The only issue I'd have with this would be motion sickness. As it is (even with the adjustable FOV) even when I move at a pace faster than stealth when in first person it gives me motion sickness. Yes ZOS was awesome in giving us FOV slider. Unfortunately it didn't fix my motion sickness issues. If I play in first person I have to sneak or I end up feeling nauseous
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »
That's mostly because the FoV slider in this game is really bad. 120 fov still only lets me see the tops of my weapons (can't see any part of my arm or hand unless I look down)
Hmmm it's been a while since I've played it but didn't Oblivion have first person horse riding and wasn't it horrible? Then again, horse riding overall was pretty awful in that game
DogFaceInBananaPatch wrote: »How do I make this happen? Third party mod, addon (be odd if it was), some obscure ZoS setting?
Or is this just PhotoShop?
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »
Run your camera into a wall and it will force you into first person while on a horse. No mods required.
DogFaceInBananaPatch wrote: »
That was extremely unhelpful. Thanks! ~laughs~
MatthewShine wrote: »Oblivion's horse riding was by far the best (in my opinion) not only was it really fun but it was also really immersive and I (nerd alert) felt a stronger connection to my horse when riding around in first person in Oblivion, as in that it felt more like MY horse, rather then when I was riding my horse in Skyrim in forced 3rd person, which made it feel like I was riding a random horse even though it was named (Shadowmere)
As does it feel the same in ESO at the moment.
The best way to implement this into ESO is to make it optional, just like in Oblivion. Slide into first person or slide out to third, that way it'd please both sides
Yes. It would be great if done properly.
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »Here are some screenshots of what it would look like.
It's obviously possible to do (as evidenced by the screenshots) and, if they really wanted to add the player's arms, it would be a couple of simple animations.
You may ask "why?"
why not?