No fix for the missing ui alliance tags bug in pvp?

Basically the title @ZOS_GinaBruno this bug it is actually gamebreaking for all the people who suffer it, and quit the game and relog evry 10 minutes is not a good solution....

  • Mercurio
  • Darkintellect
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Samadhi
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.

    Some specifics I have noticed that might help you out:

    If my game lags out and disconnects, crashes out, or freezes up and has to be force closed, the next login my alliance indicators will vanish.
    On one occasion, my game lagged out and had to be force closed, relogging lost me my indicators but was in the middle of a warzone and kept fighting anyway, lagged out and had to force close again, relogging brought the indicators back.

    The work-around for this issue appears to be as follows:
    If the indicators are missing, go into the interface menu and turn them to off
    force close (alt+f4, NOT the Quit option in menu) the client and relog
    after relogging, turn the indicators back on in the menu

    It may be that the client is having some issues with saving/loading up the correct menu settings after a crash or force close, but not certain.
    The biggest counter to this is the fact that the toggle cannot be simply turned on and off to bring indicators back, the only solution also involves closing the client completely.

    Hope you guys can figure this out soon -- it is a terrible glitch in PvP and the new players to the game are going to be sent into Cyrodiil to experience it starting at level 10.

    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks, we'll definitely pass that along @Samadhi!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ethoir
    The problem specifically is that the alliance indicator icons will go AWOL and vanish on occasion, making it impossible to tell friend from foe in a siege or skirmish. As mentioned, it isn't consistent across the playerbase in Cyrodiil, but it happens to some of the population some of the time and the only fix is to close and re-launch the game.

    I had it happen about two times so far and in one of them I was killed by a red group whose icons went missing while I was 5 yards from the NW postern door of Sejanus. Since their icons were missing, I had no way of knowing they were enemies until I suddenly dropped dead on the steps of the outpost and the Reds I thought were "friendlies" set up siege weapons right behind my "corpse".

    There is also a side issue in PvP where enemy keep/resource guards will have their health bars displayed even if you have the healthbar interface setting set to only show the bars when the enemy NPC is injured. In short, unless you turn the healthbars off, the game thinks you have it set to "always". Not sure if this was fixed in the patch today as I am still downloading said patch and won't be able to check for a couple of hours.
    Edited by Ethoir on March 17, 2015 1:12AM
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
  • Equinox
    If you lose your markers, then login game, then try to move before EVERYTHING loads in you also lose them again.

    If you gain them back again, and then login and look at your map while moving you also lose it. You have to stand still and look at your map, or use a minimap.
    ********************~For the Queen!~********************
  • BigMac_Smiley
    Equinox wrote: »
    If you lose your markers, then login game, then try to move before EVERYTHING loads in you also lose them again.

    I also had the same problem. I logged back into my game and the Icons where back, then I started moving and in about 10sec they where gone.

    Edited by BigMac_Smiley on March 17, 2015 3:14AM
  • Domander
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.

    I have a question for you, does anyone there play this game? I ask because there are many bugs that I run into daily that have been around for a very very long time, such as group members going invisible, my health bar bugging and not updating damage shields properly, or the lag in cyrodiil...etc.

    I would think if any devs were playing the game and constantly annoyed by these bugs, they would get fixed.

    and then there's bugs like this that take weeks to fix.

    It's frustrating.
  • Joy_Division
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.

    Hi Gina,

    I'll submit this as a /bug, but since I never get a response I cannot be sure it is ever read, let alone transmitted, to the people in charge of fixing this stuff.

    I have had the missing icon tag for SIX straight nights. Tonight I lost the icons FIVE times in a 90 minute play session. So I am something of an expert and have a lot of experience in this matter. Here is what I can tell you:
    • The bug can happen whenever there is a "hiccup" during the game (such as when a postern keep door is repaired at over 90%).
    • Some loading screens are longer than others. If you get a long loading screen, you can get this bug. This is much more likely to get the bug than a hiccup.
    • Sometimes you get a random loading screen at the weirdest times. The bug can happen during this.
    • If you get a random loading screen that is unusually long, you will probably get the bug.
    • After the second time I lost alliance markers tonight, I was able to predict after what hiccups/loading screen I would lose alliance icons. I was right every time.

    Something is going on during those longer than usual loading screens that is creating this bug

    Other random stuff:

    I have been told this process is the quickest fix: turn off the health bars, log out completely, log back in, turn health bars back on. This worked the first two times I tried it tonight. However it would not any of the times I tried it afterward.

    Repairing the launcher does work, BUT whatever fix is applied through this process will get wiped away during a long loading screen. Twice tonight after repairing the launcher I quickly (like within 3 minutes) hit a long loading screen that enabled the bug

    I should be more specific what UI bug I am experiencing because I have heard other UI elements missing. I am talking about missing enemy icons. This particular bug I don't think is necessarily connected with the missing health bar bug I have been hearing about (somehow I have not experienced this bug). Also there may not be a connection with the missing group chevrons. Two of the times tonight I had the missing enemy alliance and missing group chevrons, but three times I could see my groupmate icons but not the enemy icons (and all times I was able to see health).
  • Ikarus
    Its the same Problem as the missing lifebarbug. This really needs to fixed asap. It destroys the whole game experience...
  • Zhoyzu
    Samadhi wrote: »
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.

    Some specifics I have noticed that might help you out:

    If my game lags out and disconnects, crashes out, or freezes up and has to be force closed, the next login my alliance indicators will vanish.
    On one occasion, my game lagged out and had to be force closed, relogging lost me my indicators but was in the middle of a warzone and kept fighting anyway, lagged out and had to force close again, relogging brought the indicators back.

    The work-around for this issue appears to be as follows:
    If the indicators are missing, go into the interface menu and turn them to off
    force close (alt+f4, NOT the Quit option in menu) the client and relog
    after relogging, turn the indicators back on in the menu

    It may be that the client is having some issues with saving/loading up the correct menu settings after a crash or force close, but not certain.
    The biggest counter to this is the fact that the toggle cannot be simply turned on and off to bring indicators back, the only solution also involves closing the client completely.

    Hope you guys can figure this out soon -- it is a terrible glitch in PvP and the new players to the game are going to be sent into Cyrodiil to experience it starting at level 10.


    Along with this ive noticed that sometimes the interface gets turned off. It could also be an issue where somehow it gets switched off then read on in the menu, forcing a restart.

    Sometimes it works 1st try sometimes on the 4th try i notice that the interface shows indicators/hp bars off (but wait i never turned them off). turning them on and if im lucky a reloadui will fix it then and there if not another restart and im good to go for the rest of the evening.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
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    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Aldul
    Ikarus wrote: »
    Its the same Problem as the missing lifebarbug. This really needs to fixed asap. It destroys the whole game experience...

    - - PVP -only, sorc-only - AD Veteran - -
    - CULTURES Social Guild (EU) -
  • deleted221205-002626
    I'll add my 2cents since ive experienced it ALOT... it ONLY happens when you have a client crash or complete client freeze without any windows error msg as well.. you'll reload/log back in and the icons/health bars are not visible even though the options are set to show them... only fix ive found is to turn them off/ log or close the client and relog back in and turn them back on again.. also sometimes during this process the relog back in part hangs at a infinite loading screen.

    whats actually causing it I have no idea but that process is 100% repeatable
  • onlinegamer1
    I'm also having this problem again as well as most in my guild. If we could get word on the issue Gina, we would be very appreciative. We know you guys have a lot on your plate so just an idea of what we could expect would be tremendous.
    We're still looking at this internally, but are having a difficult time nailing down the exact problem (which is the main reason it didn't get fixed in today's patch), especially since it doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time. We're continuing to investigate, though.

    It affects me 100% of the time.

    On all 8 characters.
    At all times.
    Only in PvP.
  • JTorus

    It has something to do with UserSettings.txt. I don't know if the game 'caches' these settings, however, it seems that crashes, excessive loading screens, and sometimes death cause the bug to manifest. Twice I crashed last night, both times the bug occurred, and both times I had left the launcher open. (I believe there is a memory leak with your launcher.) I can play for hours without crashing if I remember to close the launcher.

    That said, the best method I've found to resolve this bug with 100% success (so far) is to:
    - Rename my UserSettings.txt to OLDUserSettings.txt
    - Start the game and exit it properly.
    - After closing the game, I delete the newly created UserSettings.Txt and rename OLDUserSettings.txt back.
    - Restart the game and my alliance indicators and healthbars have returned.

    (This allows me to retain all my settings, and fixes the bug.)

    I've noticed that the game doesn't actually create the new UserSettings file until it actually closes... Which lends to my suspicions of it utilizing a cache. If that's the case, then the corruption is taking place with how it reads that cache. I'm guessing remnants of old (1.5) code not cleaned up to work in line with new (1.6/2.0) code.

    Edit, Words, sentences, please send coffee. (Dunkins)
    Edited by JTorus on March 17, 2015 12:58PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks so much for the extra information, guys. This definitely helps. We'll let you know whenever we have an update!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    Thanks so much for the extra information, guys. This definitely helps. We'll let you know whenever we have an update!

    Yes i have lost health bars and alliance tags yesterday in pvp after a few hours of pvp. i lost them after dieing though, when i was rez'ed they were gone. it took 3 game restarts to get them back. i thought i read in the patch notes this was fixed, i guess the bug still persists. this is the only time this happened to me last night after 2.0.1. so definitely not as bad as it was in 1.6.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Ezareth
    Every time this happened to me so far it was right after I Alt-F4'ed the game to fix a host of other issues (like my shield value bar being stuck in one position or another). Upon relogging my alliance indicators are gone.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
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    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Soul_Demon
    With my loosing of indicators it has been either from crashing, being killed during lag, or getting hit with spells from multiple people spamming them (lag usually kicks in somewhere).

    Each time, I log off and do system repair in game client, it fixes it without fail. Not sure if that helps nail it down, but maybe every little bit gets you closer to what the problem is.

  • Tonnopesce
    JTorus wrote: »

    It has something to do with UserSettings.txt. I don't know if the game 'caches' these settings, however, it seems that crashes, excessive loading screens, and sometimes death cause the bug to manifest. Twice I crashed last night, both times the bug occurred, and both times I had left the launcher open. (I believe there is a memory leak with your launcher.) I can play for hours without crashing if I remember to close the launcher.

    That said, the best method I've found to resolve this bug with 100% success (so far) is to:
    - Rename my UserSettings.txt to OLDUserSettings.txt
    - Start the game and exit it properly.
    - After closing the game, I delete the newly created UserSettings.Txt and rename OLDUserSettings.txt back.
    - Restart the game and my alliance indicators and healthbars have returned.

    (This allows me to retain all my settings, and fixes the bug.)

    I've noticed that the game doesn't actually create the new UserSettings file until it actually closes... Which lends to my suspicions of it utilizing a cache. If that's the case, then the corruption is taking place with how it reads that cache. I'm guessing remnants of old (1.5) code not cleaned up to work in line with new (1.6/2.0) code.

    Edit, Words, sentences, please send coffee. (Dunkins)

    Hey! @ZOS_GinaBruno is this ^^ option safe? I dont want to mess to much with the game data...

    Btw today i was still missing the health bars but the alliance tags where disappering only once in 1 hour so i belive they are related to the same problem


  • Darkintellect
    I appreciate your response Gina and thanks for the good work. I was curious (as are many with this problem) if tomorrow's patch was looking to have this issue fixed, or was a fix getting closer and more likely the following week, if a hotfix isn't possible?
  • Morvul
    I get the "missing alliance and group symbols" bug with 100% reproducability:

    1) play in cyrodiil until the UI starts reporting wrong damage-shield values (usually takes 20-30 minutes)
    2) close game and restart game
    3) about 1 minute after reloading into cyrodiil, alliance and group symbols will disappear

    4) the following game restart (to get my symbols back) will also reliable result in the famous "endless loading screen"
    Edited by Morvul on March 23, 2015 3:51PM
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