Das Kapitel „Gold Road“ (inklusive des Schriftlehre-Systems) und Update 42 können jetzt auf dem öffentlichen Testserver getestet werden! Hier könnt ihr die aktuellen Patchnotizen lesen: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/656454/
Wartungsarbeiten in der Woche vom 6. Mai:
• PC/Mac: EU und NA Megaserver für einen neuen Patch – 6. Mai, 10:00 - 15:00 MESZ
• Xbox: EU und NA Megaserver für Wartungsarbeiten – 8. Mai, 12:00 - 15:00 MESZ
• PlayStation®: EU und NA Megaserver für Wartungsarbeiten – 8. Mai, 12:00 - 15:00 MESZ


now when only basic sets are runnin in cyrodil its time to balance the classes and volks !
many things changed after the big patch and its much much better after this overpowered sets gone... much more fun, much more skillplay and less unkillable players with noo skill ;)))
but now is the time to seee which classess are strong and wich need some buff..
since i start playing in the nonproc meta i hear that sorc is even stronger than last season.. and i also dont understand how 1 class can be tanky , have the biggest burst dmg and be the class with the most mobility... i think ESO neeed to work faster and react faster to things like that ... the hole community i know is talking about this and still nothing changed.
also necro is tooo tanky becouse of the 10%dmg reduction while ghost is aktiv---this alows necros too build full dmg while still being tanky.

in my opinion Weapon DMG should have more impact into abilitys and the abilitys should have less base dmg ... this would make stacking WD more viable and would stop the tank/bunker meta

Pls ESO balance the classess also the volks before u bring new items into the game!
this is much more important and have much bigger impact into fun & gameplay.

after this i hope new sets will come ,that also will be balanced with the old ones

  • Hämähäkki
    Wrong wrong wrong wrong.....wrong wrong wrong wrong....forum. You're on the german part here mate.😉
  • Ciannaith
    Puh ich dachte schon es wäre was schlimmes. Gut das wir hier im deutschsprachigen Forum sind ;)
  • Hämähäkki
    Die Anspielung galt Scrubs falls das wer kennt..


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