Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Reset Trial Leaderboard times!


After several months of practicing and maximizing of gear and tactics, our guild have beaten the top records in AA and Hel Ra citadel and are currently leading the leaderboards in AA, Hel Ra and the weekly on the leaderboards in writing moment.

After all of this changes and hearing about times on the North American servers where rumours says that necrotic orbs and skipping the first boss was used to do this, we basically started to lose interested.

So I'm asking on behalf of Baby Face Bananas, world record time in Hel ra and European record in AA holders that something is done to fix this. Reset the leaderboards and give everyone the same chances.

On top of this, something really needs to get done about the rewarding system since the end game of this has become completely worthless for many people.

1. The loot has been BoE for a week which means that anyone with some money now has some of the best gear in the game.
2. Holding world record in AA or Hel ra gives nothing rewarding what so ever. Not even an achievement of having the top time in an trial.
3. Weekly top 1 feels insanely worthless since it doesn't change anything compared to being number 95 even.
4. Work on all these bugs such as walking bug, combat bug, platform bugs and crash issuses so that people can do proper speedruns where they not need to hold their dumbs that no one has issues.
5. Make it more rewarding. Farming the same boss over 60 times and getting the same item 10 times while other items never drop isn't really rewarding and will make it feel repetively and completely worthless.

The Finesse system where you need to be "flashy" doesn't really work to well if your character data get's saved. We feel like we get hit in the face because we are too fast.
For those that doesn't understand this, here is a summary sent by mail from a ticket I made when I wanted to know how the loot system worked on the Mage and the Warrior.
Greetings adventurer Caph and thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls Online Support Team.
I am Sir Rick and it saddens me that you fell under this situation, but I shall oversee your plea over this matter.

As from the chat that we just had, I am sending you this reply with some information that may help you in getting the desired items you are missing.
Remember to force load different data scripts by performing a soft reset: Log out of the game and close the launcher and wait for 15-20 minutes. Travel to player and /reloadUI while near the entrance of the dungeon/raid may also help.
Take some time between runs to give the game time to set a different set of pool items for the loot.
Besides that just be flashy for the finesse system to work in your behalf. Actively interact in the fight and do a bit of everything.

We just all feel that our weeks of practicing, late nights and dedication has resulted in the same things as farming gold has. Others might not be on top of the leaderboards but that is just minor seeing as it's a long list of names that most people don't even connect to.

Few ideas to fix this:
1. Introduce some sort of reward for being in place 1 for AA or Hel Ra, or just put something extra for being top 1 in the weekly to put a weekly competiton to it where being best matters.
2. Introduce something that will show which kind of guild that this is done by. (Allow the raid leader to set a main guild used/allow everyone to set a main guild/automatically set it to the guild the most people are in, or something similar)
3. Make an achievement that you get for holding rank 1 and give some sort of reward like a costume or similar (just like the hardcore PvPers get emperor, title, colour and a cosume, why can't people who do hardcore PvEing get the same?)

On behalf of Baby Face Bananas and as it's guild master, we ask for you to reset the leaderboards so that we can allow everyone to fight for the times with equal conditions.

Here is pictures of the times if you want to know the times (Caph is the name):

Here is our AA record run:
We don't have any video from Hel Ra as our streamer has FPS issues while streaming.

Make this game interesting for us again and reset it so that that all these supposively bug abused times on NA server and whatever there is on the european sever doesn't need to represent our end game content.

Our guild is also making it mandatory for all our members to put in /feedback suggesting this. Anyone who can do this as well, please do it!


Caph, on behalf of Baby Face Bananas, AD European guild.
Lost interest in the game and canceled subscription. Maybe I'll come back if I gain interest again.
Co Guild Master of Baby Face Bananas
World record time Hel Ra (8min 08sec)
Eu record time AA (8min 44sec)
AA/Hel ra HM done.
  • lathbury
    Agree there should be titles dyes and achieves if you hold the top time at the end of a set period of 30 days or so. With some sort of bonus coffers sent to the top ten with different styles of trial gear eg an aether jerkin.
    Edited by lathbury on August 12, 2014 3:48AM
  • Theoraa
    For any big changes as this there should be a time reset.
    If we managed to get a good time once, we should be able to do that again. The time might be different, but it would be the apropriate time for the current update and the state of the gameplay.

    Make the fight for the trial leaderboards equal to all!
  • Uniquex

    some bugs in the past were destroying the game such as the vampire ultimate (Pryda!) destroyed the EU PvP Campaign Auriels Bow for the first month.

    Now this was starting at the Trials, sure its obvious that some players are exploiting the current bugs that are not fixed but if there are players doing that you shouldn't look away and let them do that without any consequences.

    And to the part about trial rewards. A nice option would be if the whole team on rank one gets a disguise or a mount something like that would be really a huge price for this team.

    yea well thats my point of view

    have a nice day guys
    Edited by Uniquex on August 12, 2014 6:07PM
    proud member of the Baby Face Bananas Guild

    VR12 Caster Nightblade
  • Caph
    We have already had tons of people leaving the game because their weeks and even months of hard work was ruined due to bug abusers. I think it's about time something get's done..
    Lost interest in the game and canceled subscription. Maybe I'll come back if I gain interest again.
    Co Guild Master of Baby Face Bananas
    World record time Hel Ra (8min 08sec)
    Eu record time AA (8min 44sec)
    AA/Hel ra HM done.
  • Navaya
    Since now the longest PvP server is for a month with a reward at the end, then maybe introduce something similar for PvE. Like a Leaderboard reset at the end of each month and with an Awesome reward(Similar Reward like PvP Emperor) to the group in the lead. That way the Leaderboard will stay up to date with the upcoming patches and the leading party will be rewarded for staying on the top that month. Also it will keep the competition going, since everyone will start from the scratch at the start of each month.
  • xMovingTarget
    Yea, it needs a reset. You cant skip adds anymore in AA. So there is no way to beat the top times anyway. As much as you try, impossible to beat the best times now.

    Navayas Idea also sounds good. We do Trials on 5 days per week, ppl start to get burnt out. Not because the content. More because you do it for nothing. We have the gear. Its nothing worth doing them anymore. I still have fun in ´em, but ppl around me getting more and more bored with the trials since you cannot beat the best time, you dont get anything out of it anymore.

    "Nerfing" the Time Savers and not reset the leaderboards is very poor. Rename it Hall of fame boards or reset it pls..

    @Caph You got good points there ;)

    Edited by xMovingTarget on August 13, 2014 3:40PM
  • TehMagnus
    I agree. Moreover, people that achieved the records by abusing bugs of necrotic orb, oneshotting bosses should also be baned from the game.
  • Rescorla_ESO
    Any old school MMOers besides me fondly remember raid instances with several difficult bosses with one week lockout timers? Until your guild has all the raid bosses on farm status, you needed several days to clear the entire raid instance.

    The idea of an endgame PVE raid that is measured in minutes compared to hours/days is still odd to me.
  • Shennynerd
    Rose - AD - Khajiit Nightblade
    Modest Argonian Maid - EP - Argonian Sorceror
    Man Shen - AD - Altmer Templar
    Largesse - DC - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Which-Way-To-The-Beach - AD - Argonian Sorceror
  • The_Sadist
    magnusnet wrote: »
    I agree. Moreover, people that achieved the records by abusing bugs of necrotic orb, oneshotting bosses should also be baned from the game.

    Probably a bit extreme, a warning perhaps but a flat out ban? Half the time who knows what's an exploit and an intended feature :neutral_face:!
    I'm all for a reset, it's pretty much mandatory each time an exploit is discovered and fixed, well, in my opinion at least.
    Edited by The_Sadist on August 13, 2014 7:42PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • TehMagnus
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    magnusnet wrote: »
    I agree. Moreover, people that achieved the records by abusing bugs of necrotic orb, oneshotting bosses should also be baned from the game.

    Probably a bit extreme, a warning perhaps but a flat out ban? Half the time who knows what's an exploit and an intended feature :neutral_face:!
    I'm all for a reset, it's pretty much mandatory each time an exploit is discovered and fixed, well, in my opinion at least.

    And you call yourself "The_Sadist"? :p you should change your name to "The_Kind" ;).

    A temporary ban would be a good idea. I'm not for baning people permanently especially for a first offense (everybody can make mistakes and ZOS is not Valve). In any case, when you one shot a boss in an end game content which is supposed to be hard, you should realize that it's not intended game mechanic ;).

    As for the times those people did, I actually think ZOS has deleted them from the leaderboards already no? (7 min runs).

    In any case, platforms bug seems to be fixed, they feel much more reactive now.
  • Enodoc
    I agree they should be reset to address the changes. I also like the idea of having a duration after which they are all reset, with rewards to the top X groups. This hopefully would keep people interested.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Oinabilac
    I am the previous guildmaster of Baby Face Bananas. First of all I would like to say congratulations to Caph for having picked up the role.

    Before I left I told Kyoma that you guys should pick whomever you want, but that my personal recommendation would be you Caph. It's nice to see that's how it ended up and I am sure you will do an awesome job keeping things together.

    I still read forums from time to time to catch up on what is going on (maybe I secrectly consider getting back at some point), and I can only agree with everything Caph has said. By not resetting the leaderboards, and by not reviewing top leaderboard times for exploits, you are actively destroying what some people consider the most interesting part of this game.

    We spent weeks constructing, eventually deconstrcting and ultimately improving our tactics for Hel-Ra Citadel. Eventually we beat the Hodor guild of the Ebonheart Pact, only to see ourselves beaten by the same guild within in an hour. But we came back the next day and we beat them again, only to again, see ourselves beaten within an hour. It went on like that for a few days, but then suddenly they could not beat us anymore. In the end we achieved, what apparently is an unbeatable time, 8 minutes and 08 seconds.

    Then we left for Aetherian Archive. As a consequence of our dps improvements at Hel-Ra Citadel, coupled with some minor tactical changes, we pushed our previous best time down by two minutes in a single day, and in doing so we beat the previous world record at Aetherian Archive as well.

    It was never at least my intention to become unbeatable, because for me the rewarding part of any game is overcoming obstacles; constantly working to refine your tactics and teamwork to beat the best.

    I had more fun that week, when we competed with the Hodor guild, than I have had in most MMORPGs I have ever played, and it saddens me to see that kind of competition being gone.

    The endeavour became entirely pointless after our records; there is no longer any point in trying to get better. Furthermore the desire to compete is staggered by people so desperate to become the best, without putting in the hard work, that they choose to use exploits, and in the end they are not even punished for it.

    It's time for a change Zenimax.

    For anyone interested in how we managed to push times down as far as we have without exploits, here is a link to a post I made in a previous thread which gives some detailed information about our Nightblade setup:

  • kherzaheb17_ESO
    i did many times , hopefully they added hard mode and improved gear but how hilarious it is.They added storm attronach swarm to the last boss .

    I never seen such a waste and funny idea of MMO life.

  • c0rp
    Or they could just delete trials all together and come up with something that doesn't promote e-peen.
    Edited by c0rp on August 16, 2014 1:47PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys, just want to let you know that we are planning to reset the Trials Leaderboards once we release Update 4.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • briandivisionb16_ESO
    Remove the bloody notifications while you're at it.
    Keep getting "Your friends completed..." bla bla from every trade guild I'm in. lol.
    If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.

    Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!

    You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
    I for one won't resub until:
    1.) You fix lag.
    2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
    3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Hey guys, just want to let you know that we are planning to reset the Trials Leaderboards once we release Update 4.

    Mr. Burns: "Ex-cellent."
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Caph
    Hey guys, just want to let you know that we are planning to reset the Trials Leaderboards once we release Update 4.

    Greatly appreciated, will be interesting to what people figure out to do in the Serpent. Really hope that it will be better monitored in the future. Wouldn't be surprised to see the very same thing happen in the Serpent.

    Lost interest in the game and canceled subscription. Maybe I'll come back if I gain interest again.
    Co Guild Master of Baby Face Bananas
    World record time Hel Ra (8min 08sec)
    Eu record time AA (8min 44sec)
    AA/Hel ra HM done.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Hey guys, just want to let you know that we are planning to reset the Trials Leaderboards once we release Update 4.

    glad to hear it! Trials aren't my thing, but this is just a necessary step to keep things fair.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Kl3mzyy
    Nice that they will get reseted, but now when you told this i literally have no reason to do them anymore.

    Trials needs some changes not only leaderboard reset.

    Gear should be shareable in group, because you just get pissed off when someone else get something what you need and he don't and he is not able to trade with you. It's MMO for god sake, not singleplayer game. (half of my previous guild quited, because of this. Farming set gear in dungens for 2 months and not getting it it's fun...)
    HM achiwment and leaderboard for it.
    HM must have better gear then current one. 10 more magicka and armor isn't worth it farming, isn't even worth it doing once.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Regarding this comment from ZOS Support:
    Besides that just be flashy for the finesse system to work in your behalf. Actively interact in the fight and do a bit of everything.

    Is this true? I thought their was a finesse system in beta but they got rid of it? Is this why everybody else seems to get better loot than me? Because I am a tank and there is nothing flashy about a tank?
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    Regarding this comment from ZOS Support:
    Besides that just be flashy for the finesse system to work in your behalf. Actively interact in the fight and do a bit of everything.

    Is this true? I thought their was a finesse system in beta but they got rid of it? Is this why everybody else seems to get better loot than me? Because I am a tank and there is nothing flashy about a tank?

    I can't confirm or deny the system being in trials but it does exist for world mobs. Super easy to test with addons showing you xp numbers. It also appears to affect loot in those cases.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • NakedSnake
    Reset all boards annually.
    "Brilliant! Why is it that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the ones who are most certain of them?"
  • ThyIronFist
    LOL. The game still has dozens of issues and bugs, and the [SNIP] are crying about their leaderboards, lmao. Can't believe ZOS actually replied to this almost instantly while on the PvP side of the game we are just being ignored. This is hilarious.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraS on August 18, 2014 6:32AM
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    LOL. The game still has dozens of issues and bugs, and the [SNIP] are crying about their leaderboards, lmao. Can't believe ZOS actually replied to this almost instantly while on the PvP side of the game we are just being ignored. This is hilarious.

    par for the course, pve gets all the attention. But it is a fair complaint.

    Edited by ZOS_SandraS on August 18, 2014 6:34AM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Lionxoft
    Caph wrote: »

    1. The loot has been BoE for a week which means that anyone with some money now has some of the best gear in the game.

    Yet anyone can buy PvP gear... Still.
    Edited by Lionxoft on August 17, 2014 11:54PM
  • Lionxoft
    LOL. The game still has dozens of issues and bugs, and the carebear e-peeners are crying about their leaderboards, lmao. Can't believe ZOS actually replied to this almost instantly while on the PvP side of the game we are just being ignored. This is hilarious.

    Not saying you're blaming anyone or anything like that but the community managers only have the info that is given to them. Blame the PvP lead. I feel like he's been on vacation since launch. Hope he's doing well but the PvP realm is awful right now. Could be a lack of resources on that part of the team. Who knows?
    Edited by Lionxoft on August 18, 2014 12:03AM
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