Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

So, this happened... (fun with glitches, lots of screenshots)

(TL;DR, screens are below)

Last night I was in a delve without a shortcut looped back to the beginning, like most do. So when I got to the end, I had to backtrack all the way through the delve to exit (or wayshrine, I suppose, but didn't care to spend the gold). I admit, I was in a rush so I just sprinted all the way back through, agro'ing but ignoring basically all the mobs in between. Naturally, they chased me.

Have you ever opened a door, but then ran away from it? The screen goes black, like it's about to load, but then pops back to normal since you walked away from the door. Something similar to that happened to me, but with comical consequences. I had reached the exit but likely at the same time the server registered my 'leaving' the dungeon, I also got attacked and damaged by one of the mobs chasing me. As a result, the screen faded to black but then popped back to normal and I was still in the dungeon. I turned to take care of the mobs.

For those of you unaware of archer skills, one of our skills pushes the enemy away as well as making your character jump backwards as well. I used this skill since the mob was right on my butt, and the skill ended up pushing me back through the door I had just 'opened,' but not gone through. The result? Outside of the map, and oh man did I have fun with it. I know I have heard and seen /plenty/ of cases where players fall through stairs or even just the ground and fall into the abyss - this is not unheard of in many games. But I have yet to see someone talk about something like this happening to them.

To the left, on top of that ridge, is the door which I was pushed through.

Turning 180 degrees from the previous screenshot, I see this.

I ventured a ways, then turned around again to get another shot of the dungeon landscape.

Even further away.

The edge of the world.

It was very amusing.

I actually accidentally walked off the edge, and predictably I fell infinitely. Eventually the server kicked me saying I had reached the message rate cap (IE: spamming), even though through this entire ordeal I hadn't typed a word.

I eventually got out by wayshrine.
  • OmniDo
    Yeah, players can force this to happen, if they travel too fast while an area is loading.
    You should see what happens to you in Coldharbour. xD

    Apparently, nothing is "Solid" until after its been rendered, resulting in no collision between your character and objects that are meant to be solid.
    Since all this occurs client-side, their "physics" rules are apparently applied after static mesh texture data is loaded.

    Ironic how if you blast super fast, you can go through walls and fall through the world, but at full speed, NPC's are apparently harder and more dense than an Iron Asteroid, stopping you and your horse dead in your tracks.
    Edited by OmniDo on 25 May 2014 21:04
  • iAmTheTot
    I have heard of people warping across the map before but never this.
  • subecsanur
    Did you get damaged armor when showing up at the wayshrine? I wish they would take that out if it were due to glitches in the game, why would a /stuck also do the same doing damage to your gear?
  • Natjur
    "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

    You took the red pill and found out the truth of the world!
  • Dagus
    subecsanur wrote: »
    Did you get damaged armor when showing up at the wayshrine? I wish they would take that out if it were due to glitches in the game, why would a /stuck also do the same doing damage to your gear?

    to keep people from abusing it to get a free trip to a wayshrine and subsequently a free trip from wayshrine to wayshrine.

    in regards to the thread.
    it is a very fun thing to go about outside the intended caged in areas of MMOs. if you know a bit what you are doing and what should be where etc, you sometimes end up finding content that hasnt been released yet.

    new maps they put into the client but arent in use, new npcs, new dungeons etc etc etc.

    all potentially banable fun happy times.
  • Bookwyrm
    Bless you for documenting this.

    I needed a laugh. XD
    Don't talk to me! I'm a shrub. - Frozen Man
    Bookwyrm - The Thread Killer
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    That last pic and paragraph, the first week of launch I had that happen just by jumping. Not near anything, just in town, and decided to jump up and down, once. I jumped clear out of the world!

  • iAmTheTot
    That last pic and paragraph, the first week of launch I had that happen just by jumping. Not near anything, just in town, and decided to jump up and down, once. I jumped clear out of the world!

    That was somewhat common in beta but I had not heard of it happening again since launch.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    It's been a while since that happened, and might have been pre-launch (5 day access). No problems since then, though.

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