Spiel startet nicht, Error 12

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nachdem ich das Spiel die letzten beiden Tage runter geladen habe, stürzt das Spiel beim starten mit Error 12 ab, Repair Tool gestartet, und es zeigt mir an das es die GANZEN 38 Gb erneut runterladen will, mein Teso Ordner hat mittlerweile 42 GB, ich hoffe jemand kann mir da weiter helfen, den es kotzt mich grade Tierisch an, es hat sich nichts verändert seid dem letzten mal, immer noch **** Probleme mit dem Launcher.
  • The_Saint
    ZOS_PierreL schrieb: »
    Hello all,

    The error 12 is normaly solved by using the Repair option on the launcher.
    Players can repair the files for The Elder Scrolls Online on their computer by following the steps below:
    • First, start The Elder Scrolls Online launcher by double clicking on the icon on your desktop.
    • Wait for the launcher to finish starting.
    • If multiple ESO clients are installed and available through the launcher, make sure to have the correct version highlighted by clicking on it once.
    • In the middle of the launcher there will be an entry for Game Options next to an icon of a small cog wheel.
    • Open the Game Options dropdown menu and click on the option for Repair.
    • Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This may take some time.
    • If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    This should allow you to play the game.

    You can also check if all the updates are correctly installed :
    - Manually update your launcher. Details on how to do this can be found here.

    - If the above step do not resolve your issue, please try the following:
    • Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online” 
    • Open the folder named “Launcher”
    • Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
    • Delete the “ProgramData” folder
    • Open the launcher and download update
    • Click “Play”

    If this does not resolve the error, please contact our Customer Support.

    Thank you.
    Samuel Crow - Nachtklinge - PC-EU-DC
    Saint_Crow Twitch / Youtube
    ESO Stream Team Partner
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