot as soon as possible - then wonder why they are so bored waiting for (insert MMO company name here) to create more content -just for them-. Maybe you guys are in the majority. Or maybe you're not. I dunno.
  • Zabus
    I don't even grind, and a complete set of blue armor is pretty easy to get.

    If you're insisting on yellow, in every slot, and expecting it to be easy - I think you need to reassess your expectations. The best gear in the game should -never- be easy to acquire - grinding or not. It should take time, and lots of it. Especially once you GET that all yellow set and then look around and wonder... what next? This has always been at the heart of the carrot-lure mechanic of games like this.

    The game has been out less than two months, and people already whine about being VR10 or whatever and bored. Or not having all yellow equipment. Or not having every crafting skill maxxed because some are slower to level than others. It's ludicrous. Zeni is under no obligation to hand out every reward to players in any sort of set amount of time. As any good business, they should be trying to please as many paying customers as they can - not just the impatient noisy ones. In doing so, of course, they're gonna lose some customers because it's a fact you can't please everyone, all the time. Maybe you're one of those? Maybe there's another game out there that hands out the best gear on every boss mob that you can farm for 6-8 hours a day, and acquire a complete suit of within 60 days of launch?

    1k for white armor? On the NA server, I see plenty of people offering to make gear for less, and I've even seen some crafters offering to give away regular white crap just as they are leveling crafting. At least pre-50 - I have no idea how nasty/tough it is after 50, but seriously I hope it *is* tough.

    I don't want a return to EQ-style slowness, but the 'instant/insanely fast gratification' crowd is what really kills MMOs nowadays, in my experience. People race to the end, want the best of everything in every slot as soon as possible - then wonder why they are so bored waiting for (insert MMO company name here) to create more content -just for them-. Maybe you guys are in the majority. Or maybe you're not. I dunno.

    Except I'm not insisting on yellow in every slot. I simply used it to make a point on how much it costs to get a set with it. Since yellow's CANNOT be grinded at all, the only means of acquiring them come from hirelings or other players as previously stated.

    I'm not expecting hand outs, I am grinding for a chance to get them. The only problem is I'm constantly getting useless whites that I could craft myself. Not to mention the frustration that when it is a purple, it's a ring I already have or some jewelry I have no slot or use for.

    The drop rate is like 80% white. 15% green, 4.99% blue, and .001 percent purple.
    And maybe that's me being generous with the epic drop rate. I wouldn't mind, maybe getting a purple for completing it for the first time or maybe for getting an achievement in the dungeon. You can only get about 5 achievements tops, so it's not like I'll be swimming in epics. Besides there's no guarantee you'll get the mat from deconstructing even with 3/3 extraction. So those 5 epics, turned into what? Maybe 2 mastic?

    And you're asking me what's next? Well after I've acquired enough mats to have every single thing purple in my slots, since apparently I insist so much on it. I now have to face a raised level cap, and now the cycle begins once again. By the time I have maxxed out gear, if I really wanted it well.. it wouldn't amount to much anymore. With the amount of time it takes to level and acquire mats, + raised level caps, maxing out gear just isn't rewarding.

    Obviously you won't be paying 1k for whites, pre-50. I guess I should have made it clear in the first post, but this is all about getting better rewards for vets.

    I don't want instant, I'm just asking to be rewarded. Give us a reward for completing the dungeon 100 times, or maybe for completing it 50 times within a certain time limit. Not do the dungeon and receive pointless whites yay!!

    Honestly besides xp, dungeons are pretty pointless. And at V12 xp is pointless so..
    Edited by Zabus on 26 May 2014 10:04
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • Jarnhand
    Sadly after the 'bot farm nerf', loot from most dungeons are useless, even group dungeons. Most just drop white/greens, its saddening.
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