Dear community,
since Update 12 I have the problem that i keep logging in on the wrong server. I have always been on the EU-Server (that's where all my chars are). In the clients it says on the left side "The Elder Scrolls Online (NA)" which stands for North America I guess. Since i can't change that i just continue and start the game. In the login screen the server Live-EU is selected, but when go further the teso trailer starts playing and i have to create my first character (so it's obviusly the wrong server). I have detected that when I switch from Live-EU to Live and back I log into the right server and can select my own chars. Nevertheless it annoys me and I am searching for a better way to directly log into the right server (EU). The problem is that I didn't find an option to change the settings neither in the client nor in the game itself.
Could you please contact me if you know a solution for that?
Thank you in advance
Your Protossyder
Characters worth mentioning:
Daedrós - Magicka DK - Altmer - PvE & PvP - Emperor - IR - GH - TTT
Dragybor - Stamblade - Redguard - PvE (first char)
Yondaime Raikage - Stamsorc - Redguard - PvP
Zerg Overmind - Magblade - Altmer - PvE - GH
Yenari - Magsorc - Altmer - PvE - Flawless Conqueror
Devoured-his-siblings - DK Tank - Argonian - PvE - Unchained
Valkyrja Valhalla - StamDK - Redguard - PvE
Hyperion der Obere - Magplar - Altmer - PvE
Affa al'Dschinni - Stamplar - Orc - PvP
Enjoys-the-slaughter - Templar Healer - Argonian - PvE
Hades Adamastos - Stamcro - Orc - PvE
Khaba the Cruel - Magsorc- Altmer - PvP
Hekate Ourania - Magcro - Atlmer - PvE - TTT
Arenas: vDSA (~46k) - vMA (~586k)
Trials: vAA hm - vHRC hm - vSO hm - vMoL hm (~161k) - vHoF hm (~218k) - vAS+2 (~114k) - vCR+3 - vSS hm - vKA hm