Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

NB bug or mega nerf?

I have been plugging away on my NB (currently V8), and was excited to see what changes were in store after the patch... then reality hit.

No, I am not talking about the known nerf that happened and was announced. I am talking about the one workable way I had been able to deal with veteran content alone up until now - the use of the shade pet in 2-3 mob groups (and please know that sometimes even pre-patch I would lose).

PRE-PATCH: if I remained stealth until shade engaged, I could usually peel one mob off and hopefully kill it before the other 2 came after me. It takes a while, but it was at least workable. And, even when the shade dies, I would usually have the 2nd mob around ~30% before the 3rd came after me.

POST-PATCH: now ANY other mob will swap to me as soon as I attack, no matter if my shade is still up and attacking. Furthermore, stealth is not interrupting their attack - instead it is simply put on "hold" until my stealth wears off. This alone is a MAJOR killer of my ability to effectively solo veteran-level content. *** IT GETS BETTER (worse) *** As everyone surely has noticed, all the mobs have been buffed too! In V8, it seems they mobs have about 1k more hitpoints AND hit harder...

Are you trying to kill solo play for the NB? I gotta say this is pretty awful.
  • meimei
    Soul Shriven
    mojoroc wrote: »
    I have been plugging away on my NB (currently V8), and was excited to see what changes were in store after the patch... then reality hit.

    No, I am not talking about the known nerf that happened and was announced. I am talking about the one workable way I had been able to deal with veteran content alone up until now - the use of the shade pet in 2-3 mob groups (and please know that sometimes even pre-patch I would lose).

    PRE-PATCH: if I remained stealth until shade engaged, I could usually peel one mob off and hopefully kill it before the other 2 came after me. It takes a while, but it was at least workable. And, even when the shade dies, I would usually have the 2nd mob around ~30% before the 3rd came after me.

    POST-PATCH: now ANY other mob will swap to me as soon as I attack, no matter if my shade is still up and attacking. Furthermore, stealth is not interrupting their attack - instead it is simply put on "hold" until my stealth wears off. This alone is a MAJOR killer of my ability to effectively solo veteran-level content. *** IT GETS BETTER (worse) *** As everyone surely has noticed, all the mobs have been buffed too! In V8, it seems they mobs have about 1k more hitpoints AND hit harder...

    Are you trying to kill solo play for the NB? I gotta say this is pretty awful.

    As a NB I really feel your pain! I getting my but kicked at the Rift map!
    Killer's blade does not always give health back now either must be bugged after the new crappy patch......
  • mojoroc
    This is getting more and more frustrating as I play... shade pet is now useless, and I was never that strong to begin with. Definitely something I could see driving me from the game cause I am NOT about to level another class up
  • czar
    mojoroc wrote: »
    This is getting more and more frustrating as I play... shade pet is now useless, and I was never that strong to begin with. Definitely something I could see driving me from the game cause I am NOT about to level another class up
    same, at this point i'm almost hoping another company comes by and take over for zenimax and fix this mess

    i wanted to support the game by staying subbed, but if this is what they use my money for i'm not sure i want to have any part in it
    stam scrub
  • Zxaxz
    Well, I *** almost everything I could possibly have *** up in this clip (lol, camera shy, 1st posted video ever)- UNEDITED - and well. you are so right we are broke, need buffs and can't solo Multiples or public dungeon bosses.... Sorry, nope.

    I am really sorry at how bad I *** up almost every pull, you're gonna laugh you're asses off. But, even with the worst mistakes possible on a NB..... (Only using one bar)
    Edited by Zxaxz on 23 May 2014 01:19
    Darkness is the natural state of the galaxy. A light will not shine forever; one day it will burn itself out. Darkness, however, is everlasting and never expires.
  • Evergreen
    You're not alone. I've been gathering around the forums that various people are confirming the nerf to Shades.

    There are two definite nerfs to the Nightblade; Death Stroke of course and Shades. A third nerf is reported on Soul Tether.

    I posting a compilation of our nerfs this latest patch here.
  • someuser
    @mojoroc You can always re-roll your class at one of the re-setting shrines. It may be pricey, but better than starting over!

    @schip Zenimax is a large billion dollar+ parent company. Its not going anywhere ;) These kind of things happen after major patches. They will fix it, just got to be patient.

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  • mojoroc
    @someuser I guess that would be an option, but currently I have bow, dual-wield, and 2H weapon skills with all of my class abilities maxed. Is the only option now to go 1h+shield and resto staff for us to be viable? Only heavy armor? That doesn't sound like any fun to me. Solo dungeons are definitely NOT soloable for me anymore, and anything more than 2 mobs anywhere else is something I need to stealth by. This is flat out horrible and I am going to log for a bit before I get too pissed off.
  • czar
    someuser wrote: »
    Zenimax is a large billion dollar+ parent company. Its not going anywhere ;) These kind of things happen after major patches. They will fix it, just got to be patient.
    i'm too pissed off to reply to this
    not at you though, kudos for staying optimistic
    stam scrub
  • mojoroc
    @evergreen they have also done "something" with how our in-combat stealth ability works - at least as far as multi-mob fights
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    NB's got stealth nerfed.

    Not in patch notes but now, to go with our already broken talents, the ones that did work are being beaten down.

    I did notice we can still crouch to stealth though .... I expect this to be nerfed soon.
  • mips_winnt
    In addition to all the other new "fixes" to the Nightblade reported in this thread, I'm not building any ultimate into Soul Tether anymore ... wonderful job ZOS, can't wait until the next round of "fixes" so I can see which other half a dozen of NB skills get smashed into uselessness.

    Might as well just go ahead and remove the Nightblade class from the game since it's becoming apparent the developers don't want it to be at all viable anymore.

  • Vuron
    Soul Tether nerfed. I posted it in the skills section of the forum. I'm not sure what's going on with stealth or invis because I was raging too much after 30 minutes of playing.

    I've been playing a Nightblade for almost a year in this game but it might be coming to and end.
  • elwhy
    I don't know specifically what you're saying is/are the bugs with NB since the patch, but I can at least confirm how stupid/annoying/pointless/frustrating the shade ability has become. He doesn't do crap!! He goes flying over to someone, you attack a different enemy, and they all coming running after you. I can understand how maybe the shade doesn't keep all the enemies except the one you attack focused on him, but he should at the very least distract one enemy. He does absolutely nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if the % less damage from the enemy isn't working either....BS
  • Lord_Hev
    In-game bugs and feedback folks. We need to make sure they make this a priority!
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • LIQUID741
    Logged in after patch and started my quest grind...ran 2 quests before I left to go to my son's ball game. At least 8 time, when I would open up on a mob out of stealth and attack the whole fight would reset. Like "In combat" then BAM! "Out of Combat" this basically negated my whole opener from stealth...Haven't submitted a ticket yet, due to time restraints...going to see if it is still happening tomorrow.

    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • OkieDokie
    The same I posted in another topic:

    It seems concealed blades it not working properly after the patch (sneak bonus happening randomly no matter how good I place myself). Now, if it's not just my NB (and I hope not), this is a BIG issue because the opening was pretty much the most decent thing I had.

    Anyone else getting this?
    People keep saying they heard of a friend of friend of friend of their neighbors that plays a NB and can catch up with dks and sorcs and this guy just never shows up. He would be a rock star if he existed.
  • mojoroc
    Stealth in any complex fight is completely borked... not sure what the flippin point was in making all these unannounced nerfs to NBs (because we were really the envy of all players right?? RIGHT???!).

    Frankly, I don't know what the point was in making ANY of the V1-10 content tougher - it was tough enough PRE-patch... I had to find a partner to do solo quests and solo dungeons. This is definitely NOT what I expected from ESO, and sure as hell not worth paying for
  • squeeze
    schip wrote: »
    someuser wrote: »
    Zenimax is a large billion dollar+ parent company. Its not going anywhere ;) These kind of things happen after major patches. They will fix it, just got to be patient.
    i'm too pissed off to reply to this
    not at you though, kudos for staying optimistic

    In case it wasn't clear from his first point (re-rolling class, lol), he was being sarcastic... :)
    Edited by squeeze on 23 May 2014 06:09
  • Sheneria
    Don't worry they made a thread about NB Problems. Just need to wait 4-6 weeks for the fix/buff/nerfs to come. Until then enjoy the other Classes.
  • zaria
    Sure the problem is that currently all mob are bosses.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • ZeroTheCat
    WTF are you kidding me?? This kills my VR build entirely! I was having a hard time as it was with VR3 content! WTF is Zenimax doing!?
  • Axewaffle
    Nightblades were obviously Overpowered, the shades were making it too easy to actually kill things.

    'As masters of stealth and illusion nightblades were intended to avoid combat wherever possible, relying on diplomacy and running away to acheive its ends, we believe the changes made in the recent patch are a step in the right direction for nightblades.'
    - Zenimax
    Edited by Axewaffle on 23 May 2014 07:14
  • frwinters_ESO
    Never used shade pet. I still cloaks, veiled strike stun, stab tab die, rinse and repeat on multiple mobs with no problems.
  • zhevon
    Axewaffle wrote: »
    Nightblades were obviously Overpowered, the shades were making it too easy to actually kill things.

    'As masters of stealth and illusion nightblades were intended to avoid combat wherever possible, relying on diplomacy and running away to acheive its ends, we believe the changes made in the recent patch are a step in the right direction for nightblades.'
    - Zenimax
    I like the running away part - like that's possible to do reliably.

  • moXrox
    Axewaffle wrote: »
    Nightblades were obviously Overpowered, the shades were making it too easy to actually kill things.

    'As masters of stealth and illusion nightblades were intended to avoid combat wherever possible, relying on diplomacy and running away to acheive its ends, we believe the changes made in the recent patch are a step in the right direction for nightblades.'
    - Zenimax

    Watching videos how Shades did work shows only that every lvl 10-20 player had a more demanding combat.

    These shades turned a group of 3 aggressive mobs into target dummies....lol
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  • Evergreen
    NB's got stealth nerfed.

    Not in patch notes but now, to go with our already broken talents, the ones that did work are being beaten down.

    I did notice we can still crouch to stealth though .... I expect this to be nerfed soon.

    Considering we were nerfed so hard last patch how can the game be balanced unless all classes get nerfed into mediocrity. I used to think it would be best to buff the Nightblade up but since we are just getting the nerf bat while most of our broken skills are just left as they are...

    Its crazy how class balancing is turning out in this game with the weakest class getting the hardest nerfs.
  • WilliamTee
    just home from work, patch is downloading...

    it's not good to be feeling apprehensive before I've even loaded the game up...

    i feel thusly:


    My V10 Khajiit NB is gonna be one saaad saad kitteh. :(
    Edited by WilliamTee on 23 May 2014 17:02
  • SaibotLiu
    ZOS has no real interest in supporting the NB class. They want there to be only 2 classes in their game, DK and sorcerer, so that they will be easy to balance. So in effect, they're are trolling all nightblades hard to get us to quit.

    I'd say you're doin a bang up job, ZOS.
  • Drachdhar
    Well, 70-80% of all bots are tempies... So there is still plenty of those in the game. Anyone ever seen a NB bot? Think not. Guess that should say something :P

    Well, DKs and Sorcs work... NBs does not. I realized this as soon as I rerolled into a DK and started soloing Public Dungeons while leveling with no difficulty. Never managed that as a NB.
    Taking on more than 3 mobs even pre-veteran was sometimes hard, the 6+ packs in pub dungeons impossible without ulti. Not to mention that traditional NBs rely somewhat on stuns, which is something that not always works due to bugs or something being immune. Same with the invisibility, some mobs are immune to that skill which is utter ***.
  • NerfEverything
    It amazes me how the two classes most in need of buffs (NB and Templar) got nerfed so hard in this update.

    It is almost like they don't want people playing anything other than DK and Sorc
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