Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Official Discussion Thread for "The Future of ESO Panel"

  • Hamfast
    Question: Will they entertain our questions at QuakeCon if they are outside the talking points?

    For Paul Sage: How much PVP will the Justice system add to the PVE areas and what steps are being taken to keep the folks who do not care for PvP to be left alone as we play?

    Looking forward to meeting you all in Dallas.
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Caroloces
    Question for Rich Lambert on Social Interaction (grouping):

    The ability to group with other players easily is a critical feature for the playability of ESO. It's been noted on the forums and elsewhere that grouping can be somewhat frustrating when you have completed a quest, and the other player(s) have not, resulting in out-of-phase situations where players are invisible to one another. Is there a plan to allow players to "reinitialize" a quest that they've completed so that they may join others who have not done the quest? It seems (and I've seen other players concur with this) that the ability to "redo" a quest should only be allowed in grouping situations, and should not garner much in the way of rewards (possibly a minimal experience gain as an incentive to "mentor" another player who's having difficulties with the quest).

    On the same topic, the grouping tool seems to be an admirable "first step" towards encouraging this type of social interaction in the game, but it's hampered by only allowing players "at level" to seek companions for a 4-person dungeon. When I first attempted to use this tool at Fungal Grotto, I had surpassed the level allowed and FG wasn't an available choice in the tool for seeking help. This was frustrating for me because I had no experience with the dynamics of grouping in MMOs (coming from single-player TES games). Can this tool be modified to allow for a greater range of choices?

    This last item is more of a suggestion than a question: Promoting innovative methods for players to interact with one another in a positive way (even the PVPers!) is one way to help ESO rise above the crowd of other MMOs. The guild insignias, the dyes, the possibility of small scale arenas where players can duel and test their skills are all steps in the right direction. Here's another thing to add to the list: Whenever players make "friends" in the game, there should be the option to make some type of notation as to what was actually happening when the contact was made. I have a long list of contacts, most of whom I can't remember what event brought us together! It would be great if when I saw a friend online, I could whisper to that person and say something like, 'Hey I'm the guy who helped you beat that world boss in Auridon last week. Could you help me run this dungeon I just discovered?'
  • Domperidon
    Question for Lead Content Designer Rich Lambert:

    Firstly, I love the lore in the ES series, and I do not know how I could play ESO not biting into it as deeply as possible.
    But I have a problem which plagued probably many other players. When I was a low level player often chosed a LFG system to came across players. Often they had no interest in the lore or they just rushed through the dungeon. Often, for this reason I also had to skip lore. Now I would gladly redo low leveling caves just for the story. Unfortunately this is not possible for now. Once finished the quest can not be repeated and lore from NPC talking is gone. Any chance to see the ability to redo the quest associated with the story in a dungeon?
  • LasurArkinshade
    Question for Lead Content Designer Rich Lambert:

    What, if any, are ZOS's plans to prevent the obsoletion of 'old content' as players get more and more powerful? In some other games old content has become extremely easy to clear, and very irrelevant in terms of rewards, thanks to ever-increasing overall player power. Since it seems ZOS plan to go with a consistent vertical progression reward scheme, how (if at all) do you plan to prevent this from killing off old content?
  • Fat_Cat45
    Aww, no one to ask questions about itemization and loot drops to. But I may as well ask my 2 questions anyway.

    1. Will glyphs be able to drop in qualities above white any time soon? This will help get rid of the feeling that enchanting is too slow to level if PvE drops also include green, blue, purple, or even gold glyphs for deconstruction. (It will also help players feel like they're progressing in gear if they find useful glyphs too)

    2. On the topic of jewelry crafting. Will it be anything to hope for in content update 4? I believe it can have a very positive impact if done correctly, such as player crafted sets on jewelry, or even the addition of 8 piece sets because some pieces must be jewelry.
  • Taz
    Question: As I was wandering around questing, I came upon an NPC standing beside his horse and wolf. I was wondering if we as players will be seeing any combat pet skill lines, with lore-friendly summonable animal companions/pets (ie wolf, bear, fox, wildcat, hawk, etc).

    Question: Will we be seeing mounted combat in a future update?

    Question: Will we have more options to customize the appearance of our horses? More armor choices, color choices? Even mount species choices?

    Question: Werewolves are in need of updates; it would be nice to see their form as a toggle to feel more beastly. Are there changes in the works for werewolves and if so, can we get an idea of what they might be?

    Question: Will there be RP phasing in the near future? It's definitely a wanted feature in the community!

    And I second the mini-games/housing questions for sure. Also the PvP arena questions.
    Edited by Taz on July 13, 2014 4:37AM
  • Armann
    I'm mostly looking forward to spellcrafting. I wonder how much freedom we get to make certain kinds of spells like invisibility, calm, frenzy from Illusion, necromancy from Conjuration and healing spells from Restoration.

    Obviously this will mean that no longer does NB's got exclusive access to invisibility, Sorcerers being the only true summoners and Templars being the only class with direct heals. I see it as a good thing, weapon skills are available to all, so should magic schools, one big step closer to becoming a real TES game.
    EU megaserver | XboxNord Nightblade | Ebonheart PactImperial Dragonknight | Ebonheart PactDunmer Sorcerer | Ebonheart PactDunmer Warden | Ebonheart PactOrc Necromancer | Daggerfall CovenantAltmer Templar | Aldmeri Dominion
  • ozmorgudduth
    DeadByNow wrote: »
    Keeping dungeons Fun. Is there any plans to make rare parts or material that will be required to drop from bosses. It would be awesome if rare items dropped that were crafting materials. Then you would have to take the item to your trusted smith to have the item made or added to a weapon/armor.

    Please, just remember not to force PVP players into boss grinding. I for example am not interested in group PVE grind if something might offer advantage in PVP and can be only obtained in PVE. There should be pararell ways of gaining the same equipement stats. Not to force people from PVP into PVE and vice versa.

    Just like craplorn, the only way to obtain vr12 warlock set is to grind trials or to buy it for [snip] of gold, which i don't have becasue I'm not doing PVE. PVP currency is useless just like the garbage PVP gear we can buy for it in Cyrodiil.

    Can't wait for Imperial City news :D

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on July 13, 2014 5:51PM
  • olsborg
    Please elaborate on spellcrafting! Will it be themed as in you can craft spells that belongs to skill trees already in the game or is there more freedom to pick and choose elements (damage types) and secondary effects such as cc etc?

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Imperator_Clydus
    Inzababa wrote: »
    PvP content, what are the plans, what can we expect soon?

    Will ZOS focus a bit more on PvP since the first 3 content patches have almost exclusively been on PvE? (apart from fixes and a few balance tweeks).

    Minigames / Arena?

    Guild vs Guild content?

    What's this PvP dungeon we heard about some weeks ago?

    The Imperial City is the PvP dungeon.
    The First Daggerfall Emperor of Tamriel on Bloodthorn and Guild Leader of Shehai
  • Imperator_Clydus
    What are the PvP plans for ESO going forward? So far PvE has received a majority of the attention as well as the major updates since launch. Can we expect PvP to get more attention in the future?
    The First Daggerfall Emperor of Tamriel on Bloodthorn and Guild Leader of Shehai
  • ShiftControl
    Someone please ask him if they are going to encourage people NOT to grind in Craglorn and play the content instead! I don't care how they do it, but they MUST do it! They totally screwed up that zone!

    I payed for the game and I pay for the monthly fee along with others who is playing the game currently.
    Since I pay for it, you are not to tell me how do I spend my game time where do I grind or quest or what not. If wanna kill rats in Riften so be it, its not your fn business along with all those ppl who is complaining about players who lvld up quick.
    This phenomenom is exist in every single MMO you just got to live with it.
    Simple you guys are jealous bc you can't doit.
    By the way most of us who lvld fast still done all the quest Cadvel Gold etc BECAUSE WE GOT FORCED TO DO IT ALONG WITH MAIN QUEST LINE.
    The folks left the game had their reasons and its not bc they lvld quick.
    The same for : all of you mind your own business
    ( Added)
    Instead ask legit questions like:
    When ZOS will balance classes?
    When will ZoS fix the NBs?
    Seems like Thief's guild is pushed back when we going to see TG and DB quest line in the game?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on July 13, 2014 11:41PM
  • ShiftControl
    My question would be how long will take to fix the herb nods so we can find about equal amount of each ingredient and enough of it. / Alchemy
    Right now I have to spend (with many others) significant time of my game time to farm herbs, I don't wanna waist my time I wanna run dungeons and PvP.
    herbs farming would be fun if I can supply my friends and guild but I can't harvest enough for my personal use/ game night

    I know ppl will suggest then buy it which I would, but none sells it like a month ago or if someone sells it asking an outrages price for it.
    ZoS you have to keep in mind most players have a life and we still wanna enjoy the game @ the same lvl with person who is spending 10+hr/day in game.

    We should be able to farm enough herbs in about 20 -30 min which would be enough for that game night but is just not possible currently. If you play hard you might use 50+ pots in a long PvP night with the gave outs to your team mates easely .
    Increasing the nods would also drop the price.
    Maybe one filed crop /type /Zone so we still have to travel and spend time but the same time we can find enough of it.
    Just make it Mooaar would you please.
  • Ashurek20
    Soul Shriven
    Question: When will Mac players be able to play in Cyrodiil without the game crash every 30 minutes? I love the game but PvP experience in Mac is awful and should be fix as soon as posible.
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Quintal wrote: »
    Well...this QuakeCon is gonna be very interesting!

    It won't be. No John Carmack

    @OP's question: Bacon. Bacon would have excited me most. But I saw no topics about bacon :broken_heart:
    Edited by Fuzzylumpkins on July 13, 2014 11:37PM
  • ZOS_AlvinM
    Hi everyone, we welcome debate on the forums, but please keep any criticism or disagreement civil and constructive. This discussion is getting heated, and we need to cool it off and get it back on track. It's important that we keep the atmosphere here friendly and welcoming.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • glak
    Question for Rich Lambert on Social Interaction (grouping):

    The ability to group with other players easily is a critical feature for the playability of ESO. It's been noted on the forums and elsewhere that grouping can be somewhat frustrating when you have completed a quest, and the other player(s) have not, resulting in out-of-phase situations where players are invisible to one another. Is there a plan to allow players to "reinitialize" a quest that they've completed so that they may join others who have not done the quest? It seems (and I've seen other players concur with this) that the ability to "redo" a quest should only be allowed in grouping situations, and should not garner much in the way of rewards

    Seconded, since staying in the group leader's channel/instance, wherever s/he is, seems to not be feasible in either the architecture or principle even after all of the overland quests have been redone to help with that.
  • TehMagnus
    Justice system! I wan to hunt em thieves!
  • StihlReign

    Thieves Guild - Can you tell us what we might expect from the Guild and when we might see it?

    Dark Brotherhood - Can you tell us what we might expect from the Guild and when we might see it?

    Fighter's Guild - It would be cool to see the guild have some identity. Can you tell us if it's viable to have members of the Guild or players who decide to level Fighters Guild NOT be able to use Vampire or Werewolf?

    Players who opt for the Vampire/Werewolf skill lines would simply have Fighters Guild greyed out.

    Would ESO be open to posting a notice, and a return of the skill points?

    Grouping tools - Are there any plans to further develop grouping tools within the game and what can we look forward to?

    PvP stores - Are there any plans to open the items in Cyrodiil's stores so that players can see what they're working towards?

    Are there any plans to provide a more diverse group of unique item sets and jewelry for PvP via the stores in Cyrodiil?

    Are there any plans to update the store to the highest level attainable in game (currently VR12, though armor is only available to VR10)

    Crafting - Are there any plans to return more legendary mats to players who have mastered their crafts, via deconstruction?

    Are there any plans to allow us to craft jewelry and what crafter would you see this falling under? (I like enchanting)

    Are there any plans to allow us to create or select from a palate of traits to craft onto weapons, armor, and jewelry?

    Mounts - Is ESO open to allowing us to respec horses?

    Are there any plans to allow us to purchase armor for horses?

    Cyrodiil - Is ESO open to adding a PvE component to large scale battles? Perhaps rifts could open and provide additional challenge when battles of AVA reach 60+?

    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hamfast wrote: »
    Question: Will they entertain our questions at QuakeCon if they are outside the talking points?
    Yes, but keep in mind that we likely won't have enough time to answer everyone's questions.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Akhratos
    Hamfast wrote: »
    Question: Will they entertain our questions at QuakeCon if they are outside the talking points?
    Yes, but keep in mind that we likely won't have enough time to answer everyone's questions.

    That only applies if they have been stuck for 18 days in a bugged main quest or is it related to stealth changes like the one you made to fiery grip as well (after saying the complete opposite)?

    I guess you will have time to answer all the dyes, fishing, vanity pets, forum avatars and sidequests important issues that people there want to know about.

    Screw the rest. Nobody cares about Craglorn pvers blocked in their progress. We already got a whole bunch of Hircines exploiters and they have no issues so.. why bother? Simply exploit your way to VR12 as every other.
    Edited by Akhratos on July 14, 2014 2:52PM
  • LonePirate
    I have a couple of questions.

    1. All of the content updates thus far have been focused on group content. When can we expect new content for solo/duo players, such as a new zone with repeatable quests?

    2. Unlike the other three classes, DKs lack a burst damage skill which I am reminded of every time I take my DK to Cyrodiil. Are there any plans to give DKs a good burst damage skill or even a ranged damage skill to make them more competitive in PVP?
    Edited by LonePirate on July 14, 2014 5:22PM
  • DyingBreed
    My question would be how long will take to fix the herb nods so we can find about equal amount of each ingredient and enough of it. / Alchemy
    Right now I have to spend (with many others) significant time of my game time to farm herbs, I don't wanna waist my time I wanna run dungeons and PvP.
    herbs farming would be fun if I can supply my friends and guild but I can't harvest enough for my personal use/ game night

    I know ppl will suggest then buy it which I would, but none sells it like a month ago or if someone sells it asking an outrages price for it.
    ZoS you have to keep in mind most players have a life and we still wanna enjoy the game @ the same lvl with person who is spending 10+hr/day in game.

    We should be able to farm enough herbs in about 20 -30 min which would be enough for that game night but is just not possible currently. If you play hard you might use 50+ pots in a long PvP night with the gave outs to your team mates easely .
    Increasing the nods would also drop the price.
    Maybe one filed crop /type /Zone so we still have to travel and spend time but the same time we can find enough of it.
    Just make it Mooaar would you please.

    That is when you buy the herbs you don't have that is called building a economy.Plus it seems like your "friends"should be helping you gather herbs not mooching off of you
    Edited by DyingBreed on July 14, 2014 6:36PM
  • Nuale
    Lots of good questions so far. Ill add one more since others have asked the questions I was going to originally ask.

    I have noticed poor farme rates on my cup bottlenecked system (AMD FX-8350 4.8 GHZ). Most settings ultra but have to tune down view distance. One core is maxed out, while remainder are at 1/3 usage or nearly none. My cpu is starving my gpu :( I was wondering since this game is due to launch on consoles, if additional threading and cup optimization may be coming to pc version considering consoles run on a wider not deeper cpu set-up?
    While I know this is not "the best" cpu, I do know that when properly optimized this cpu eats games alive! Games like Battlefield, far cry 3 and the new Tomb Raider.
    Edited by Nuale on July 15, 2014 1:51PM
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    My question is whether more resources will go into cleaning up bugs and exploits within the game including FPS issues. My concern is that new content is great, but only if able to enjoy in a stable balanced environment.
    Edited by bruceb14_ESO5 on July 14, 2014 9:03PM
  • Nic727
    Will you announce the beta on console soon?
  • Stricken9521
    Soul Shriven
    Is 360 degree blocking here to stay or will it be changed to only block attacks from the way you're facing?

    Are there any planned changes for werewolves in the near future?

    With the changes to ults scaling with weapon damage or spell damage, will we see other class abilities get this change as well?
  • Nuale
    Is 360 degree blocking here to stay or will it be changed to only block attacks from the way you're facing?

    Are there any planned changes for werewolves in the near future?

    With the changes to ults scaling with weapon damage or spell damage, will we see other class abilities get this change as well?

    In regard to ults I am pretty sure that I did read your ultimate will scale to weapon damage or spell damage (which ever is greatest).
  • Nuale
    Any plans for easy storage and equipping of a secondary armor and weapon set?
    Sorcerer tank FTW!
  • Cogo
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article The Future of ESO Panel. We hope to see you either in the livestream or in person at QuakeCon! What topic has you most excited?

    Question regarding overall ESO game play:
    Will ESO still focus on interaction between players to make Tamriel "living" and by doing so, help developing a "community"? Or is the focus only on solo play and guilds who already know each other outside of ESO? (Solo play should of course also be offered, just like it is now)

    Champion points
    Like EQs AA system, will each champion point be hard to earn, to not make everyone "supermen" in a few months? If each champion point is hard to earn, will not this system have a longer and a more wider choices of where to put a champion point?

    Replay value / New chars
    Will ESO offer replay value from level 1-50, other then Alts for banking/trade skills or get fast up to max level? Will it be a focus area for a Champion level player, to create a new char and play that character as a "new" player in Tamriel? Learning, exploring etc? And not level up to 50 in just a week?


    One of the best and most enjoyable features ESO offers is the LORE, which ALL makes sense and everything you read has a connection to Tamriel. Will there be more LORE? :)

    Another amazing feature ESO offers is the Quest lines like the main quest, fighter and mage guild quests line, with solo play and LOTS of different options to choose, where your choices are final and have different effects.
    Will there be more of these? And will there be "regular" quests with similar choices that effects the world around you? (Please say YES!!!!!)

    For the explorer. Lvl 1-50 as well as high level game
    Will there be more of the same "explorer" content, or added content for the explorer who turns over every rock, looks behind every tree, where you can run into a skyshard, treasure, nothing, an odd woman with a side quest, or a troll who one shots you?
    Edited by Cogo on July 16, 2014 1:01AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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