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Accounts grundlos blockiert / Probleme wenn Partner zusammen spielen

Guten Tag,

unsere Accounts wurden grundlos blockiert (@CassidyDX , @Satark).

Wir haben heute früh unsere E-Mail Fächer geschaut und ich und mein Partner haben eine E-Mail erhalten, dass unsere beider Konten gesperrt wurden, weil wir angeblich die "Terms and Conditions" (Bots Programme) des Spiels gebrochen haben.(Diese E-Mail war datiert von gestern gegen 22:13 Question Reference # 150725-007394 von einem gewissen Robert, also kurz nachdem wir uns BEIDE gleichzeitig im Spiel aufgehalten haben, ich (@CassidyDX hab mich gestern gegen 22 Uhr eingeloggt)).

Nachdem ich mich gestern eingeloggt habe, traten Probleme auf, wie Sie bereits in diesem Ticket beschrieben wurden (Eingeschränkte FunktionalitäTen):

Wir haben heute früh Tickets verschickt und um Bearbeitung gebeten, da diese Blockierung grundlos ist, da wir weder "Bot" Programme verwenden, noch andere Tätigkeiten unternommen haben, die die "Terms and Conditions" brechen würden.

Wir wollten einfach nur zusammen spielen....
Es kann doch nicht sein, dass man mit seinem Partner nicht von der gleichen IP spielen darf. Ich hoffe, unsere Accounts werden bald wieder reaktiviert.
Solche Fehler sollten nicht passieren, besonders mit ESO Plus Mitgliedern, die seit der BETA dabei sind und das Spiel somit unterstützen!

Ich habe im englischen Forumebenfalls ein Thread gestartet:

Vielen Dank im Voraus für eine zeitige Lösung.

Es ist fast 16 Uhr, immer noch keine Lösung erhalten.
Es ist 19:40 und es ist unglaublich , was für eine schlechten, schlechten Customer Support ich erhalten habe.
Es ist so traurig:

Die ältesten Nachrichten stehen unten:

Dear Meredith,

...what third-party services?
You can even look at our accounts that we do not use those services! Either your algorithms or a GM made a mistake! This happens!
It makes me insane that you are accusing us for something which is not true.
It makes me very sad and disappointed. (If it would be true, wouldn't we just accept it?)
Is it ok for you that I publish this in the forums?
Perhaps I am not the only one, who has the same problems.
And why is my partner's account being blocked at the same time?
This is the worst customer services I ever exeperienced and you are doing a perfect job giving me this worst experience.

Can you superior call me, please?


Kind regards


The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Account Suspension Notification
Response By Email (Meredith) (07/26/2015 01:35 PM)

As previously stated, our evidence shows the use of third-party services on this account, and as such, this account will remain suspended. This matter is closed.

Elder Scrolls Support
Customer By CSS Email (Stefanie) (07/26/2015 01:33 PM)

Dear Meredith,

so you are stating, that you do not want to help me?
Did you actually read the situation?

Please give me a call as you used to do in the customer support:

For me, this is not closed, as I feel treated very, very unfair and I do not even know for what!

Kind regards

Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015 um 19:21 Uhr
Von: "ESO English Support" <ESO_Help@helpmail.elderscrollsonline.com>

Response By Email (Meredith) (07/26/2015 01:21 PM)
Greetings Stefanie,

As previously stated, the suspension will remain in place. We are also unable to disclose any information regarding our research or any actions taken on your account. Thank you for understanding, and we consider this matter closed.

Elder Scrolls Support
Customer By CSS Email (Stefanie) (07/26/2015 01:18 PM)
Dear Meredith,

thank you very much for your reply.
I am still saying that this here is a mistake from your side and you are not listening/reading to my pleading. Please show me proof, what kind of add-ons are not allowed. I have those installed from the webpage http://www.esoui.com/addons.php and as far as I have understood those are the ones which are totally fine!
Those are NO Bot Programms.
Additionally it is very,very weird, that my partner's account (@Satark) has been blocked at the same time!
What is going on here?
And instead to offer a very good customer service I get such a disappointing reply.
I did not install add-ons for a very,very long time of period, just updating, so WHY now?
Without any proof? We were just playing casually and normal!

Please HELP me in this matter rather than just replying in such a way!
I'd like to have a proper explanation because THERE ARE NO BOT programmes involved!
My telephone number, where I am reachable:*Telefonnummer*

Thank you very much.

Kind regards

Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015 um 18:58 Uhr
Von: "ESO English Support" <ESO_Help@helpmail.elderscrollsonline.com>
Betreff: The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Account Suspension Notification [Incident: 150725-007394]

Response By Email (Meredith) (07/26/2015 12:58 PM)

As it is, this account has been found to be using add-ons and macros, and as such, the suspension will remain on your account. Thank you for understanding, and we consider this matter closed.

Elder Scrolls Support
Customer By CSS Email (Stefanie ) (07/26/2015 09:10 AM)
Good afternoon,

So, it has been now about 4 hours...will anything happen now to our unreasonably blocked accounts?
Please reactivate them as a mistake has been done from your side, not ours, we just play under the same IP.

Kind regard

Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015 um 10:32 Uhr
Betreff: Aw: The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Account Suspension Notification [Incident: 150725-007394]

Dear Robert,

what happened? I am afraid it is not true what you are writing. There is no such a thing as "Bot" or any incident to violate the terms and conditions.
What did I do ? Apparently my boyfriend (@Satark) and I got the same IP because (wait for it...) I actually live here. So this is the reason why there are two accounts on one IP.

Please be so kind to reverse this mistake as we do not use any "bots" like programms, we just played the game sitting next to each other.

Thank you very much for your understanding and I hope the accounts will be unlocked soon.

I am looking forward hearing from you.

My phone number for any further questions:

Kind regards

Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015 um 04:13 Uhr
Von: "ESO English Support" <ESO_Help@helpmail.elderscrollsonline.com>
Betreff: The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Account Suspension Notification [Incident: 150725-007394]

Response By Email (Robert) (07/25/2015 10:13 PM)

It has come to our attention that this account violated our Terms of Service involving the use of third-party programs, or ‘bots’ to control game characters. Using scripts, macros, add-ons or "bot" program to control game characters is a violation of our Terms of Service. Having investigated this incident, we have decided to suspended the account for 72 hours and this has been recorded on your account. If this account is involved in any further incidents involving Terms of Service violations, it is very likely that we will take stronger disciplinary action against it.

We aim to provide a fair and safe playing environment for all of our community here at Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.

With this in mind, please take a few moments to review the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct which you agreed to when you signed up to play The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.

Terms of Service - https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service
Code of Conduct - https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/code-of-conduct
Question Reference # 150725-007394

Date Created: 07/25/2015 10:13 PM
Date Last Updated: 07/26/2015 01:35 PM
Status: Solved
Edited by Litharena on 26. Juli 2015 18:24
  • ZOS_CatK
    There is already an existing thread on this issue which can be found here. We are closing this thread in order to consolidate discussion. Thank you.
    Edited by ZOS_CatK on 26. Juli 2015 20:26
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