Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

5 Days Later

Soul Shriven
It's been 5 days since the world ended with the newest patch. Has the game been fixed yet? Is veteran trash content still equivalent to a EQ style raid to complete? I had to Zerg a dungeon and couldn't get past 3 mob pulls without death. I put in a request ticket for a callback 5 days ago and Bethesda hasn't called me either. I think I'm just going to stop playing and wait till Dragon Age comes out before I start playing another game. This patch ruined ESO for me.. But has it been fixed yet?
  • Rikushin
    Soul Shriven
    If I didn't make it clear I stopped playing when the patch hit - so I haven't logged in since then. Which is why I'm asking
  • Gornt_Grimreaver
    Not really, there will be some fanboys who say "It's Perfect!" but no not really. Mobs are still WAY overpowered than they used to be in vet content. Some mobs seem to be fixed yet others are still the way they were. Tested it out on a Vr5 Sorc mob last night. With DW and my dps of 170 i watched a sorc mob's health actually go UP slightly while I was attacking lol and Im Vr8. Nah right now about all im doing is research for crafting and feeding the horse. ZoS has blinded others with Craglorn and screwed up everything else in the process. They say 24 hrs over and over again but on a holiday weekend I wouldnt expect anything until Tues. Thats not even touching the login issues and disconnects, or the memory leak; which was suppose to be fixed.
    Just a spoonful of moon sugar helps the medicine go down.
  • nerevarine1138
    Thursday was 5 days ago?

    He's from the future! He must be studied!
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