The focus of items revolves around crafting, not buying and selling. This is intentional.
Though I do agree there should be some more bonuses on later gear.
At the moment crafting can't compare at all. It costs 10 times more gold to craft a blue item than taking a drop from the guild store. The only thing that makes sense to craft is food or potions, because they 'drop' only in white quality.
I see no problem how the loot drops. The game is focus on getting new skills, not who get the newest shiny toys (aka gear). One should get the best gear from the crafters, NOT from loot drops.
This. Just to clarify what I said earlier when I stated that I think gear should have better bonuses - I meant in general. Not drop gear specifically. Crafted gear, in my opinion, should always be the best gear.
Two once you get to a certain level in the craft.Crafters can only learn about one bonus per day and there are hundreds of bonuses to learn.
You guys seem to miss my point:
- crafting is not competitive at all from what I've seen until level 26, and I agree it should be superior
- I don't complain about having inferior drops, but having too many superior drops (especially in comparison to the price of crafting)
- I don't want to finish every dungeon run with 30-40 gear items that I have to vendor or deconstruct
- If I finish a dungeon I should be able to sell a blue drop for a reasonable price (even half of the crafting price)
Those are my wishes. I craft myself, but at the moment I am worried that it only makes sense at endgame? Why should I spend 2000g on crafting a blue item if I can buy a similar one for 200-300g from the guild store?
I wish Zenimax would change most of the level 1-10 crafted jewelry enchants into weapon or armor enchants instead. You waste a ton of time harvesting runes that are mostly for jewelry enchants, when there's almost no enchantable jewelry whatsoever in the 1-10 range. However, there *are* tons of weapons and armor both crafted and from loot drops, and there are hardly any craftable weapon and armor enchants
People actually enjoy crafting their own gear and leveling it alongside their character. Not many people level with blue items. As far as endgame goes, we all agree here that crafting should be superior.
What exactly are you looking for out of a dungeon run, then? This cost of crafting you speak of is significantly reduced by the fact that you are getting so much to deconstruct for mats.
And again, we've responded to your last point which seems to be the main one. Markets and gold are intentionally not focused upon in the game. Gathering, deconstructing what you find, etc., is the focus.
So, I deconstruct 20 blue heavy armor items which I could rather use myself to be able to craft 1 similar blue item?
An example if I may; I paid $1K for motif of Argonian, of course, no one else on earth would pay that much for any motif (if you do, you're ***), but since I love Argonian style so much, it was worth every penny to me.
Give us crafters a chance to learn the equipment abilities please
I have nearly unlocked all of one items abilities and it takes a day and a half to learn a new one on that item. With 7 pieces or armour and 14 other items (i think) it is going to take a while to learn them all.
At the moment crafting can't compare at all. It costs 10 times more gold to craft a blue item