Tamriel Stock Exchange is under new managment and recruiting.

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
TSE was founded the first days of live play.
In short order, we grew into a large, fun trader guild, with a fully stocked and active store.
Not too long after we fell upon some hard times.
Which brings us to the here and now....

TSE is now under new management that will take the bull by the horns and do what needs to be done to surpass what we once were. The future is now.

What we offer is a place to hang your wares, make some coin, have a good time, and a little friendly chit-chat.
We have held an active merchant with no intention letting it go.
There is also a raffle that runs every week to both raise guild funds and give something back to our members.
We also run surprise contests from time to time for various items. Never know when, or what it will be, but they are fun.

What we will not do is require anyone to pay dues, force people into raffles/contests, etc.. All we ask is be cool, treat others well, and have a good time.

If this sounds like a fit for you, I think it could be, then by all means contact @dkhawkee either in game or here.
  • dkhawkee
    You can also contact:

    @‌ Kisskeen

  • MissChiefx
    I sell my wares on the TSE guild store and have gold in my mailbox daily.

    The members are very nice and helpful, and the weekly raffle is a chance to win some cool prizes! Join today and start making some coin :smiley:
    PC - NA - EP
    Amelayne - DK Tank | Arriana Aviticus - NB DPS | Aralia Spellbinder - Sorc DPS | Alana Leroux - Templar DPS
  • silascb
    I'd like to check it out! @silascb
  • Oliviax
    Which server is this on please?
  • dkhawkee
    Will re-send an invite today Silas.. :)
  • dkhawkee
    Olivia we are on the NA server..
  • VirtualElizabeth
    MissChiefx wrote: »
    I sell my wares on the TSE guild store and have gold in my mailbox daily.

    The members are very nice and helpful, and the weekly raffle is a chance to win some cool prizes! Join today and start making some coin :smiley:

    Ditto! Great trading guild. DK is very active in the guild and never makes me feel pressured to post items or meet a quota.
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • missingprophecy_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Was wondering if I may get an invite to the guild. @Cryptx
  • ihrig14bnub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hail TSE! @dkhawkee @Ackk_pffft‌ @freawyn‌ @‌ Kisskeen

    I was wondering if I may be invited into the guild?

  • Elmobane
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, can I also get an invite? @Elmobane‌
  • fridgebuzz
    I would like an invite please, if they're still available. @fridgebuzz‌. Thanks!
  • PinkPartyPony
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, i'm looking for a guild store to offer my wares and would love to get an invite when there is room. @PinkPartyPony. Thanks in advance
  • Putrification
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there, mind if I join?

  • dkhawkee
    Invites have been sent out.. Glad to have y'all aboard. :)
  • VirtualElizabeth
    Feel free to contact me in game if you need an invite and dk isn't around - @ElizabethInAustin
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • redwoodtreesprite2
    Would love an invite:


    Edit - Thanks for the invite!
    Edited by redwoodtreesprite2 on February 25, 2015 7:12AM
  • valkyon92
    Soul Shriven
    Id like an invite @valkyon92
  • michaelramm
    Soul Shriven
    I am relatively new ESO Player. Do you have any level reqs, or other requirements (like Alliance) that I probably don't meet? ;)

    If not, I would be interested in joining.
  • Ailwhin
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join, if you dont mind.
  • Daya
    I would like to join, please. @Liljna
  • dkhawkee
    Invites have been sent.. :smiley:

    A reminder, don't forget to let us know your @(name) it makes it easier to get y'all in.
  • tikitantrum_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    @TikiTantrum in need of another good trader guild.
  • Ani
    Looking for a great trader guild, please invite @Ani :)
  • grubbs.rhonda_ESO
    Would love an invite if you still have open spots. @RaisinGirl
  • Skarzog
    Invite @Skarzog please.
  • dkhawkee
    Invites sent :)
  • blairwolf_2000b14_ESO
    Sign me up, been looking for a good trade guild. @Ronan_Feard
  • lichmeister
    sign me up as well, please!
  • SilentDaunt
    I'd like to check this out as well. Please send an invite @SilentDaunt Thanks!
  • fallen_phoenix
    Hi, I'd like to join please! :)@fallen_phoenix
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