When can 50+ move on to the 50++ areas?

Do you have to be vet rank 5 or will a quest pop up after you clear the 50+ area? In my case I started in AD 1-50 EP 50+ and Daggerfall 50++.
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  • Lonn87b16_ESO
    Not exactly sure what you're asking but I take it as if you want to know when you'll be able to get to the third continent after getting through veteran rank 1-5?
    Not quite sure as I haven't gotten through it completely myself, though if you check your journal after getting the quest "Cadwells Silver", you should also have a fourth option where you should be able to see what things you need to finish in every area before being able to complete Cadwells Silver, if you've checked off everything on that list, I believe you should go back to the harborage within your own faction.

    As said, not 100% about this though since I haven't gotten there myself just yet.
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