Bash nerf - broken glyph of bashing

Soul Shriven

I do not know who came up in your mind but I try to explain pve nerf bash.

tank = 1h+shield

1) If the tank block can not use a light attack.

2) If tank use light and heavy attack cant block attacks and die.

3) Bash dmg is now lower than dmg from light attack.

4) Now test glyph of bashing - on enchant write Increase Bash damage by 31 in fact rises damage by 11.

How the tank now grant dmg ?
I will not because of your inability to balance this game yet learning new weapon tree.
Solution was to give cd on bash not dmg reduction.
Bash was the only way to put dmg for tank now this spec is die.

Today was the last day I played this game, so thank you for your access to spoil anything, and I hope that after the rapid decline of players who will come after this will finally wake up.
Edited by shurtaeb17_ESO on 23 May 2014 22:10
  • Zarkaz
    You will manage
  • Thechemicals
    When dynamics are removed and the game becomes relative is when people will leave for something more....well dynamic.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • yodased
    The issue you have is the inability to play the class in a way that doesn't involve sitting in front of an enemy and holding block while other people wail deeps them down.

    This game is about movement. You have to continually move. Standing in front of someone and holding block then smashing someone with your shield while blocking isn't skillful, its pitiful.

    I play a DK 1h and I have zero issues with this "nerf". I was online for 5 hours last night, did a Veteran BC run and it was exactly the same as every other BC run I did before the patch.

    If you continually move out of the way of smaller attacks, use your resources wisely and only block the attacks that are going to do major damage then you are going to be fine.

    Or you won't. I dunno.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Frinkles
    How dare they nerf my incredibly awesome build that required me to click one button once in a while to be successful!
  • CoUsT
    As tank on bosses - I'm planning to use DoTs now to deal some dmg. You can hold block and use skills at the same time.
  • shurtaeb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    yodased wrote: »

    I play a DK 1h and I have zero issues with this "nerf". I was online for 5 hours last night, did a Veteran BC run and it was exactly the same as every other BC run I did before the patch.

    I did not write anything about group play or run. Yes for vr dung run nothing has changed but, I prefer playing solo.

  • Andy22
    tank = 1h+shield

    Bash was the only way to put dmg for tank now this spec is die.

    U mean in solo PvE/PvP? I guess yes it affects those play-styles with S&S.

    I tank all V1-10 dungeons without 1h+shield, just fine.

    I never used "deadly bash" for damage as tank, sta is too limited and i already need it for blocks, interrupts, cc breaks, debuffs, sta utility skills, immovable. I would sta starve myself as tank, if i try to use bash as dmg ability.
    Edited by Andy22 on 23 May 2014 12:41
  • reften
    yodased wrote: »
    This game is about movement. You have to continually move. Standing in front of someone and holding block then smashing someone with your shield while blocking isn't skillful, its pitiful.

    HAHA love this...well done sir
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • yodased

    I did not write anything about group play or run. Yes for vr dung run nothing has changed but, I prefer playing solo.

    Solo to me hasn't changed.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • JosephChip
    Blocking with a shield is a choice over attacking, genius. Also you can still use all of your abilities while blocking.
    This nerf only killed scrubs who used to spam shield bash for more than double damage compared to normal attacks.
  • Sheerin
    The shield bash nerf mostly affects solo play and i suppose PvP .
    When you are solo killing mobs is slightly harder now, but that was to be expected since shield bash was grossly overpowered.
    That doesnt affect the fact that 1h + shield feels sort of underwhelming now though.

    In group play it shouldnt be an issue at all though, shield bashing was a bad idea anyway since it kills your stamina fairly quick and you needed that for plenty of other things.
  • Heraclea
    They really ought to give you a free weapon skill/development and unlock reset in this case as well.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • jeanbulinckxub17_ESO
    Ok, we reached it, the PvP updates f*king up the PvE. To me the problem was not the bash damange, it really can be lowered but there's no option left for a tank in PvP solo. It's impossible unless you are a DK (dk is the problem since it's overpowered).
    If at least they can come with a decent damage reduction in PvE I can keep playing. Bu now it's impossible. Also it's impossible do effective sync your bash with a 350ms+ lag.
  • Drakoleon
    I quess i am a "scrub" templar V8 shield spamer ....nevertheless bash damage was the only effective damage i had fighting solo against mobs at close range when my "magic" was reloading Now bash is very badly nerfed and i cant "tank" or "spam" any killed in 3sec by wasps craps...sorry crabs etc!

    So... " all knowing" wise guys.... i excuse your ignorance because each build its different.... so for me 18 days left to go cause i had enough crap and am not going to rebuild my character all over again
  • Xancathb16_ESO
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    I quess i am a "scrub" templar V8 shield spamer ....nevertheless bash damage was the only effective damage i had fighting solo against mobs at close range when my "magic" was reloading Now bash is very badly nerfed and i cant "tank" or "spam" any killed in 3sec by wasps craps...sorry crabs etc!

    So... " all knowing" wise guys.... i excuse your ignorance because each build its different.... so for me 18 days left to go cause i had enough crap and am not going to rebuild my character all over again

    I've been only using skills/weapons that I need to level from vr1-vr9 thus far, and I've had no issues as a templar even after the patch in covenant content.

    Methinks the problem lies not with the build but between the computer chair and keyboard.
  • Heraclea
    Was not a good idea to both nerf the linchpin of 1h/shield and increase mob difficulty at the same time.

    I don't care what the elitists say. The game is not fun now. Will play a fun game until this is set right and put back.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • Calgrissom
    V10 Templar tank in full legendary set gear. All legendary glyphs shield/sword. The bash nerf was over the top imo. Now with deadly bash im doing 103 damage for 120 sta with and epic v10 reduction to bash glyph. I could see raising the cost abit but cutting the damage to 1/3 was extreme not to mention the massive increase in difficulty in v10 mobs in bankori. I could take a pack of 3 without a lot of issues pre pach. Now its next to impossible.
  • Xnemesis
    stop blocking and attack problem solved it wasn't designed so you can just hold block the whole time while attacking.
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    I dunno about the rest of you dedicated tanks out there using 1H+S spec, but I'm not really having any problems. The only change in regards to shield bashing was the reduction that the normal shield bash does. That's the Right Click + Left Click Shield Bash.

    There is no cool-down to this maneuver. You can continually do this Shield bash again and again. However, the damage is now significantly less, and is far less Stamina efficient than it was before.

    Shield Bashing to INTERRUPT does slightly MORE damage, but Shield Bashing in general is no longer an efficient way for Tanks to do damage.

    Now...I've been planning for this change for a while. Up to this point I was running a necklace that added to my Shield Bash damage and reduced the Stamina cost of Shield Bashing. I was also running 1 ring that added to the Damage of Shield Bash.

    Before the content patch, I could be doing upwards of 350 damage PER Shield Bash and I used it often enough when soloing and during PvP. I knew however that because of the incoming changes that I should never RELY upon this strategy. So...during my leveling I've collected new jewelry for Stamina Reduction and Stamina Recovery.

    Yesterday I switched out my jewelry to the new stuff and haven't looked back.

    Blocking STILL blocks attacks and Shield Bashing to interrupt STILL interrupts, providing a 'moment of opportunity' if you will.

    Shield Bashing as a main source of damage for a TANK is just not viable any more. However since I decided to become a dedicated Tank and my main goal was survivability...I never had amazing DPS to begin with. that I've gotten my long-winded-ness out of the way....what were you all complaining about again?
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Drakoleon
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    I quess i am a "scrub" templar V8 shield spamer ....nevertheless bash damage was the only effective damage i had fighting solo against mobs at close range when my "magic" was reloading Now bash is very badly nerfed and i cant "tank" or "spam" any killed in 3sec by wasps craps...sorry crabs etc!

    So... " all knowing" wise guys.... i excuse your ignorance because each build its different.... so for me 18 days left to go cause i had enough crap and am not going to rebuild my character all over again

    I've been only using skills/weapons that I need to level from vr1-vr9 thus far, and I've had no issues as a templar even after the patch in covenant content.

    Methinks the problem lies not with the build but between the computer chair and keyboard.
    Not only ....there are problems in brains and attidutes! By the way... my "chair" is fine and am pretty good gamer

    Is you templar a redguard based on Sword/Shield? Really...tell me about your setup and if we play the same or even close please invite me and show me how you kill 3 mobs or more solo after this patch. I ll be glad to learn some more
  • Xancathb16_ESO
    Right now I'm leveling up dual wield skills w/ some resto on my bar, open with force siphon(start fight with resto staff then swap to what you're leveling) on all three targets.

    Force siphon heals for absurd amounts, especially if you lob out AoE, more than enough to heal you through their damage.
    Edited by Xancathb16_ESO on 23 May 2014 15:29
  • Drakoleon
    Thanks but no.... as i said am not going to start all over again at V8 because its possible with the next patch something to be nerfed manage to have a very nicely balanced templar and now my character is fun.... game over
  • Cheatingdeath23
    I dunno about the rest of you dedicated tanks out there using 1H+S spec, but I'm not really having any problems. The only change in regards to shield bashing was the reduction that the normal shield bash does. That's the Right Click + Left Click Shield Bash.

    There is no cool-down to this maneuver. You can continually do this Shield bash again and again. However, the damage is now significantly less, and is far less Stamina efficient than it was before.

    Shield Bashing to INTERRUPT does slightly MORE damage, but Shield Bashing in general is no longer an efficient way for Tanks to do damage.

    Now...I've been planning for this change for a while. Up to this point I was running a necklace that added to my Shield Bash damage and reduced the Stamina cost of Shield Bashing. I was also running 1 ring that added to the Damage of Shield Bash.

    Before the content patch, I could be doing upwards of 350 damage PER Shield Bash and I used it often enough when soloing and during PvP. I knew however that because of the incoming changes that I should never RELY upon this strategy. So...during my leveling I've collected new jewelry for Stamina Reduction and Stamina Recovery.

    Yesterday I switched out my jewelry to the new stuff and haven't looked back.

    Blocking STILL blocks attacks and Shield Bashing to interrupt STILL interrupts, providing a 'moment of opportunity' if you will.

    Shield Bashing as a main source of damage for a TANK is just not viable any more. However since I decided to become a dedicated Tank and my main goal was survivability...I never had amazing DPS to begin with. that I've gotten my long-winded-ness out of the way....what were you all complaining about again?

    I'm a templar with sword and shield too, I didn't notice much difference with the shield bash yesterday in terms of survivability, but did notice I did less damage.

    Out of curiosity, what did you switch to for jewelry? I use two signets of the Warlock and the Amulet of the Warlock but am open to suggestions for better gear.
  • Heraclea
    FWIW, all this shows is that the biggest balance problem in the game is that magicka abilities outperform stamina abilities to an excessive degree, and that magicka regeneration outstrips stamina regeneration.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • frwinters_ESO
    Nightblade who uses Sword and Board. So...what are you talking about OP? I see heavy attack coming in....i block....stuns mob....I hit him back....i win. Thats whats happening to me right now, dont know what your talking about.
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO

    I'm now running:

    Keeper's Medallion - VR5
    Reduce stamina cost of abilities by 17 - Increase Maximum Stamina by 66

    Signet of the Stalker - VR5
    Adds 14 Stamina Recovery - Increase Maximum Stamina by 66

    Diamond Ring of Reduce Feat Cost - VR7
    Reduce stamina cost of abilities by 17 - Increase Maximum Stamina by 68

    I'm currently at 1905/1917 Stamina. Not Over-capped but nice and close.
    I'm sitting at 71/78 Stamina Recovery. Again not Over-capped but nice and close.

    My Spell Resistance is at 1782/1780. 2 points OC'd so not shabby at all.
    My Armor is at 1806/1780. OC'd yes, but not to much. Enough that I can live with.

    Depending on how the next 3 levels progress, I may end up changing my armor around in regards to traits and enchantments. I've finding that as a Tank it's is entirely necessary to switch around my hot-bar for the skills necessary to do my job effectively when facing various Boss Mobs. Sometimes I have to be heavy in the Stamina abilities and other times I have to be heavy in the Magicka abilities.

    I will start looking for some Magicka reduction and Magicka Recovery jewelry. And as much as I HATE to do it, I will probably have to get an Outfitter Addon on some kind and carry a 2nd or even THIRD set of gear around with me. I REALLY hate the idea of doing that though, as inventory space is a premium.
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • SienneYviete
    Little off topic but I have found the death's wind crafted set (now that it's working) is an awesome set for tanking, the massive knockback if you hit low health is a life saver.
  • BatalovGK
    Soul Shriven
    How the tank now grant dmg ?
    I will not because of your inability to balance this game yet learning new weapon tree.
    Solution was to give cd on bash not dmg reduction.
    Bash was the only way to put dmg for tank now this spec is die.

    Today was the last day I played this game, so thank you for your access to spoil anything, and I hope that after the rapid decline of players who will come after this will finally wake up.
    I have DK tank... And got no problems at all in Vet dungeons and i also have decent DPS, about 400-500 on stacks of mobs, and about 300 on bosses...

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_JuhoJ on 27 May 2014 10:50
  • Drakoleon
    BatalovGK wrote: »
    How the tank now grant dmg ?
    I will not because of your inability to balance this game yet learning new weapon tree.
    Solution was to give cd on bash not dmg reduction.
    Bash was the only way to put dmg for tank now this spec is die.

    Today was the last day I played this game, so thank you for your access to spoil anything, and I hope that after the rapid decline of players who will come after this will finally wake up.
    Cry more little bash bot, it's always simplier to cry than learning to play...
    I have DK tank... And got no problems at all in Vet dungeons and i also have decent DPS, about 400-500 on stacks of mobs, and about 300 on bosses...
    So stop crying and l2p.
    WTF? how old are you 12? this game is for over 16+ delete the game please and tell your mammy to teach you manners...bad boy

    My setup is based on stamina too its a V8 redguard/templar showrd+shield and practicly useless after patch
    Am getting killed on the spot if i face more than 1 mobs buggs waspes crabs...craps etc! Suggestions? delete the the player? the game? reset my skills with 25K? start a new game?
    What a waste of game time and money....never again newly released game....
  • BatalovGK
    Soul Shriven
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    WTF? how old are you 12? this game is for over 16+ delete the game please and tell your mammy to teach you manners...bad boy

    My setup is based on stamina too its a V8 redguard/templar showrd+shield and practicly useless after patch
    Am getting killed on the spot if i face more than 1 mobs buggs waspes crabs...craps etc! Suggestions? delete the the player? the game? reset my skills with 25K? start a new game?
    What a waste of game time and money....never again newly released game....
    You could try HP\Magicka build for example or try some skill combo instead

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_JuhoJ on 27 May 2014 10:55
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