POLL: Would you like to see a "Current Time in Tamriel" Calendar on your Map?

I always liked how in TES games you could look at your map and see what time and day it is in the world of Tamriel. Would you like to see this feature in ESO?

I think it would be nice if it showed the day of the week, like Morndas - Sundas or Sundas - Loredas accordingly:
Edited by Necrelios on February 5, 2016 7:58AM
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POLL: Would you like to see a "Current Time in Tamriel" Calendar on your Map? 104 votes

GidorickNahzcrypt1dxxMoonshadow66GrileenorStarwhiteGigasaxIruil_ESOApocyrrhoseTurelusJD2013ValveEnodocElara_NorthwindBlackEarkwisatzlog234b92303008rwb17_ESOTheHugeDwarfbabylon 92 votes
AcrolasNewBlacksmurfhaploeb14_ESOLeglessUKOurorborosMason22Kingof greenXellos77EsoRecon 9 votes
MojmirElsonsoDuiwel 3 votes
  • Tavore1138
    I wish they could do seasonal changes in the regions too to reflect it but I think that would be asking a little much :)
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  • Robo_Hobo
    Apparently there's almost 5 days in ESO for every real life day, and since time moves even when you're offline, that means that about 3,360 Tamriel days have passed since it was released on April 4th 2014. This is barring maintenance resets of course, and also the fact that there's actually a little under 5 ESO days per real life day, but rounded up.

    So it's technically almost been 10 years in-game since release. :D

    This is all just from information I gathered in about 5 minutes though so yeah.
  • JD2013
    That would be a nice addition.
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  • Duiwel
    My answer is yes, but I said other simply because I would like to add the moon cycle along with it.
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  • pirate3
  • Turelus
    That would be nice.

    Hopefully this is a small quality of life change they could add in.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
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  • Thornen
    Yep would be a nice feature but diverting dev time to this would just be a waste of time when theres still so many bugs/broken things in this game.
  • Ruthven
    I wish I could see how much time I've logged in on my PS4... :(
  • Moonshadow66
    Yes, please!

    I tried to get the Tamriel time with an addon that provides it, but due to my RL time zone it's nearly impossible to get the Tamriel time adjusted.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
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  • Syrani
    At the very least I would like to get a "server time". I play on the EU server, and people there are in a few different time zones. I myself am in the US, so when I used to sign up for events, I had to use a time zone converter to see what time I needed to be on. It would be much easier to say "the event starts at blah blah server time", than trying to convert my time to some other time zone.

    Edit: Not to mention daylight savings time can also screw up time zone conversions, so that would make a "server time" even more useful.
    Edited by Syrani on February 5, 2016 3:35PM
  • Xellos77
    No. I don't see an actual clock mounted on any walls in-game so don't really care about a "Tamriel Time Clock" on screen. Besides, it only really mattered when ESO hit players' preferred platforms and people were filling the level 38-44 zones in freaking droves to get vampirism or lycanthropy. Even then, it was easy to tell how long it was (in real time) until nightfall.

    That, and I disagree simply to disagree.
    Ebonheart Pact/PS4/NA
  • babylon
    I also would like to see festivals in Tamriel, with NPCs hosting fun events (like in LOTRO, that would have to be the best example of seasonal holiday events in any game seen yet).
  • EsoRecon
    I want to see my stam sorc get a stam frag first.
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  • UrQuan
    I would love this. Ideally a calendar showing what day and month it is, with a sundial or water clock or candle beside it showing the time. Don't clutter up the UI with it - just have it show up when you bring up the map.
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  • Artjuh90
    EsoRecon wrote: »
    I want to see my stam sorc get a stam frag first.

    you will never get it.
  • theher0not
    Yes. Would also be good to see the moon cyckles for people looking for vamp/ww but don't want to pay for it
  • Alagras
    Yes, definitely. Also seasonal changes in trees, weather, etc..

    And moons cycles too, like the vamps and werewolves would be more powerful around full moons and less around new moons, we would look up to the sky saying: "ah, the moons are full, Cyrodil is going to be a monster fest today"
  • NewBlacksmurf
    What purpose would this serve. Nothing is based on actual time
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
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  • Mojmir
    theres no clocks for a reason, just like vegas,they want you to stay there and keep playing.
  • Necrelios
    What purpose would this serve. Nothing is based on actual time

    It's for an added sense of immersion. I like to come out of a delve and go, "Wow I was in there for two days!" Immersion is important to the RPG aspect IMHO. Back when RPG's were played by pencil and paper everything depended on the passage of time. To me it seems weird not having this element so intrinsic to RPG's.
    Edited by Necrelios on February 6, 2016 11:40AM
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  • Mr.Hmm
    Yes that would be a really great addition.
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    A true gamer will think of all the possible outcomes and execute the one that is the hardest to accomplish.
  • Glaiceana
    Yeah I'd love for this to be added. There's been countless times where me and my bf have wondered if it was going day or night because we were planning on doing screen shots for whatever reason. Also a moon cycle would be appreciated as well. This would help with finding wild werewolves to be bitten by.
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  • Gigasax
    Awesome idea <3
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  • Enodoc
    This is another thing that would be great to put in the QoL requests thread, if they ever get around to creating it. Including moon phases with it could be interesting too, but they don't mean anything any more (unless they changed that again).
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  • Gidorick
    Yes! I would love this! I think it's funny that you posted this when you did. I saw this thread last night after I finished typing up my Tamriel Standard Time thread which I have posted here: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/245902/tamriel-standard-time-a-10-hour-day-concept/p1
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  • Necrelios
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Yes! I would love this! I think it's funny that you posted this when you did. I saw this thread last night after I finished typing up my Tamriel Standard Time thread which I have posted here: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/245902/tamriel-standard-time-a-10-hour-day-concept/p1

    Well it is about time ;)
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  • MornaBaine
    I wish they could do seasonal changes in the regions too to reflect it but I think that would be asking a little much :)

    Remember that weather is client side anyway. So now in addition to having it be sunny for the person standing next to you and raining all over -you- you'd end up with it being a scorching summer day for your questing buddy while it's a snowstorm for you. Yeah, I really think they'd do something that dumb. The way they "handled" weather is proof enough for me. :neutral:
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  • altemriel
    Necrelios wrote: »
    I always liked how in TES games you could look at your map and see what time and day it is in the world of Tamriel. Would you like to see this feature in ESO?

    I think it would be nice if it showed the day of the week, like Morndas - Sundas or Sundas - Loredas accordingly:

    yes, definitelly!!
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