Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

So what are you re-rolling to.

  • demendred
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    I enjoy my two NB classes I have. One is a full med khajiit with bow/DW, the other is a two handed sword wielding Argonian with a combo of light/med/heavy armor.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Flareon
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    Toughen up buttercup. I'm a NB who fights weaponless, I'm Vr6 atm.
  • Xilc
    Dragon Knight
    It kind of ruins the fun of the game if you reroll just because they haven't balanced the classes out. And to be perfectly fair, you're being just a little bit overdramatic. NB is still playable, it wouldn't be a class if it wasn't.
  • Regoras
    Bigtuna wrote: »
    I play a DK but now that we are nerfed I plan on playing a Sorc since they are the next best OP class and I can't wait to get nerfed for a second time!

    Sorc right now is pretty go-go-gadget nuke, which is fun.

  • PBpsy
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    Your premise is laughable.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Arreyanne
    I havent played mine since she hit 45 except to feed her horse and make set pieces for my Templar

    It's not that I find it hard to level her atm, it's just kind of Meh, Coldharbour is kind of dull.

    But Auridon has to be the worst leveling zone in the game, ya I know not quit on topic but 7-18 hours depending on play style to get to 15 is just OMG BORING
  • FrauPerchta
    NB is my favorite class. Never had an issue with either of my NBs once I started playing to the class's actual strengths instead of what I thought their strengths should be.

    Play the game that's there not the game you think should be there. Or if you prefer. Adapt to the game because the game isn't going to adapt to you.
  • otis67
    I like my NB but stopped at level 40 to let friends catch up to me. I rerolled a sorc. and use a bow with 2 pets. I did that mainly as a joke but I like it now, and find it a fun way to play my sorcerer.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Death Stroke: This ability no longer receives the critical damage bonus when used as a sneak attack. It will still cause a stun and a guaranteed critical hit.

    If someone who played on the PTS could shade some light on the change it would be greatly appreciated.

    Nightblades ... now we can crit without doing crit damage.

    Obviously we need more nerfs.
  • Shillen
    I rerolled from dragonknight TO nightblade. Nightblade is really strong. There are some abilities that need fixing but the class is still really strong anyway. Dragonknight was VR4 and Nightblade is now VR3.

    Your poll is stupid/biased. IMO every poll should have an option that says "this is a stupid and/or biased poll". It should be hardcoded into the forums.
    Edited by Shillen on 22 May 2014 16:52
    Please LOL my comments. I'm an aspiring comedian.
  • RianaTheBosmer
    I have two nightblades and I'm keeping them. I also have three dragon knights, keeping them too.
    Edited by RianaTheBosmer on 22 May 2014 17:09
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Where the hell is option 5, where you have one character for each class and enjoy them all?
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    I rolled a Sorc from the beginning, so..

    streaks off into the sunset
  • Arreyanne
    Where the hell is option 5, where you have one character for each class and enjoy them all?

    LOL i tried that got a DK to 40 and deleted it easy mode compared to templar or NB probably why I dont have a sorc either
  • Noobie
    I have rerolled a templar, due to my NB build relying on some of the broken passives. I made it to VR 7 with the NB and loved it but think its time to move onto a Tank/AoE dps/healer now :)
  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    I am assasin build, I can beat anyone 1v1 if i open with sneak attack and time everything right in the fight. DKs are tough but i manage to beat them most of the time. With this patch NBs got a little luv with DW damage increase, Huntngton rage set change to 18% melee damage. the sneaking fix is nice to now i can stealth afetr killing an enemy. I heard a bunch of our class skills are getting buffed in a few patches so it would be silly to reroll now
    Edited by Kewljag_66_ESO on 22 May 2014 17:31
  • Aeradon
    Dragon Knight
    Flareon wrote: »
    Toughen up buttercup. I'm a NB who fights weaponless, I'm Vr6 atm.

    @Flareon‌ You serious? Dungeon video please!! I beg you! This is too much to miss!
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • Soloeus
    This is a "Learn to Play" game so L2P.

    However, you might find you enjoy a different class. I am a sorcerer who tried my hand at Templar and I really enjoy it. I will try Dragon Knight next.

    DK will probably be the "god class" for a while unless something caps its damage. DK's with Fire Staff are actually really good, I have seen DK's cap 5k damage non-critical. Now, that is something to think about playing.

    Also, we sorcs were the first ones nerfed and we weren't really OP; what was OP was that dragon set + vamp abilities that combine to give you infinite-bat spam which I saw on quite a few more DK's than Sorcs btw.

    Templar, now that is some green pastures.

    Within; Without.
  • CTraveler
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    There are people out there who exploited Skyrim's opening sequence so that they never got their hands unbound and tried playing it like that...

    Though I've never done that, like those brave souls, I like a challenge. :33

    My NB is staying put!
  • Farham
    How are all you staunch NBs doing today? :D
  • Apophiss
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    Go out and enjoy the game

    I'm doing exactly that, re rolled to Sorc... things die when I fart in their direction. It's rather amusing.

    If you think just farting is awesome... see what happens when you light the farts on fire!
    "Just when I think you have said the stupidest thing possible, you keep talking."
    -Hank Hill
  • Phaedryn
  • Anvos
    Err always been Templar and don't have any alts yet, so I guess Templar is the answer of best fit. Not really due to balance but the rougish classes never quite appeal to me as much as spellsword like Templar.
  • theweakminded
    Did not reroll because I found the class bad, I just tried something else and enjoyed it more. These polls are pointless lol
  • grahamz1b14_ESO
    Altaholic here. I play all classes all the time, and I like switching off, not sticking with any one class or build/loadout more than a couple of days in a row. If it's fun, I play it. If it's fun AND challenging... that's not necessarily a bad thing. Yesterday I played a healer for the first time in years and i loved it. Today I'm going as a tank (in this case a different character). Love that also. It's all good.

    I can't comment on the changes because I'm a guy who likes to go with the flow. I play by the rules, and part of the fun is that rules change. Don't get so stuck in your ways that you can't adapt (or even worse, not even try to adapt).
    Edited by grahamz1b14_ESO on 23 May 2014 00:38
  • Ruddertail
    Isn't being the best healer (arguably), the best tank in pre-Craglorn content and completely vital in Craglorn enough? There's that, and you can beat any class 1v1 in PvP if you're equally skilled.

    Sure some abilities need fixing, but there's plenty of reasons to play a Nightblade right now.
  • srfrogg23
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    Brothers and Sisters! I have seen the depths of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2! I have been bruised, battered, and beaten by God of War! I have been to the icy 9th Circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno! And I have ravaged Devil May Cry...(giggity)

    Shall I shy away from danger? A challenge? A glass of slightly curdled milk?

    Nay! I say unto you! Nee!...er... Nay!

    I embrace the cold hardship of slightly underpowered classes so that when I rise triumphantly from the ashes (or everything else gets nerfed into the ground) I will cry out victoriously (or weep vigorously) THAT I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!!! (at 5'8" 130 lbs. with glasses and a receding hairline)
    Edited by srfrogg23 on 23 May 2014 00:52
  • Natjur
    Wildstar, not that its a better game, but I am going to give it a go and see if they fix the crap that has become V10 ESO.
  • moXrox
    Stayed Nightblade... I like hard mode.
    I actually rolled a 2nd NB with a different race
    Edited by moXrox on 23 May 2014 01:14
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  • Ruddertail
    Natjur wrote: »
    Wildstar, not that its a better game, but I am going to give it a go and see if they fix the crap that has become V10 ESO.

    Like I said in another thread, enjoy playing a game that's in no way similar to the one you're leaving!
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