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Freedom's Chains quest bugged?

So... 3 times now I've wasted my time trying to complete this quest - and 3 times I've hit a dead end.

I'm supposed to lead Renoit to the Upper Shrine - but he won't follow me. He stays inside the Town Hall with my hint at being "Capture Renoit". How do I capture him if he won't move??

The whole thing is so confusing also - having to jump from one to the next deciding their fate. Now I can't talk to anyone and I can't lead him to be captured. HELP!!
  • petraeus1
    I couldn't find anything in the Community Rules about replying to old threads, so here we go.

    This bug is still there. I wanted to report it in-game, but the Bug Report UI bugged out for me XD

    Freedom's Chains, after subduing Draven there is a choice to be made, it's kinda confusing: I kept going back and forth between Korbel and Renoit, settling on helping Korbel, only to go out into the town's square and finding Renoit with a quest marker above his head, but without being able to interact with him in any single form. The quest hint said: 'Capture Renoit'. He did follow me, so I tried to lure him to the shrines, but none of the quest steps proced. Logging out and in again resolved the issue, though severe skill lag ensued which made the whole experience kinda lame (might have something to do with the free ESO weekend?).

    On top of this a few plotholes, on which there is another thread buried in this forums if you search under the quest's name, make this quest kinda unsatisfactory, especially given its promising start! It really reminded me of some of the awesome village quests from Oblivion.

    I sincerely hope the information I provided can help QA resolve this bug!
  • Ardent_Dawn
    Soul Shriven
    Bug is still there, which is a shame. Hope it gets fixed soon. The old log-out and log-in trick still works though, was able to talk to Renoit and lie to him.

    If a "plot hole" was a quest line, this would be it xD

    Hopefully an update will fix this since it's late into the game and shouldn't be there, especially a year after initial release.

    Need a video series or something like "Bug Smashers" so we know what's being fixed and stuff :D
    Where there is Creation, there is also Destruction. One should remember this as one is being crushed underneath the mighty power of the Dawn.
  • logarifmik
    This thread deserves to be necroed, because the bug is still not fixed. Not only that, the writing is still poor, illogical lore-wise and incomplete.
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  • FierceSam
    Still Borken

    FFS ZOS at their finest
  • AaronGR
    Still Broken.. I had to the relog.
    This world, where man fights against man - no, where every living thing fights to take the life of another! We kill beasts, we kill dragons, we even kill men! Fighting begets fighting, and the slaughter begins anew - such is the way of the world.
  • InRetrospect
    Still broken. Renoit followed me and I killed Draven and nothing. Trying the log out and in “fix” in a second
  • InRetrospect
    tried the “fix” and it worked by the way.
  • ZOS_Lunar
    We've closed this thread given its age. Information contained within may no longer be relevant. If you would like to continue the discussion, please create a new thread.
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