Artemiisia wrote: »think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.
Artemiisia wrote: »think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.
Artemiisia wrote: »think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.
Shadowshire wrote: »Although I have not discovered how much it would cost to reset the skills for my L12 Imperial Sorcerer (Stormcaller) it seems the wisest choice is continuing to play my L8 Breton Sorcerer (Daedric Summoning) instead until the next major patch causes the ESO system to re-set all skill-point allocations to zero. Thus I can re-allocate them differently from what they were before.
That way, I won't have to pay some ludicrous price to re-set them for the L12 avatar -- who has acquired a lot of skill points via Skyshards and Quests. However, it could be several weeks or months before the next major patch requires all of us to re-allocate the attribute and skill points for our avatar(s). It is not unlikely that Bethesda will avoid re-setting them as a general practice because of the disruption that it causes for gameplay. So there seems to be some risk that waiting for the skill points to be reset by installing a patch could be waiting for something that will never happen.
Shadowshire wrote: »Although I have not discovered how much it would cost to reset the skills for my L12 Imperial Sorcerer (Stormcaller) it seems the wisest choice is continuing to play my L8 Breton Sorcerer (Daedric Summoning) instead until the next major patch causes the ESO system to re-set all skill-point allocations to zero. Thus I can re-allocate them differently from what they were before.
That way, I won't have to pay some ludicrous price to re-set them for the L12 avatar -- who has acquired a lot of skill points via Skyshards and Quests. However, it could be several weeks or months before the next major patch requires all of us to re-allocate the attribute and skill points for our avatar(s). It is not unlikely that Bethesda will avoid re-setting them as a general practice because of the disruption that it causes for gameplay. So there seems to be some risk that waiting for the skill points to be reset by installing a patch could be waiting for something that will never happen.
DynastyIXII wrote: »I think it's fine the way it is. You can make 10k easy by just doing quests. I do the Cyrodill town quests every day, not only does it get me a veteran rank, it also gives me about 16k.
cavakthestampede wrote: »N-N-N-N-N-NECROOOOOO