ViciousWayz wrote: »Every time something has a change and someone encounters something they are not used to, they cry for nerfs. If you had gotten the drop on them and played it right, there's no reason they should've been able to run around with it. Also, Soul tether is an ULTIMATE. It needs to be recharged and is not spammable. )
How is this pricy its only 150. Its almost as good as nova and that costs 300Seems fine to me, it's a pricy ultimate, does a little more damage to one target than soul strike, but the enemy has to stay within a 5 meter radius for the duration whereas soulstrike is good up to 28+ meters.
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »How is this pricy its only 150. Its almost as good as nova and that costs 300
ViciousWayz wrote: »Every time something has a change and someone encounters something they are not used to, they cry for nerfs. If you had gotten the drop on them and played it right, there's no reason they should've been able to run around with it. Also, Soul tether is an ULTIMATE. It needs to be recharged and is not spammable. Stop crying people, learn 2 play. FYI Yes I have a NB (and a Sorc) that are both now VR12, and no I don't use poison arrow nor soul tether usually. However, find a way to counter it, be faster, outsmart your opponent, etc.. or maybe refine your own build if it's not working as it used to, many changes have been made to abilities, sets, etc...
Being able to dish more damage goes hand in hand with having our stats caps raised (health, magicka, stamina, etc..)
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »Its hit me for almost 400 damage a second through Blocking with a 1 handed/shield...Non crit..
Think about that
NookyZooky wrote: »the damage is a bit extreme, but I don't think it should be nerfed to oblivion. but then again im a NB, so my opinion is biased:/ just to throw it out, I myself rarely get hit by it. it is an ultimate, and needs to be charged.
ozmorgudduth wrote: »
You tell me to learn to play, teach me something I could have done during this 5 second engagement that would prevent me from dying almost instantly.
I'm buffed by Boundless Storm move 24% faster with 77% crit chance from crit+hp+stam pot, with 202 weapon damage and 2.4k armor AND 2.4k spell resistance, 3115 HP, I'm healing from Critical surge with 50% of crit value and yet this guy steps out of his trebuchet turns around does some funny damage with Ambush and then I die almost instantly.
I'm listening.
I got one shotted by a craglorn Archer, who did 2.2k damage.
There is something wrong with the uncapped damage, and with the critic damage calculation.
ViciousWayz wrote: »
Craglorn Archer NPCs have been doing this for a while. You need to move out of the red. Unless you are talking just a basic attack LOL.
But really, why should there be damage caps? They are capped, it's within the same limits that everyone has (we all get the same amount of attribute points, spend them how you like!!).
Soul Tether was partially useless and now it's nice. But guess what? It's an ultimate and it's more effective vs a group of people but still effective against one. If you'd like to go down a list of all the things that do more damage than they should, this will turn ugly and all classes will be severely affected.
Are people new around here to the internet and MMOs? Nerfing causes more nerfs which cause more nerfs until eventually you may as well just hit with basic attack, which will probably get a nerf for doing too much damage since everything else was scaled down to it's level.
An ultimate, should be... AN ULTIMATE. Not barely better than a sneak attack. You don't have infinite ultimates to spam, you need to build them up. What is needed, is every class needs an equal opportunity to be able to regen ultimate faster or reduce the cost, etc.. That's all. Let's not turn this into a witch hunt and wind up going back to stage 1 of nerf bombardments of which would affect and upset more players than those complaining in this thread many times over.
I got one shotted by a craglorn Archer, who did 2.2k damage.
There is something wrong with the uncapped damage, and with the critic damage calculation.