Anyone know where to find goblin disguise?

I have seen people disguised as a goblin and cant seem to find where to get the costume. Anyone know how to obtain it?
  • forbarcusb16_ESO
    It's the shadowsilk gem, from a quest in the Stonefalls area.
    "I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime, I'm guilty of being a dwarf."
  • SirAndy
    If i recall correctly it's a quest in Stonefalls (EP) ...

    PS: It's actually a gem you get that you can reuse any time you want. Not a costume.
    Edited by SirAndy on August 28, 2014 6:00PM
  • andre.roques.3b14_ESO
    The quest is "A Goblin's Affection"'s_Affection

    in Stonefalls.
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  • Slurg
    By the Ashen Road wayshrine in Stonefalls. North of the crafting station where you make fire breathing armor.

    Goblins ride horses normally after the last patch. No more goblin horse surfing!
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  • Nestor
    I just destroyed my Shadowsilk Gem last night due to bag space issues.
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  • bluesodafizz
    Nestor wrote: »
    I just destroyed my Shadowsilk Gem last night due to bag space issues.

    Yeah, I got rid of mine not knowing what it was a long time ago :(
  • Zigzerg97
    Do i get it after i have completed the mission then?
  • UrQuan
    Do i get it after i have completed the mission then?
    No, you get it during the mission in order to appear to be a goblin so that you can complete the quest.
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  • Elsonso
    I recently created a new character and after the quest was complete, I did not have one, so I guess you don't get to keep them all the time.
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  • andre.roques.3b14_ESO
    You do need to be careful on any such quests that provide a disguise (or gem that is a disguise). If you have the gem slotted, and get attacked by one of the spiders, I believe you will lose the disguise during this quest. Best thing to try to do is complete the quest by only wearing the disguise when it is absolutely necessary. Unequip it otherwise to make sure you can hold onto it outside of the quest.
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  • Zigzerg97
    i have got the quest thanks guys, ill just put it on and hide the quest.
  • UrQuan
    I recently created a new character and after the quest was complete, I did not have one, so I guess you don't get to keep them all the time.
    You must have lost it from being attacked during the quest while wearing it. When I got it on an alt I did the quest without using it and just fighting my way through (I do this with pretty much every disguise-based quest where it's possible to fight your way through). I got to keep it.
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  • SirAndy
    The key is that you don't actually need to wear it to do the quest at all. Just bank it until the quest is finished. You can then use it freely.

    However, as already mentioned, be careful wearing disguises when doing quests that involve one since the scripting during those quests does *not* check the type of disguise you are wearing.

    It *will* delete anything in the disguise slot, no matter if that disguise is actually related to the quest you're doing or not!
    Edited by SirAndy on August 28, 2014 6:30PM
  • Montanabum
    I paid 20k for mine because I am dumb. I use it all the time though, also because I am dumb most likely.
  • KingYogi415
    Nestor wrote: »
    I just destroyed my Shadowsilk Gem last night due to bag space issues.

  • Ackwalan
    When you finish the quest you do lose the gem. But, you can get the disguise, put the gem in the bank, delete the quest and get another gem. Just remember, any gem you have in your bag will go away if you ever finish the quest.
  • saxgooner
    Just do it on another character and put it in the bank. You can then use it on any character
  • Runs
    If it's like other costumes if you use it and get into a fight while wearing it during the quest it gets destroyed.

    Personally I wouldn't know, I have never used it during that quest. Just kept it in inventory till quest was over, like I have done most costumes.

    You won't lose it if you don't use it.
    Edited by Runs on August 10, 2016 7:05AM
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