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My top 6 reasons why I canceled my subscription

This is my personal opinion and reasons I only give as a feedback. Your milage may vary though and that is totaly OK. It is why I leave however... and others that don't talk about it might too. And that is excatly what should be discussed here. So please spare us those "learn to play", "I am soooo much better then you", "don't let the door hit you" and "I love it" phrases... its off topic... what perfectly goes here is why you personaly canceled your subscription. Thaaank you! :smile:

1. Never felt so alone
Grouping is hell... I ended up questing alone 95% of the time. This is not what I play an MMORPG for. But you still get the disadvantages of a MMORPG... everytime you really need something someone else will take it. You will get nerfed etc. pp. There are really nice single player games upcoming and just released that wont have these disadvantages...

2. Quests
They are really well made... but... gosh I can't even get a full grip to what actually is bugging me there. Well first maybe... why you always first need to see that single guy that gives you the quest to the area? I did explore... and wow what is that boss? I killed it... left the area... got a quest: "kill that mob"... so later on it was not like exploring... it was more like... OK, where is the quest guy for this area... which gets repeative even with this really well made quests after some time. New area... same procedure... the stories you here are good no question... just. If you look at something like SWTOR... were there is real camera action? The voice part was sure one of the most expensive... why do they just print the text right and the guy reads it to you? That is how it feels for me. Yes there are some few exceptions which pretty much prove how it could be done... but it is only on special cases... where the questgiver runs with you talking some without the questdialog...

Now at veteran 4 everything starts to feel repeative somehow. I can't even tell why exactly... but in other games that didn't happen.

Then there is this phasing that makes playing in groups impossible... (see 1.)

3. Oponent balance... from to easy to unbelievable...
OMG don't get me startet on that. You are on your way alone (see 1.). It is no issue... you have your tactics. But then for whatever reason you're dead. The only balance in veteran seems to be that they hit like trucks. Most of the time you can handle it... but then there is that stupid fight were everything goes wrong... again. Then there are bosses you can handle... and then there are bosses that are immun to like everything and are part of your quest. DK laughs about this... as Nightblade you die... It is either to easy... or to hard. In the end you will switch to bow and try break line of sight and similar tactics. MEH!

4. Nerfs
This game is just out... and you are starting to nerf? I hoped for buffs!

Especially for the nightblade... but they nerfed the only high damage single target ultimate ability we had into a joke. The ultimate from the soul tree does 3500 damage... mine now does 750 max... uh?! Nightblades aren't that good in killing groups of mobs at all. So we depend on killing singles very fast... it was a nice opener to get rid of one mob fast now it is a joke. Guess it is because they were not even able to do the simplest thing in the world... divide AvA from PvE...

Then the aoe nerf... which kills AvA in my opinion. It is only: who has the largest zerk now will win.

5. Loot
You kill this really difficult world boss... and what do you get? Yes... a soulstone... (weeeeee!)... I so far up to V4 got maybe ten liliac drops... 1 in veteran levels and wasn't even really usefull for me. You kill and kill and kill and kill... and get white and no stuff at all. It's a joke... honestly! This feels like they just want to keep equipment so rare that you spend most of the time for that later on... NO THANK YOU!

6. Bugs
You get a group... well it is not easy to get one... as many are playing solo and dungeons only when they have a quest... you go to such a dungeon... everyone gets credit for the quest.. just not you. NPCs missing/disapear/stuck, lags, freezes etc. pp. it is happening more often then not. There is not a single play session were you don't get annoyed by a bug. Way to many for release of a modern game.
  • seaef
    Oh look, another one...
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • yodased
    1. learn to play
    2. I am soooo much better then you
    3. Don't let the door hit you
    4. I love it
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Khandi
    cfurlin wrote: »
    Oh look, another one...

    Yes it's sad that people like me and the OP are leaving. We count for 3 accounts (I have 2) and ALL the other people that posted they are leaving AND all the folks that just simply left.

    This should be a wake up call.
    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • Grimvalor
    yea grouping in this game sucks..for an mmorpg you would think it was easily more accessible but no...quest can be hard but i enjoy the challenge. Bugs are there but hey... that's true elderscrolls...
    lets face it alot of people are unsubscribing...half my guilds have left they need to look to some person that knows games and solve this. The lack of pedigree is showing.
  • Inalisss
    yodased wrote: »
    1. learn to play
    2. I am soooo much better then you
    3. Don't let the door hit you
    4. I love it

    Grow up!
  • reften
    Can I have your stuff?
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and ESO...one of those will eventually kill me.
  • yodased
    No thanks.

    I respond to nonsense with nonsense.

    You want to leave, leave. Noone cares why you leave. Honestly, what purpose do these threads serve?
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • ShADoW0s
    yodased wrote: »
    1. learn to play
    2. I am soooo much better then you
    3. Don't let the door hit you
    4. I love it

    Yeah dont care that people are leaving, Im sure you will have fun when this goes F2P
  • ZOS_LeroyW
    We understand and respect that sometimes people will leave The Elder Scrolls Online community. Inalisss, we thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we wish you the very best. We're closing this thread now per our Code of Conduct policy on quitting/goodbye threads.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.