I rather enjoy the mechanic of auto-run while I’m on a horse. I set the run and I’ll open inventory, my map, or my journal and use that time wisely, but I have to frequently go back to the game for a moment to correct the direction of the horse so I don’t end up stuck on a wall, a tree, or a large rock. I would like it if the horse had its own AI to where I could set a general direction and the horse would work its way around obstacles.
Additionally, we could have a road-following mode so the horse will follow a road forward and the horse should be able to follow the road if it curves around. If the road forks, the horse would randomly decide which way it wants to go. Maybe it’s the way you want to go, maybe it’s not.
While I do think it would be cool to be able to go to the map, set a destination, and the horse would find its way there, I think it would be a bit too much for the horse to know and head toward a specific destination. The horse should act more naturally and should be at a happy medium between a mindless forward motion machine and an auto-driving vehicle.
What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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