When the game first started, I found it very enjoyable, fun, fast, and easy to learn. But as the game progressed, it's started a rapid spiral down hill for me. It started with mass bots farming the public dungeon bosses. That was fixed rather quickly. Then it snowballed. Now we have bots everywhere, stealing resource nodes, teleporting rapidly, using invisibility hacks, and evening traveling through and under the ground.
Then to add to my headache, now I hear people looking for this mod or that add-on... Seriously... This game is simple enough, but now you have people already moding and add-on'ing the game. Might as well just merge with Blizzard, put all their add-on's and mod into this game and ruin it too. Soon enough this Game is going to become just as messed up and corrupted as World of Warcraft.
After the discussion I was in. I am done, I am finished. I am not going to watch this game die and rot like WoW was started to. I don't even want the refund on my subscription. That is how bad I pity this game now. I am going back to Skyrim where I can still enjoy the game, and not have to worry come some outside source corrupting the game because it didn't have some tiny piece of coding they can't live without.