Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Shopkeeper, the original version, is back up and available.

Shopkeeper was one of THE most popular addons written for ESO.

Why did it go away? Unfortunate timing.

The author released Shopkeeper 1.0 with a lot of big (good) changes and then left (vanished).

Unfortunately that release contained some bugs.

Then patch 6 came out and that further broke things in Shopkeeper.

So now it’s was full of errors and there was no author to work on it.

This was two months ago, why is it suddenly back?

I personally do not like the direction the “continued” version is going and the modified version I use in GSA (I’ll explain in a sec) doesn’t do all the things the original version did.

So the other day I just decided to fix and update Shopkeeper 1.0 – I know what it’s like to lose your favorite addon and I had the ability and understanding of the addon the correct the issues and updated it to work correctly.

So Shopkeeper is back.

If you are one of the people who have started using my Guild Sales Assistant and would rather have the original Shopkeeper as your in game UI. That’s perfectly fine, I have written a GSA no GUI version that will work with it but, you must get instruction from me to migrate your database so you don’t lose all the history in the offline database. It’s not hard but don’t just install the no GUI version without instruction or you will corrupt your data.

I hope this is good news for everyone.

If I can be of any help just let me know.

Edited by DrHarmful on December 11, 2014 3:06PM
  • Ourorboros
    You da man!!!! :p<3 (*)
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • Beesting
    I hope you can help me. since today my "shopkeeper continued "stopped working, i will explain what happens.
    I left one of my trade guilds 3 days ago, and now as soon as shopkeeper updates the listing for my last guild (nr 4, that used to be nr 5) something strange happens, it lists everything i sold in that guild 2 days ago many many times. And keeps doing so till the lua is 1500 Mb big and the game crashes.
    I have tried deleting the addon folder and lua file and restoring it from my backup of 3 weeks ago. As soon as it hits guild 4 it happens again.

    So after a few tries (i try and wait for the option to hit the reset button but can't before the program crashes)

    i downloaded and installed you new "shopkeeper Original", but the same thing happens with that. I tried to delete it and set the sales history to 1 day, but it makes no difference.
    I cannot seem to hit reset, as long as the program updates.

    this is the error i get after like 4 mins, the first 3 guilds update fine, as soon as the program tries to update guild 5 (that is now guild 4) it happens

    after i relog the shopkeeper will not start anymore.

    I really hope you can help me :cold_sweat:
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • DrHarmful
    I have never heard of an issue like this.

    It's due to the conversion of epoch time to "regular time"

    can you show me samples of the repeating .lua file from the saved variables folder.

    also - do you have the time on your computer setup in a "different" way?

    I'm thinking it's finding your sales but what looks like duplicate have very slightly different.

    ["timestamp"] = 1417773988,

    you did completely delete your Shopkeeper.lua file from savedvariables, correct?

    that is the only place settings are saved.

    Also are you using anything like:

    GSA, ddShopkeeper, any other old version running at the same time?

    If double checking that you don't have multiple shopkeeper versions and you do remove that Shopkeeper.lua file -- all while OFFLINE.

    It will just recreate the file if you do this online.

    Then send me a copy of the Shopkeeper.lua file from savedvariables.

    You could also move to GSA :smiley:

    I only say that because I prefer it and think it's more useful with the offline database BUT I will help you either way.

  • Beesting
    Hi, thank you for the quick response. I did delete the shopkeeper.lua from the saved variables multiple times and it said scanning shops for the first time and i have 9 days of history, like normal.

    I tested what would happen if i would leave the 5 th guild before joining a new 4th guild and the shopkeeper was fine , working fine, untill i joined the 5th guild again, it was now in its Original order.

    I found a backup from the deleted shopkeeper.lua (113 mb) in the recyclebin, and found the ring i sold two days ago, the one that started the problems, it goes on and on for 26 times (i have the orginal ddshopkeeper.lua that lists it to over 435 times it just never stops updating.

    In the shopkeeper.lua that is 0,99 Gb things are repeated hundreds of times.

    ["itemIcon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/",
    ["50:12:3:22"] =
    ["sales"] =
    [1] =
    ["seller"] = "@Beesting&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Handelsgilde",
    ["price"] = 44000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = false,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420899392,
    ["buyer"] = "@Barristan9119&quot;,
    [2] =
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 47000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823289,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [3] =
    ["seller"] = "@Beesting&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 55000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823316,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [4] =
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 47000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823287,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [5] =
    ["seller"] = "@Beesting&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 55000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823314,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [6] =
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 47000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823286,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [7] =
    ["seller"] = "@Beesting&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 55000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823313,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,

    [26] =
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 47000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823271,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    [27] =
    ["seller"] = "@Beesting&quot;,
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["price"] = 55000,
    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:43888:250:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7:0:0:0:0|hRing of Syrabane|h",
    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
    ["quant"] = 1,
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823298,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi&quot;,
    ["itemIcon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/",

    as you can see it only happens to items in the casa guild
    When i joined the guild again the shopkeeper was bugged within 3 mins, than i left again and was able to press reset in shopkeeper and shopkeeper was fine for an hour (all the time till i logged off)

    I found it only happens in the casa guild, and also with items other people have bought and sold, not just stuff i sold.

    I have no idea what is causing it, my pc is brand new and it only happened since today, i did not log in yesterday.
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • DrHarmful
    Ok I have looked over this and you are not going to like my answer.

    The answer is that the ESO LUA API's are buggy and the one for time is really bad.

    I don't know why it went haywire on that one guild but even in the regular Shopkeeper (every version) every once in a while you get duplicates.

    Whey because when you call to get the time of a sale you the epoch date back and thats great - except it isn't always the same.

    If I deleted my GuildSalesAssistant.lua (similar to shopkeeper) and then let it rebuild by requesting all my older sales - every sale would show up as a duplicate in my offline database because the time is never the same. I have a routine in my offline code to try and fix this by throwing out the epoch data and seeing if the two sales are so obvious that it throws out one. But, that's in the offline program - not relevant to your issue but just as an example of how common this time issue is.

    I can show you in the results in your post - Shopkeeper is doing the right thing - the game is sending the wrong data.

    here are 3 sales - now it gets this data FROM the game:
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku",
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823286,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi",
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku",
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823271,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi",
    ["seller"] = "@Neeku",
    ["guild"] = "Casa de Subastas",
    ["timestamp"] = 1420823287,
    ["buyer"] = "@Akatoschi",

    do you see a single time stamp that's similar?

    Something happened with that guild's internal database or something beyond my control.

    Code either does work or does not work.

    If I ask the game for the seller I get @Neeku
    if I ask the game for the buyer I get @Akatoschi

    when I ask the game for the time of the sale - I should get 1 single answer.

    Those of us who write ESO addons know the time feature for sales and purchases are flaky but this is extreme example.

    I'm sorry I do not know a way to easily fix this.

    Plus, I'm sorry to say this will most likely be my last month. I've seen the previews of the next patch and all I see are tweaks an no content.

    I'm not a guy who does addons for ego - I just did this fix to help the community and the players not lose a much loved addon - I'm a player. And as a player I need content.

    Running old instance tuned too high with cry babies for Undaunted rep didn't do it for me and this next patch looks like the nail in the coffin.

    I really am sorry. I don't know what to do if 1+1=3 ... I mean if I ask you your name, I should be able to get a specific answer and in this situation it's not.

    If you just want to log your sales and not see every sale going on you can see if "by some miracle" GSA works (though they are based on the same scanning engine).

    You can also try ddShopkeeper -- it's Shopkeeper taken in a different direction.

    Beyond that I'm sorry I couldn't have been more helpful.

    Edited by DrHarmful on January 11, 2015 4:01PM
  • Beesting
    @dopiate‌ thank you for the help. I decided to join payday for now, i will check in with casa in 2 weeks, hopefully that will fix it, i really like shopkeeper and thank you for making a nice and stable version.

    I agree it does get frustrating that every major patch seems to bring a feeling of loss, especially for me as a pve player, when all the nerfs are pvp complaints based, somedays i even wondered why i play this game when it is even more horrible than the reality i try to escape while playing it.

    But i guess i have gotten used to it and have learned to go with the flow, i hope you will as well, it always makes me sad to see people leave.

    Thx a lot, hope to see you around!
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • DrHarmful
    Hey Beesting are you still around .. i took quite a while but I think we got this sorted out!

    I'm about to update Shopkeeper now.

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