ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
You don't have to pay. Your armor will decrease though so unequip armor then /unstuck then put clothes back on.
Alternatively, I may have a screenshot. If I can find a screenshot that illustrates the stuck character, how do I submit it to ESO Support? The Support Request form doesn't allow images. With no response received, I can't "reply" to attach an image.
He does mention in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th paragraphs that he submitted bug reports with screenshots.Actu
Not sure if this will help you, but when you submit a support ticket in game, there is a little checkbox that states something like "Include Screenshot?". That will allow you to include a screenshot automatically when you submit the ticket. Hope this helps!
He does mention in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th paragraphs that he submitted bug reports with screenshots.
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »To clarify, /stuck costs a small gold fee if you use it in Cyrodiil. Elsewhere, it will just kill your character and deteriorate any gear you have equipped at the time.
ZOS_AmeliaR admin
1:45PM Staff Post
To clarify, /stuck costs a small gold fee if you use it in Cyrodiil. Elsewhere, it will just kill your character and deteriorate any gear you have equipped at the time.
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »To clarify, /stuck costs a small gold fee if you use it in Cyrodiil. Elsewhere, it will just kill your character and deteriorate any gear you have equipped at the time.
Not sure if this will help you, but when you submit a support ticket in game, there is a little checkbox that states something like "Include Screenshot?". That will allow you to include a screenshot automatically when you submit the ticket. Hope this helps!
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »To clarify, /stuck no longer kills your character instantly. Instead, it will give you the option of paying a small gold fee to teleport to a nearby wayshrine. This is true for all areas of the map.
(EDITED to provide more accurate information)
Ya...I posted about this earlier. It's not our fault the game has areas you can get stuck in. Why charge us anything at all?? It's like a punishment for exploring. We paid for the game, now monthly subs, why THIS. In the grand scheme of it all, it's not a lot of money and not a big deal, but it puts a sour taste in your mouth.
And if a character gets stuck and doesn't have the 146 gold on them? Such as a bank mule or low level character just starting out...
Gotcha there! Boundless foresight at ZOS.
Maybe you can just put in a /suicide command too so we can kill ourselves if that should happen.
I had to pay GP when my toon was literally entangled in trees near the end of a Quest for which "stuck" was the only remedy. When I was first entangled, I tried many movement keys and jumping with no solution, nor did /reloadui help. I submitted a /bug report with screenshot.
Logging out, I waited several minutes, then returned -- but still entangled. Again I tried every conceivable key to move jump. I could literally inch the character a bit, but stayed firmly entangled in the cluster of tree trunks, branches and leaves. /reloadui had no effect.
I submitted another /bug report with screenshot. Frustrated, I logged out of ESO, and waited until the next day to try again. Out of game, I submitted an e-mail Support Request -- but no response yet. Lack of response is extremely unusual.
I didn't return to the character for several days.
However, after submitting many /bug reports with screenshots, and an e-mail Support Request, when I returned to the character, it was still entangled! No movement key or jump would extricate me. /reloadui had zero effect. I was forced to use /stuck -- or abandon the character.
After /stuck, the character transported to a Wayshrine [/b]but was charged GP[/b]. I submitted anoter /bug report and e-mail Support Request. In each I asked for problem escalation, and to be reimbursed the GP charged for /stuck, since it was the only resolution for a reported bug-related "stuck" situation.
(Note: I included my Account Name and e-mail address in the /bug report and e-mail Support Request).[/b]
To this day no reply, acknowledgement, fix, or GP reimbursement from Support.
FYI, I've participated in ESO since early Closed Beta, mid-August, 2013. This is not a negative post, but a public request for GM/Admin investigation and escalation of the entanglement issue, GP reimbursement, and lack of response to /bug reports and e-mail Support Requests for this problem.
The lack of response is a first for me. Throughout my experience with ESO, starting with my first August 2013 Beta session, Customer Support by ZOS and the ESO Support has been outstanding and exemplary.
I look forward to a similar resolution of this situation as well.
I'll review my characters on both NA and EU Megaservers to find the one standing at a Wayshrine after being stuck. The megaserver, character name, and scenario are essential to identify the location.
Alternatively, I may have a screenshot. If I can find a screenshot that illustrates the stuck character, how do I submit it to ESO Support? The Support Request form doesn't allow images. With no response received, I can't "reply" to attach an image.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
If you manage to get stuck before you get 146 gold, you have bigger problems.
Helpful comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated. Negative comments add nothing, so on my part are ignored.
I was an early participant in Closed Beta when /stuck was introduced. It totally slipped my memory that the command now had a cost in GP to prevent exploitation. I fully support efforts by ZOS to reduce or eliminate cheats and exploits in ESO. The cost was never the main issue.
Rather, my concern regarded what appeared to be an unanswered e-mail Support Request for a recurrent, reported bug and which appeared to me to be without alternative remedy.
Since my OP, I received a cordial, explanatory PM from ZOS. That PM, and the helpful ideas by others in this thread, included the suggestion to use Travel to Player if another player was online from either a Group or a Guild mate. That travel moves to a Wayshrine closest to the Group member or Guild mate, and at no cost in GP.
Travel to Player seems obvious to me now, after reading the PM, but did not occur to me during my many attempts to extricate myself from the copse of trees.
The PM was also mentioned that "stuck" refers to dropping through the world or being immovably embedded in a mesh or game object. My character could inch around -- in a sense "move"-- even though being unable to extricate him/herself from that entanglement. By proper definition the character was not actually stuck.
Kudos to all who offered helpful suggestions or insight into the situation. To those who were critical of my posts: I play under the motto: Have Fun!!