Sisterhood of Tamriel Mature Adult Casual Female LGBT & Family FriendlyWho we are
We are a casual, social, all female guild, across all 3 alliances. We are a jack of all trades guild, with no specific focus other than playing the game. We understand our members have lives & family and make no mandatory requirement of play time. We have guild events every weekend and randomly throughout the week. We have members interested in leveling, crafting, dungeons, delves, pvp, pve, and social parties.
What we offer
We offer weekly events like dungeons, PVP, skyshard hunts, group fishing, and social parties. Our members are dedicated to helping each other whenever they can. We use BAND, a very lively chat program, which also hosts our calendar and photo albums. Casual or serious, everyone is incredibly welcoming. Women of all experience levels are encouraged to apply.
Our Goal
We are committed to building a friendly, helpful, tight-knit guild. Also to provide a safe, fun, and supportive environment for female-identifying players.
Who we are looking for
We are looking for like minded women, who have the willingness to help others. Women who are actively playing ESO and can contribute to the enrichment of the group experience.
From time to time there may be adult humor, but we do not tolerate overly offensive behavior. Malicious & offensive jokes or comments will not be tolerated.

“A guild is what you make it, the more active you are, the more fun you will have.”
Edited by Shame_less on May 17, 2016 9:15PM