Xbox One NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

Since we launched ESOTU on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, we’ve seen a surge in requests on forums and social media from players looking for werewolf and vampire bites. In an effort to make it easier for existing vampires and werewolves to find willing victims on their own servers, we’ve created separate threads for each console server. Please use these threads (rather than creating new ones) to let others know if you’re seeking or offering a vampire or werewolf bite.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • This thread is for coordinating free bites
    • We do not allow for trades or sales of any kind to be coordinated on the forums.
    • Some players may offer or request payment, and we want to remind everyone that if you choose to pay for a bite, you do so at your own risk.
    • Accepting in-game payment for a service like this and not delivering the agreed upon service is a violation of the game’s Terms of Service.
  • Please only post once
    • Posting multiple times clutters the thread and makes it more difficult to navigate.
    • The only exception here would be if you’re seeking a bite in your first comment, and later in the thread you are offering a bite to others.
  • Do not create separate threads in addition to posting here
    • This creates more work for us, as we're actively closing the smaller request threads and redirecting to the appropriate places.
Thanks for your cooperation, everyone!
Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on August 6, 2015 2:58PM
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Dinobot

    Edited by Dinobot on June 22, 2015 6:48AM
  • Dooleymagnolia
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for Vampire bite.

    Xbox one, Gamertag: Outlaw Dooley

    Dark elf, level 34

    Ebonheart Pact

    Message me on xbox live

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 3:22PM
  • canenv
    Soul Shriven
    Please help me
    Gamer tag : prodigy canenn
    Consol: Xbox one
    Alliance : daggerfall
    Any bite please will tip for service please help
  • mrillest
    I just got infected by a vampire yesterday. Looking for someone legit and trustworthy to trade my vamp bite for a ww bite
  • Yugi_ZT270
    Have Vampire Bites, but please understand that weekly Bites are given to Friends and Guildmates first. Also, all my bites will be free.

    STATUS: Charging (Available: September 1)

    Message me on XBL or on here.
    Edited by Yugi_ZT270 on August 26, 2015 1:27AM
    Xbox One - RNe Invictus
    Main Character: Gol'dur VR8 {Ebonheart Pact}
    Skills: Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Woodworking
    Bite: Vampire {Weekly Free Bites given to Friends and Guildmates first}
  • PainedBike21
    Hey Guys I'm looking for a Vampire bite in the Ebonheart Pact. My GT is PainedBike. Also in one of my characters I have WW but it has 4 days cooldown yet.
  • TheDustyUnicorn
    I'm looking to become a werewolf for free please.
    My TG:TheDustyUnicorn
    Alliance: ebonheart
    Server: NA

    Please message me on Xbox or on here if you can.

    Thank you,

    GT: TheDustyUnicorn Guild leader of Cult of the Unicorn Taco
  • YamiFlorence
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: Yami Florence
    Vamp bite
    Edited by YamiFlorence on June 17, 2015 9:40PM
  • PleaseGiveMeName1
    Soul Shriven
    I'm no longer looking
    Edited by PleaseGiveMeName1 on June 23, 2015 12:49AM
  • jamesesau87ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox one
    NA server
    GT RunOrDie87
    Aldemeri Dominion

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:32PM
  • pr0sh4wn123
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant

    Gametag: GeluDeus

    Bite: Vampire

    Extra: Hey, I would be very appreciative if anyone could get me bitten!
    Stop right there criminal scum!
  • SharkfaceVehk
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox One
    NA Server
    GT: Sharkface Vehk
    Ebonheart Pact
    Looking for Werewolf bite
    message if offering.
  • Nova825
    Soul Shriven
    No longer looking for a bite
    Edited by Nova825 on June 20, 2015 2:43AM
  • DoomedScorpion
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by DoomedScorpion on June 23, 2015 7:44AM
  • OmegaBlackArrow
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite, its been the last week and a half, I've been online for almost every moon cycle.

    Console: Xbox One

    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant

    Server: NA

    GT: OmegaBlackArrow
    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 3:25PM
  • shane2169
    Soul Shriven
    Pls can someone give me a vampire bite

    Xbox one
    Eb pact
    Na server

    msg shane2169 if you can give it to me

  • Zabb
    Alliance DAGGERFALL

    Gamer tag is: ZABB 116

    I'll take either bite

    NA server

    will also pass on the blessing to anybody for free provided I get bit.

    Thank you ladies and gents and have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Message me whenever and I'll get online

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 3:25PM
    Soul Shriven
    NA Server
    Xbox One
    GT= SHINKIR0. It's a zero at the end
    Ebonheart Pack
    Looking for werewolf bite
    Feel free to message me. Usually on most of the time

    (Update)- as of today, July 16, no longer looking.
    Edited by SHINKIR0 on July 16, 2015 12:52PM
  • chasdouglas8
    Soul Shriven
    Na server
    Xbox one
    Gt- Glock ll
    Aldmeri dominion
    looking for vamp bit message me on xbox if you can help
  • ManticCommander
    Soul Shriven
    North america

    MMe and friends looking for werewolf biters, we just need one of us to get bit, you can message Me anytime
  • BuffRooster
    Soul Shriven
    Name BUFF R00STER (zeros) or BUFF ROOSTER (o's) i can never tell.
    Faction. Ebonheart
    Looking for a werewolf bite
    NA server
    Soul Shriven
    trying to get a werewolf bite, anybody that can help me out? Thank you
  • Dukeyhead
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag: Lm HeIen Keller ( Capital i in HeIen)
    Ebonheart Pact
    Looking for: Werewolf bite

    Msg me on xbox

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 3:26PM
  • TheBigO5Car
    Soul Shriven
    WW bite
    Aldemiri dominion
    GT The Big O 5 Car
    Msg me here or on Xbox if your willing to bite also willing to wait in line if you have people waiting
  • AmarantheDemon
    Soul Shriven
    Seeking Vampire Bite

    Aldmeri Dominion
    North American Server
    GT: AmarantheDemon

  • xX_OmegaOreo_Xx
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite
    Server: North America
    Gamertag: xX OmegaOreo Xx
    Alliance: Daggerfall
    If anyone can give me the bite please message me
  • bonjobina
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite
    Gamertag: bonjobina
    Part of daggerfall covenant
  • MikeTheGrevt
    Soul Shriven
    Alliance: aldmeri dominion
    Seeking: werewolf bite (leveling vampire so we could swap bites, looking for an alt to get werewolf bite)
    Gt: Mike The Grevt message me if interested
    Edited by MikeTheGrevt on June 30, 2015 5:27AM
  • XxxKiLlErKaMxxX
    Due to it being wrong my thread is being moved. Here's the original.

    Its just about realized. A guild comprised of both werewolves and vampires. We are The Nightfall Alliance and our mission is to help other players receive their gift of choice. I'll get this out of the way first.

    Xbox One

    Ebonheart Pact

    NA Server


    We don't charge anything for bites. However, we require you to bite others whenever you can without charge except for what you just read. Because of that we insist that you join the guild. We are still setting up ranks but we do have werewolves and vampires. If you are interested please message me on Xbox.

    Gamertag: XxxKiLlErKaMxxX (xxxkillerkamxxx no caps)

    Guild Name: The Nightfall Alliance

    Thank You
    Edited by XxxKiLlErKaMxxX on June 17, 2015 11:53PM
  • Hailpoptart
    Soul Shriven
    Joined Wolves of Wraithwinter
    Edited by Hailpoptart on June 20, 2015 7:49AM
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