GrimlockSaves wrote: »Perhaps developers thought people playing this MMORPG were seeking an RPG experience rather than a grind/reward experience. Craglorn quests tell a story. Does no one play this game for FUN rather than epic loot?
GrimlockSaves wrote: »Perhaps developers thought people playing this MMORPG were seeking an RPG experience rather than a grind/reward experience. Craglorn quests tell a story. Does no one play this game for FUN rather than epic loot?
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
A good deal of the ones who play for fun and the story bail when they hit VR.
Genadine_Holychild wrote: »
I would love to do the quests in Craglorn but the EU server simply doesn't have the people wanting this.
GrimlockSaves wrote: »Perhaps developers thought people playing this MMORPG were seeking an RPG experience rather than a grind/reward experience. Craglorn quests tell a story. Does no one play this game for FUN rather than epic loot?
Quickest Trials I have seen is 14 minutes, but then again I don't browse the leaderboards, it was just a guildie notification.
Genadine_Holychild wrote: »I have to agree completely.
I played the game my way which was to solo everything I could and only grouped for the group dungeons (and still miss half)
After completing all 3 factions and being a hero for all (getting a completely useless reward at the end also) I move to Craglorn as a V11.5 and all there is to offer is a herd of mindless people rushing about doing anomalies or another mindless herd of people doing 3 bosses ad neseum, I joined the 3 bosses to simply make V12 then dropped as it was painful to do.
So today I go looking for something else to do, quests and dungeons but oh no the quests are designed for groups as are the dungeons.
What happened to the play the game how you want that was so so prominent on all the advertising, it was hogwash.
So I am V12 and nothing to do apart from TS, but being in full Epic gear is pointless.
It appears you join an 'uber' guild to do trials but they only take experienced people or make alts, well I have a main and 7 TS alts so guess I let my account lapse and wait for the next ESO game that Zenimax has nothing at all to do with.
Talk about hype with no content just like D3 was.
Yes, a story that I cannot experience unless my friends are online or I can actually find someone to do the quests with (a 'fun' task in itself)...Some of the quests require 3-4 people to even finish, so it's locked content if you don't have anyone to do it with.
jeradlub17_ESO wrote: »All I see here are a bunch of solo players whining that they joined a mmorg. This isn't xbox guys. It is not a solo game and never was meant to be. Massively multiplayer online roleplaying's right in the name.
This is exactly part of what is killing the game. They took a single player xbox game and tried to make a mmorg out of it but did not fully commit to doing so due to trying to retain the TES crowd and consequentially failed at both. They made it too solo friendly to the point you can cap without grouping breaking the mmorg concept and then those folks that like that are upset when they finally have to be part of a mmorg. On the flip side mmorg people actually wanting groups can't find enough people to do so from so many having left due to the game catering way too much to solo'rs while claiming to be a mmorg and granting no better loot than what you can get alone.
I'm trying to figure out what the point of these Craglorn quests are. You have the daily's that award a random green item that is usually much worse than what you have picked up doing the quest. Then you have the long chains that run you around the entire place and award a specific green item that is horrible. We did one last night and the V11 cloth hat had 8 less magicka than the V1 green one of my group mates had on. Who are these supposed to appeal to and why is the reward for these so absolutely pathetic? Is there really absolutely no end game at V12 other than 2 trials that can be done in under 10 minutes?
wycked_lizb14_ESO wrote: »
I totally agree. It is a different atmosphere on the PC. I played it on the PC from beta up until it released on the PS4. I find that those on the PS4 have a different attitude entirely. No RP, everyone is in a rush to top out and the market place is a mess from people who have no idea how the economy should work in a MMO. It is really hard to get use to and irritating that this beautiful game is such a mess on the PS4. I have made new friends and I do enjoy playing with them and will probably stay on the PS4 but I sure do miss the PC crowd.
The voice chat can be cool at times but for the most part crafting while listening to the ridiculous BS, arguing and nastiness is just ludicrous. It is certainly a different type of gamer than what I am use to in an MMO. (Not meaning everyone so don't anyone get all defensive.) I miss the chat box and the benefits it brings to guilds and selling.
This game probably would have been best left to strictly PC. I do not think the economy will hold out or even straighten out and that will be the downfall of the game for me. Playing on the console will certainly not be a long term thing for me like it has been on the PC for MMO's I enjoy. I played six years on EQ1 and 2 and many years on others. I am starting to get bored already since I moved to the console due to the lack of RP, grouping and the pace that many take on the console.