Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Is this happening to others?

So this morning, I got up bright and early in order to play the game with my brother who I don't get to play with as much as I'd like to.

I attempt to sign on and I am greeted with a message that states my account information is incorrect. Hmmm..... OK... I attempted to login two more times with the correct information. All attempts failed. So right away I went to change my password and was able to do so successfully. I then relaunched the game and was still unable to login using the credentials I set up. I thought this was strange so I headed over to check my account out on the website and was met with a message saying that my account had been suspended. This did not sit well, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I had received no notices in my email regarding any kind of improper conduct(nor have I committed any) or any notices of any kind of disciplinary actions being taken against me for any reason. So I surfed the web for a while looking for answers as to what may have happened. I found that roughly a month ago a bunch of folks got banned in a massive wave of bans aimed at eliminating gold spammers. I assume that this must be what happened and give customer service a call.

After what seemed like 15 days on hold, someone answered. After verifying my email, account name, and phone number he wanted to know the answer to my secret question. However he was not able to actually ask me the question.... not making this up. Luckily I remembered what it was and we moved on. This person acknowledged that this was a known issue and that he would have to escalate my issue to the next group above him. He said they would likely be able to resolve my problem within a week. A WEEK!?!?!?!?

I decided that I would do some more research on the internet about this issue because surely there was more folks being affected today by this issue if it were the same issue from last month. As he informed me this issue was a known issue, I hoped to find someone who was able to find a fix to this issue or decipher the quickest way to get it resolved.

I eventually came across a place in the forums where you can dispute a banned account and submitted my case for review. Within about a half hour someone contacted me back via email with a canned response informing me that my account was banned because I violated the TOS or CoC(neither of which I did).
Response By Email (Kyron) (05/24/2014 08:30 AM)
Greetings Vestige,

I would like to take this time to apologize for this current process. You are receiving this email due to a suspect behavior related to your account.

After a thorough investigation your account has been determined to violate our Terms Of Service.

As a result, your account has been deactivated, please be sure to review our Terms of Service and Code of Conduct for more details:
The Elder Scrolls Online Team

I immediately replied with an email asking how I violated the ToS or the CoC and received this email back a short while later:
Response By Email (Kyron) (05/24/2014 09:23 AM)
Greetings again,

Once again, I would like to apologize about this process. As it stands, Since your inquiry pertains to the details of your account, we will need to authenticate your ownership of your account prior to proceeding. Please send us the answer to your security question together with one of the following:
Last 4 digits of the credit card number used for a purchase
Paypal transaction ID used for a purchase
A Complete Game Time code
It would also be helpful if you could provide us with either the UserID or email address tied to the account you want us to investigate.

Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online Team

I immediately provided them with the information they wanted and I have yet to hear back from them. This was 6 hours ago.

As one who has been a very long time Elder Scrolls fan and someone who devoted some 6 weekends to beta testing this product to help it have a smooth launch I am beginning to feel like a sucker. I don't understand why they would perform something like a mass ban before a weekend let-alone a 3 day weekend. How hard can it really be to just unlock my account?

Has anyone else had this happen or am I just that lucky?!

TLDR: My account is mysteriously banned and I can't get a straight answer or login to the game or website.
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Greetings, all. We have closed this thread. We do not allow threads that discuss disciplinary actions, as it violates our forum Code of Conduct, and we are unable to provide support for game suspensions or bans on our forums. Instead, we ask that you please contact our Support Team directly to file an appeal. We understand the frustration of not being able to play, but our Support Team will review all appeals, in order to provide you an update as soon as possible.

    If you'd like to appeal a ban or suspension, please be sure to do so on our support page. Thanks for your understanding.
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