My Vampire Experience

So I made this quick guide for the benefit of other players who want to become vampires. A lot of the guides I saw online glossed over certain points which made the process more confusing than it needs to be. So I hope to clear some of those up here.

This guide is assuming that you want to become a vampire the "normal" way...that is not giving absurd amounts of cash to other PC vampires hoping they won't rip you off, or spending years in a guild having to "prove" yourself first, or begging PC Vampires for free bites. This guide centers on the Daggerfall Covenant...if you are in another alliance, sorry. But a lot of this info probably applies to you anyway. So it is worth reading. I won't go over stuff I know is found in other guides.

1) People keep saying you need to find bloodfiends in the middle of the night. Wrong. I got bit right before sunrise, when the sky was light, and birds were chirping. So do not give up just because the sky got lighter. This map shows the location of where the spawn was that bit me.


You need to get bit by Bloodfiends to start the process...they typically spawn in pairs. You may need to get bit more than once (getting killed is fine and may even be preferrable)...I got killed twice before I saw I was infected.

2) The signs of infection are NOT obvious. People said you would see a message or something...I never saw any message. The only way I knew I was infected was by seeing a message in my slotting the bottom it said under "active effects" that I was infected by vampirism. Until you see this you should assume you are not infected, and keep trying.

3) After infection, you will need to talk to an NPC to obtain the quest. This NPC will appear as a vampire standing by a wayshrine (any wayshrine...and I assume he will continue appearing until you talk to him). He looks like this:

4) He is where you get the "Scion of the Blood Matron" quest. You dialog with him and he directs you to another NPC, Rahaja. You will find her on the map (in my case her location was right next to where I got bit). She is inside a doorway which itself is an an alcove in the rock. She will explain the process of what you're expected to do. It involved drinking from some special basins (giant bowls) and experiencing a recreation of when Mother Lamae was first turned.

5) After experiencing both basins you talk to Mother Lamae, and they do a rtiual that drains you. You are a vampire at this point, technically. You can feed but won't have access to the vampire skill line yet.

6) Another door at the back of the room leads to tunnels. In the tunnels are human assassins called "Worms". They are level 41 and 42. You need to kill 10 of them. You are expected to feed on them, but this is not required. All that is required to complete the quest is to kill them. And yes, they do respawn. As a level 33 Sorcerer, I did not have a huge problem soloing them although they did resist my spells a lot. So if you are a caster, be prepared for that. I had heard you could kite them, but the tunnels do not leave a lot of room for kiting IMO. I did not see a way to get back to mother Lamae (there is a cliff you drop off of to get to them, and you cannot scale back up it). I just killed myself and respawned back in the first room. This will happen whenever you die fighting the assassins.

7) Once this is complete, you return to Mother Lamae to complete the quest, and are officially a Vampire after that. You now have access to the vampire skill line.

Edited by SadisticSavior on May 19, 2014 5:13PM
  • SadisticSavior
    Vampire Lore:
    (This summary is my interpretation based on what I've read so far)

    In Elder Scrolls there are multiple strains of Vampirism. The strain used in the game does not make vampires especially vulnerable to sunlight, but does make them vulnerable to fire. From what I understand, the original strain (the one you see with bloodfiends) does make sunlight toxic.

    Vampirism is also not easily transmitted except by bloodfiends, who are the "real" vampires. PC vampires have been "corrupted" by Mother Lamae, the progenator of all self-aware vampires in the game. When Molag Bal infected Mother Lamae, he intended for her to become like the bloodfiends, and spread the infection randomly. She basically defied his will by finding a way to remain self-aware, and this is why they hate each other. Mother Lamae was also a priestess of Arkay (the default "good" diety in Elder Scrolls), and felt betrayed when Arkay failed to protect her from Molag Bals corruption (whether this is deliberate or simply because Arkay could not prevent it is never said).

    So Mother Lamae rejects all gods, both good and evil. And her "children" are expected to work against the designs of both. You don't necessarily have to of course...part of her "gift" to you is free will, something bloodfiends don't have.

    My personal opinion is that Arkay did in fact intervene, and that is why Mother Lamae (and all those she "corrupts") are both self aware and able to withstand sunlight. Something Molag Bal never intended.
    Edited by SadisticSavior on May 19, 2014 4:57PM
  • SadisticSavior
    Some things I have discovered on my own:

    1) Feeding is a normal bound key. You do not need to slot anything to feed. It is a keybind called "synergy". It will ONLY appear when you sneak up behind humanoids and mouse-over them. You need to be using your sneaking ability. If you are not (or they have detected you) the option won't appear. You cannot feed on anything that is aggroed either.

    Apparently, Vampires do not feed by biting. Instead they "summon" blood out of the victim...

    kinda of like how Bill did when he was posessed by the vampire God in True Blood.

    2) Feeding alone will not kill them most of the time. Even low-level mobs. So be prepared to fight immediately after. The feeding process will "hold" them for several seconds, but won't kill them.

    3) The first vampire power is called "drain". This is not feeding. It will not restore your vampire stages. This power is in ADDITION to your normal feeding ability, not in place of it. That being said, you can only use it once on a mob, and never on any mob you have already fed on.

    4) You can only feed on mobs you could normally you won't be able to feed on NPCs in town. Not even really annoying ones, like that mouthy b:tch at the bank in daggerfall.

    5) Your appearance will change a lot and is unavoidable. The pictures below show my character before and after. He had a DARK stripe across his face before. This was not his flesh, but a tatoo or is still faded after. There does not appear to be a way to avoid this.



    Edited by SadisticSavior on May 20, 2014 10:59PM
  • Audigy
    While I don't intend to become a vampire with my current Char, I still enjoyed your guide a lot. It was well written and also illustrated by pictures.

    Well done!
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