ZOS as you're all well aware, the community is both frustrated and angered by the lack of clarity and consistency in the implementation of VR ranks. We have no idea how often ranks will be raised, if they'll ever end, or if they really even mean anything at all.
I propose that you implement a hard level cap at set points during VR progression so that players can more easily identify with the leveling process and obtain a small sense of achievement.
Increase us by one "hard" level every twenty "soft" levels (e.g. at VR20 we become level 51).
With that said, each hard level at 51, 52 etc. should be punctuated by a major content drop, with smaller content drops happening two to three times during the VR content cycle. When the major hard cap content drop happens, it would be nice to have large-scale content to bask in for a few months or so before the next VR cycle starts.
At least then we would have a development cycle to plan our playtime around and players could have something to look forward to.
I believe this would be an easier pill for players to swallow than an almost imperceptible precipice of VR~ ad infinitum.
As it stands right now, VR125+ or wherever this is headed is more than confusing and less than appealing.