Siohwenoeht wrote: »Easy... Take the quest from her and she never bothers you again
Sylvermynx wrote: »
I don't want to take the quest from her. That requires that I go mess around in Orsinium on every character - none of whom I want to do the quest line there. I don't like orcs, and I don't like the whole quest line after messing with it on one orc (deleted her....)
SO not my thing.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
I don't want to take the quest from her. That requires that I go mess around in Orsinium on every character - none of whom I want to do the quest line there. I don't like orcs, and I don't like the whole quest line after messing with it on one orc (deleted her....)
SO not my thing.
Then just take quest and not do it.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
I don't want it hanging out in my quest log. I'm.... hmmm.... a bit OCD about stuff like that. In Skyrim, I have this lovely addon named Hide those futile quests - which is exactly what it does. The MQ - I certainly don't do it on every girl any more, but because of the way LotD is structured (which is always in my load order), you have to advance a certain way into the MQ. After getting there, I stuff the MQ (on certain girls) into the addon, and never see it again. I doubt there's an addon for ESO that works that way; at least I couldn't find one - but I might not have had the best search keywords.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »Give her a more sultry voice, have her sound like she's really eager to meet you tone of voice. Kind of like that adoring fan!
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »Give her a more sultry voice, have her sound like she's really eager to meet you tone of voice. Kind of like that adoring fan!
Sylvermynx wrote: »
I don't want to take the quest from her. That requires that I go mess around in Orsinium on every character - none of whom I want to do the quest line there. I don't like orcs, and I don't like the whole quest line after messing with it on one orc (deleted her....)
SO not my thing.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »Give her a more sultry voice, have her sound like she's really eager to meet you tone of voice. Kind of like that adoring fan!
Siohwenoeht wrote: »Easy... Take the quest from her and she never bothers you again
Alrernative: give her a knife and Glenn Close blond hair, and let her be even creepier and more annoying than she is now (if that is truly possible).
Siohwenoeht wrote: »Easy... Take the quest from her and she never bothers you again
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »Give her a more sultry voice, have her sound like she's really eager to meet you tone of voice. Kind of like that adoring fan!
SteveCampsOut wrote: »
You know you CAN pick up the quest and then just not take the followup quest for the rest of the story. It shuts her up and clears your quest log!
Maker her... and all Orcs neutral (yes even player created ones), so we can pile them all up and burn them, over and over, and over again. Cause you know. Orcs. They all deserve it. To deny orc purging is supporting a warcrime.