Last Revision Key Changes: (v15.2 BETA)
(Last Update 6/16/16)
Minimal Data entry required...
- Enter Toon Name, Level.
- Document Motif/Styles learned.
- Enter Craft Level.
- Document Traits Learned, Researching and in storage. (next research time listed)
- Document Passive Skill Points allocated.
- Optional - Document time your Hireling makes deliveries.
- Optional - Enter current inventory levels (will modify data on other sheets)
This aid is contained in one Excel document. Sheets contained within...
Edited by Tallowby on June 16, 2016 6:06PM
The OTG (accepting applications)
Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
EVERY STYLE KNOWN!Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |