Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Here are my complaints!

I am one who rarely complains. I understand the work that Zenimax puts into getting this game right but WTF!! There is something called "CUSTOMER SERVICE" which I believe game designers not just Zenimax have forgotten about.

You guys are losing customers and it doesn't seem like you care. There are no apologies to us when you break the game more than before a patch. There are no bonuses per se to make up for it. It's as if the gaming community is expected to tolerate the issues we have to go through with online games and it's ridiculous.

I have been online gaming for around 18 years and have played hundreds of titles. Sometimes when an unexpected patch or maintenance was necessary the players we compensated for the downtime of the game. I bring this up because we are having issues with these random rollbacks and it doesn't seem like anything is being done about it. I lost a motif yesterday because of it. Sure I could buy one no problem but that isn't the point. The point is the game should have been brought back down immediately when the problem was brought to your attention and it wasn't. Why do we wait until the next maintenance day to fix things?

Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

Other than the two problems I have listed above I'm pretty happy with the game overall. But damn Zenimax, read the forums and apologize to us when you break stuff. At least give us some inclination that you care about your customers.

  • Viblo
    They gave us 5 days free.
  • Catflinger
    Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    I believe this is because of bots farming the public dungeon bosses. But I agree that I sucks hard that legit players were the ones punished.

  • Lox
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.
  • Syrrisdevlin
    kinda hit the nail right on the head there I mean seriously im all for new content but rushed crappy unstable builds are not acceptable personaly I think you guys are blaming zenimax too much and remember their employer BETHESDA and we all know what kinda rushed crap they let through look at all the bugs and crashes with fallout and skyrim need I say more lets cut zenimax some slack because we all know who their boss is and what kinda crap they let go in to their single player games
  • denicolad16_ESO
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?
  • AbraCadabra
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?

    I thought you said you got 3-8 gold. That's something, although probably not what you were wanting.
  • Skillet
    I want legendary drops dammit!! ;)
  • nerevarine1138
    ... and that's what really grinds my gears.

    Honestly, people. There's a feedback feature in-game. That's the only way you can guarantee someone at Zenimax reads your barely-coherent rants.
  • Gilandred
    I have been online gaming for around 18 years and have played hundreds of titles. Sometimes when an unexpected patch or maintenance was necessary the players we compensated for the downtime of the game. I bring this up because we are having issues with these random rollbacks and it doesn't seem like anything is being done about it. I lost a motif yesterday because of it. Sure I could buy one no problem but that isn't the point. The point is the game should have been brought back down immediately when the problem was brought to your attention and it wasn't. Why do we wait until the next maintenance day to fix things?

    If you've been online gaming for 18 years then you would know that certain issues take time to fix. The rollbacks are being fixed server side and do not require a client restart. You were also given 5 days free game time to compensate for excessive downtime during launch. If you spent a few minutes on these forums you would know that ZOS is doing exactly what you are accusing them of not doing.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    This is hilarious.

    They gave us 5 free days, they worked on memory leak and other issues during Memorial Day weekend, they have been communicating, getting back ot tickets, etc. constantly.

    If you have been playing for "18 years," then I don't know what to say to you seeing that you lack common logic and observational skills.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • denicolad16_ESO
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?

    I thought you said you got 3-8 gold. That's something, although probably not what you were wanting.

    3-8 gold is nothing. What kind of reward is that? Honestly you don't have an argument on this point.
  • Ysne58
    While it is disappointing when I only get a few gold pieces...the game does not guarantee legendary drops every time you fight a boss.
  • Hadria
    You killed him now run off to do something else for a bit then go back and kill again.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    This is hilarious.

    They gave us 5 free days, they worked on memory leak and other issues during Memorial Day weekend, they have been communicating, getting back ot tickets, etc. constantly.

    If you have been playing for "18 years," then I don't know what to say to you seeing that you lack common logic and observational skills.

    They worked on a memory leak they caused themselves when they released an untested patch just before a holiday weekend began.

    An entirely unnecessary and completely avoidable problem, as was the VR debacle. All it required was somebody other than us testing the patch before it was released.

    PTS people have already said all they had was Craglorn and a template test character. They saw none of the rest of it.
  • kaosodin
    Agree 18 years with mmo, lol

    After 3 months than complain
  • denicolad16_ESO
    I haven't read an argument to my post that makes anything Zenimax is doing okay. 5 free days woop-de-do. I would have paid for those days anyway and an additional 5 "free" days means nothing when I am going to continue my sub for a long time.

    How many of you have lost good items or a good amount of progress to the sudden rollbacks? Explain how that is okay? Please defend Zenimax more for their lack of customer support, lack of customer service and lack of listening to the community.

    I understand that overtime as the game progresses it will get better. I'm not complaining about bots, they are just a part of the game and I don't really care about them anyway. I am complaining about them just not listening to us. That is the entire point of this thread.
  • AbraCadabra
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?

    I thought you said you got 3-8 gold. That's something, although probably not what you were wanting.

    3-8 gold is nothing. What kind of reward is that? Honestly you don't have an argument on this point.

    I beg to differ. Nothing is nothing. 3-8 gold is something.
  • Ysne58
    We did have access to what our characters did and I tried to test a couple of things outside Craglorn. There simply were not enough people testing to catch any of this. PTS needs to be available to anyone who wants to check it out when there is testing in order to get enough people in there checking things out. ZOS staff has said that with the next testing phase, it will be available to everyone who wants to test.
  • Vlaxitov
    kaosodin wrote: »
    Agree 18 years with mmo, lol

    After 3 months than complain

    Because after your first 6 husbands beat you from time to time for 18 years, your 7th husband should at least get 3 months to beat you before you complain.

  • Syrrisdevlin
    im sorry I bring this up a lot but ill do it again if you've been gamming for 18years then you must have played EQ in its early days so again EQ was the ground breaking MMORPG that set the world on fire to MMO's sorry you wow fanboys wow was nothing more then EQ's predecessor so to address many issue at once

    lack of AH EQ didn't have one for a long time, boss loot and wait times really??? I spent weeks upon weeks in places like lower guk trying to get items and most of that time was spent waiting around just to get on the waiting list to get in to the group that was camping the boss just to have the boss not drop the item at all that day hell even in wow you can spend days/weeks months trying to get that one item you need to complete your tier set depending on raid make up.

    As for the whole rollbacks and item duping and all that I agree they should have opened the beta test up to more people and let the masses have a crack at it instead of just the weekend crap where not very many peeps could even get to the higher lvl content to test it out and I think that was some thing new that game dev's were trying out and it failed wildstar was doing the same *** and I think they seen what happen to teso cause they completely nixed that and opened the beta up this last couple weeks after their beta weekends so it was a live and learn and zeni paid the price.

    In EQ there was a merchant that you could buy stuff from and he wouldn't actually charge you for it and then you could just sell the items to another merchant and get free currency and there was a item dupe as well that I discovered in eq years after release so that's forgivable I even think wow had a couple cases of similar events so its not like its unheard of in the mmo world it happens they fixed it yes they should have done it sooner but they prob thought they had it fixed with the launch build I dunno..

    the whole not being able to grouping with your friends because of phasing it does suck but really bro really its a mmo make new friends even if its just for that one freaking quest invite some random person and make a new friend it works and who knows that new friend may just be your best healer later on when you hit endgame pve or pvp hell they may remember you later on and see you again and save your ass just cause you invited them and got to know each other even if it was just as acquaintances

    Lack of customer support welcome to the world of newly released MMO's those guys are swamped with tickets and im sure they are working as best they can *** even long time running MMO's have poor CSR teams to date WoW had the worst CSR ive ever seen and it wasn't tell they made millions that they got a decent team and even then it can take them days and weeks to get back to you on a ticket right after a patch/expansion
    Edited by Syrrisdevlin on 25 May 2014 15:48
  • Gwarok
    kaosodin wrote: »

    After 3 months than complain



    ...and just to add I get pretty stoked when a mob drops 3-5 gold and darn near orgasmic when I find 10 when AOE looting
    Edited by Gwarok on 25 May 2014 15:47
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Bryong9ub17_ESO
    People complaining have simply become spoiled. They have this one mind set his how things are supposed to be and are simply scared of change

    Considering the thousands on top of thousands of people that play this game every day I feel they are doing a great job with the customer service. What do you want from them? They can only pay and hire so many people. Do you want everyone to have there own personal help desk? That's unrealistic. You are just one out of thousands that play this game.

    And I have no problem with the loot. They did it the way they did for a reason. We are all playing on one big server. If a certain boss was know for dropping a nice piece of gear don't you think there would be hundreds of people farming it every day/hour/week. It would be insane. And that's not including the crazy amount of bots that would be also. Loot chests, great gear can be found in them, they are random and bots can't enter them.

    This game is still relatively new and will only continue to grow. Every MMO has rough starts and have bugs they have to work out that may not or can not be addressed until after the game is released.

    I feel that 99% of the people that complan about this game have no idea that amount of work and time it takes to put together a game like this. The hours of coding and trouble shooting it takes is exhausting. And on top of that, deadlines that have to be made and pressure from the thousand's of customers complaining about every little thing.

    I personally think they have done a great job considering the insane high expectations for this game. I commend them.
  • DanteYoda
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?

    I thought you said you got 3-8 gold. That's something, although probably not what you were wanting.

    3-8 gold is nothing. What kind of reward is that? Honestly you don't have an argument on this point.

    I beg to differ. Nothing is nothing. 3-8 gold is something.

    3 to 8 gold isn't even worth the time killing them, these dungeons are pointless..
  • denicolad16_ESO
    People complaining have simply become spoiled. They have this one mind set his how things are supposed to be and are simply scared of change

    I feel that 99% of the people that complan about this game have no idea that amount of work and time it takes to put together a game like this. The hours of coding and trouble shooting it takes is exhausting. And on top of that, deadlines that have to be made and pressure from the thousand's of customers complaining about every little thing.


    Not quite sure what you mean here. I am scared of change when it's time for a scheduled maintenance. I'm scared something even worse is going to happen to us.

    So if I go buy a new car and there is something wrong with it I should just accept it as it is because a lot of people worked hard on it?
  • Lox
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Lox wrote: »
    Next issue; Why when I fight a public dungeon boss do I get only 3-8 gold? Now I have to sit around for respawn and re-fight him to hopefully get some good loot. That sucks.

    RNG is RNG! You don't have to wait around for respawns to get the loot at all, that is totally your choice.

    So you're saying it's okay to get nothing?

    I thought you said you got 3-8 gold. That's something, although probably not what you were wanting.

    3-8 gold is nothing. What kind of reward is that? Honestly you don't have an argument on this point.

    I beg to differ. Nothing is nothing. 3-8 gold is something.

    3 to 8 gold isn't even worth the time killing them, these dungeons are pointless..

    Then don't do them, nobody is forcing you to.

    What do people actually want / expect from these miniboss drops?
    What areas are we talking about here .... 1-50 lvl zones or VR content?
    You get a bit of gold and a chance at an item, seems OK to me, its not like you need a lot fo gold anyway.
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