How did you manage to screw up what SHOULD have been the worlds easiest sell? You had the fanbase of TES and the budget of Bethesda, and yet you ruin this game.
You patch yesterday and now thousands of people have memory leaks that persist until you reboot. How is that even possible?
You nerf shield bash because it was OP in PvP, way to nerf globally. Really shows your experience.
Nerf to Divines trait? Wtf? Was this gamebreaking in someway? I must have missed were the.5% extra per piece was broken.
People spend weeks questing (because you decided that was how we would level to vr10, unless you exploited like 99% of the people that hit vr10 within a couple weeks did, but didnt get a ban) only to find out you could grind trash in Craglorn for a day and be there LOL.
Still ZERO reason to wear plate unless your s/s. One armor buff puts you well over the softcap in full light. Way to balance?
Still no dual gpu support? So people that run dual gpu's (almost everyone with a gaming rig btw) gets crap performance. gpux2 isnt new men, its been fairly standard for a few years.
Hireling nerfs (not even the whole ALT thing which was in fact broken and needed fixed) I used to get blues - gold mats every hireling on my 50 BS vr8 toon, now in the last 4 days Ive literally got just ore 3 times. You want SS's? Id be glad.
Melee is still pointless. Every single fight in this game is 100x easier if you just run around and kite. Every dungeon, every boss, everything. This is inherently because armor means nothing, again great balancing.
In general globally nerfing things that were broken in PVP, but nowhere else, is a horribly ill conceived decision. If you havent noticed, 99% of the broken builds, all this QQ about OMG DK IS SO BROKEN crap from kiddos, stems from destro/resto abuse with a couple specific sets (you know what they are).
Itemization I assume is still horrible in craglorn? No unique items with unique abilities? Or is it more of the same " Soul Ender " purple item with a trait, glyph, look that I can craft in 5 seconds? Really giving us something to shoot for GJ on that, really. lol.
Nerfing Motif drops? How bout issuing a warning that relogging 1000x in the same spot will be considered a bannable exploit? I never did that one time, ever. The majority of the people playing never did that. Know how many rare motifs we have? Maybe 1. What did you fix? Now the people that exploited your system have dozens selling at 50+k a piece, and nobody else is gonna find them on their own. WP.
What have you done right so far?
The Delve farming thing was good. WE ALL KNOW it was never designed to be killed every 4 seconds, people complaining apparently never played another MMO. Good job on that fix, I think the timer was alittle high, but still good stop at that point for bots.
Nerfing Vamp and Impulse. Pretty obvious somethings broken when every class is simply saying " Yo Impule and Vamp Aoe so coolz guyz we kill everything gg k? " Both were broken across PvP and PvE. GJ
Thats it. GJ on 2 things I guess up to this point?
Im not even mad, I mean I got weeks of content and quests that I actually took the time to read and laugh at or care about, all for what? 100 dollars? Thats a pretty solid investment tbh. Im upset and sad that this game right now, is a terrible MMO. Absolutely in everyway a bad MMO. Did I get my moneys worth up to this point? Hell ya. Is it worth staying? Probably not until I see some uber super elite kids show me otherwise in Craglorn.