[Solution] Low FPS fix since Patch 1.2.3

I have a NVIDIA Graphics card, and with Patch 1.2.3 I experienced low FPS (below 10 FPS!). The only way i was able to fix it was by installing the new 340.43 Beta Driver from nvidia.com which has been released a few days ago. And do not forget to reboot your computer otherwise you still experience the low fps.
  • Zertk
    Thanks i will try that !

    EDIT : Work for me.
    EDIT : better but not fix totaly
    Edited by Zertk on June 25, 2014 9:30PM
  • Caduryn
    Nope, dosnt work, after 5min its back to 3 fps
  • Mordhar
    I used pretty old driver before (for compatibility reasons), but after this patch I finally updated it. At first I tried release version (337.88), installed it, restarted my computer – no effect. Then I installed beta driver, rebooted computer and… my framerate become even worse!
    From 57-60 fps yesterday, to 25-30 on outdated 331 and finally 15-20 on 340.43 beta.
  • Caduryn
    I used pretty old driver before (for compatibility reasons), but after this patch I finally updated it. At first I tried release version (337.88), installed it, restarted my computer – no effect. Then I installed beta driver, rebooted computer and… my framerate become even worse!
    From 57-60 fps yesterday, to 25-30 on outdated 331 and finally 15-20 on 340.43 beta.

    Atleast you can still fully enjoy pvp....

  • xMovingTarget
    I had it with some outdated addons. Deactivated em etc. then fps was better.

    But its still not that great. only getting ~50ish fps indoors now. yesterday i had 90-100 at the same place. the new lightning cannot be the reason behind this behavior. Not on a 780Ti
  • Sakiri
    The new lighting bs is wrecking my framerate on *recommended* graphics setting. Ive turned everything down/off but texture quality(I have a 1 gig card I should be able to handle it) but nope. Runs like hell still.

    Ladt time I updated drivers it ran worse so Im still running 335.23 on my GTS 250.

    This is stupid and upgrading my computer for something that ran *fine* 3 months ago IS NOT HAPPENING unless theyre wanting to shell out to pay for it.
  • Mordhar
    I had it with some outdated addons. Deactivated em etc. then fps was better.

    But its still not that great. only getting ~50ish fps indoors now. yesterday i had 90-100 at the same place. the new lightning cannot be the reason behind this behavior. Not on a 780Ti

    Looks like it actually a new render/lighting system. More specically its bad imlementation.
    I dont have such powerful videocard, but my 680gtx usually enough for modern games on high settings. And it was enough for ESO until now.

    No outdated addons. Completely clear add-ons folder atm.

    I also tried to set game on "minimum" preset. It feels nostalgic, something like TES2-3. And STILL cant achieve steady 60 fps.
  • tengri
    Yes, the new lighting apparently sucks performance-wise; I lost at least10fps on the average. GTX670 here.

    Standing in Hollow City at my favorite spot up near the temple, doing nothing only looking down pre-1.2.3 I was at a stable 60fps.
    Now my frame rate barely climbs above 50.

    Yes, 50 is still plenty but the loss is already there; with hardly anything going on on the screen. No wonder performance takes a huge nose dive in extremely busy situations.

    Give option to return to the old lightning system for those who want/need it!

    And btw... the new lighting does not look as nice as they wanted to sell us; interior lights are to yellowish for my taste.
  • Mordhar
    This tread called [solution].

    Well, I think I find one. It still needs to lower some graphical settings but at least I found which one does the trick.

    After a patch, I spend several hours trying to make game playable for me again.
    Started by disabling most performance-hungry options: ambient occlusion and antialiasing. No effect at all, same framerate.
    Then I started to disable effects and lowering settings one-by-one to see which one actually broken now. Found out that nothing makes any difference. Game runs at the same framerate with all settings maxed or everything set to minimum/off.

    But! lowering “view distance” affects framerate dramatically. From 15-20 fps at 100 to 55-60 at zero slider.

    Hope it can help someone.
  • Caduryn
    That needs to be tested on a large scale in pvp.
  • Tashira
    Yep the new answer I have received is go to low or medium graphics settings- see below from tech support :smile:
    - I'm sorry that you're experiencing these issues with your lag and graphics. What I'm going to do is ask you to do is to disable any add-ons you have running with the game. The recent patch might have made them cause interference with the game. When you've done that please run a repair on the game files to get everything back on track. Click here for instructions on how to repair the game client.

    When this is done I recommend that you try running the game again in a low/medium graphics setting to see if there has been any improvement. Hopefully you'll see some change.
  • Caduryn
    Well, just low or med settings dont change anything on the FPS problem.

    This is to 100% on ZOS side.
  • Tashira
    lol agree :) this is just another distractive type of response to get you do something without solving the issues
  • xMovingTarget
    Bad thing about this is, my CPU (2600k@4.2GHz HT on) sits at ~30% and my GPU (780Ti Phantom) sits at around 40%.
    Aaand ingame the FPS is at 30.

    So its clear, where the problem is. The Game Engine doesnt utilize the Hardware enough. With my Rig and the ESO Graphics at all ultra i could achieve like 150FPS at least. Count some FPS down coz of Server performance etc. i still should be able to get around 100.

    Something is wrong with the engine. Whatever you do, you cannot get the FPS up. Lowering the viewdistance shouldnt be a solution. An actual mid-end PC should be way sufficent to run ESO at 60fps. If it would be able to utilize the hardware properly.
  • Sakiri
    I'd be infinitely more happy with the game if they'd stop gutting performance unnecessarily.
  • Aliniel
    Definitely a memory leak of sorts. It will surely be fixed as soon as the source of it is located.
  • monden1980b16_ESO
    Mordhar wrote: »


    But! lowering “view distance” affects framerate dramatically. From 15-20 fps at 100 to 55-60 at zero slider.

    Hope it can help someone.

    View distance mainly affects CPU usage, but this is already known... there seems to be a new problem after last patch
  • Caduryn
    Aliniel wrote: »
    Definitely a memory leak of sorts. It will surely be fixed as soon as the source of it is located.

    hm....i dont know....even with 3fps my Memory sits at 50% usage.
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